[lace-chat] S.P.thanks

2003-11-19 Thread Magaret Turner

Just received your parcel this morning, and just the pick up I needed,
especially the little angel, it is lovelly.I will be able to oranize my lace
days for next year with the calendar, and just right for the purse. Hope
that I can get the decoration made up for my special lace xmas tree, the
jewel box is lovely and just my colours, and he bobbin with a hedgehog I
jujst love them, I am getting quite a collection going so it is will be
added to my others, Sorry I did not give you much information, I belong to
the local craft group, and we went through a phase of making teddies, I made
them for my handicaped daughter who loves to have them on the bed. My
grandchildren are Cameron twelve,Matthew 9 and Hannah 7. I hav e had a try
at most crafts over the years, but do not seem to find the time these days,
since DH retired, I do some cross stitch  but mainly work on my lace.
Thank you once again for this terrific parcel.

Margaret in a warm Mt Eliza

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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thanks

2003-11-19 Thread Maryanne Peebles
Hopefully this is third time lucky

I am lucky anyway!   I have a new Italian friend, who has send me a
wonderful gift.  I have threads in wonderful shades of pink and blue,
chocolates and a teatowel  which will look very good on one of my pillows.
For some reason my messages have been going going going.. but not
arriving ( or returning)

Thank you once again, and I look forward to finding out your identity

Maryanne in Ulverstone

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[lace-chat] Kneading Cats

2003-11-19 Thread Janice Blair
I love to get a massage from my cat, Molly, a calico, but not at 5:00 am, on my 
boobs, or when her claws need clipping, which is why I am at the computer so early 
this morning.  Ouch!!  Does anyone know why cats do this movement?
Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, IL, 50 miles nw of Chicago
Where I am anxiously watching my mailbox for the Lace Guild magazine.

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[lace-chat] Square bobbins

2003-11-19 Thread Scotlace
Some years ago I purchased a pair of square bobbins for my secret pal of the 
time.  It must have been at chepstow and therefore would have been from 
Winslow bobbins, I think.  They said they had started producing them because of 

Patricia in Wales

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[lace-chat] Thank you Secret Pal

2003-11-19 Thread Cindy Rusak

I'd like to thank my secret pal for the packet of gifts this 
month.  Unfortunately I'm having to fight with my children as to who gets 
to use them - they like the pen and the watch as much as I do.  The 
chocolates were great and the notepad is already getting used.  I write a 
fair number of notes so the note paper/envelopes will certainly come in handy.

Thanks so much,
Cindy, in Wisconsin
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[lace-chat] RE: Handicapped parking

2003-11-19 Thread Thurlow Weed
About two years ago, I had a serious illness from what turned out to be a
throat infection -- an exuberant overgrowth of the normal flora.  It was not
found early despite 2 trips to the MD and 1 to the ER.  It was three weeks
after the ER visit that I was finally able to get in to see the ENT
(ear/nose/throat specialist), who found the problem in about 10 seconds.
However, the pain was so intense up to then, that every swallow caused
excutiating pain in the throat and ear.  The ER doc had prescribed Tylenol 3,
and also Lidocaine (mixed 50/50 w/ Maalox) to use in the interim.  Because of
the frequnecy and strength of the medications, they not only took away the
pain, but also took away neuromuscular control in my legs.  I found myself
needing a handicapped placard for my car.

The experience was a real eye-opener when I would go to the market and see
people (glare at people?) without handicap ID parking in a spot that I really
needed, as I was walking with a cane at the time -- for a year, actually.  It
really drove home to me how important those spaces are, and what life savers
they are.

When I could walk without the cane, it was time to renew the placard, which I
decided not to do.  Though it was an effort, I chose to park in the nearest
regular space, even if it was some distance away.  God had seen fit to restore
reasonable walking ability to me, and more walking would be of great benefit
for my rehab.  And there were those who needed the space much more than me.
However, I now glare quite enthusiatically at those who steal the
handicapped parking slots!

Thurlow in LAncaster OH

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[lace-chat] :) Fwd: dubya the queen

2003-11-19 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
I'm positive I've heard this one before, just with a different cast of 
characters (I seem to remember queen Victoria?). However, The Visit (so 
well-discussed on chat g) makes it timely again, so... :) BTW, I 
wonder if horse-drawn carriages have to pay the congestion fee in 
London, or is it cars only?

From: S.D.
At London's Heathrow Airport, a 300-foot long red carpet stretches out 
to Air Force One and Mr. Bush strides to a warm but dignified handshake 
from Queen Elizabeth II.

They ride in a silver 1934 Bentley limousine to the edge of central 
London, where they then board an open 17th century coach pulled by six 
magnificent white matching horses. They ride toward Buckingham Palace, 
each looking sideways and waving to the thousands of cheering Britons.

So far everything is going well.

Suddenly the right rear horse lets fly with the most horrendous, 
earth-rending, eye-smarting blast of flatulence ever heard in the 
British Empire, so powerful that it shakes the coach.

Uncomfortable, but under control, the two Dignitaries of State do their 
best to ignore the incident. Finally, embarrassed, the Queen decides 
it's impossible to ignore.

Mr. President, please accept my regrets. I'm sure you understand that 
there are some things not even a Queen can control.

Ever the Texas gentleman, the President replies, Your Majesty, please 
don't give the matter another thought. You know, if you hadn't said 
something, I would have thought it was one of the horses.

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland
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