[lace-chat] Secret Pals

2004-02-14 Thread nicky.h-townsend
Dear Secret Pal
What a lovely start to the day, for some strange reason known only to the
post office, we don't usually get any post on a Saturday (unless it's
christmas time) it is usually held over to Monday! But today the postaman
delivered your parcel on a Saturday - must be Christmas all over again.

The scarf is absolutely gorgeous, as I took it out of the envelope I
immediately thought of spring and what beautiful colours and just my sort of
choice (I'm not into black and overcast shades of grey) - I shall wear it
tomorrow for sure, we are going to meet my future daughter-in-laws parents
for lunch. The clip is pretty too, I usually knot my scarves as I hadn't
found a suitable or nice enough clip but this is spot on, so very clever of
you. Thank you so very much.
A very happy secret pal

Nicky in Suffolk

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Re: [lace-chat] Re: English Lace mag

2004-02-14 Thread Tregellas Family
Hi Ruth,

Got my mag the day after Liz and I'm savouring it.  As my birthday
present in January, Jim gave me a membership subscription to the English
Lace Guild  :-)  I got copies 111 and 112 in one envelope two weeks ago and
now I have 113 to drool over.  Well, I need something to do in 44.3 deg.
heat today. 

Take care
Shirley  in scorching Adelaide, South Australia (the hottest Feb. day on record)

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[lace-chat] BOTTLED WATER

2004-02-14 Thread WaltonVS
Having just come back from Spain I am happy at being able to drink tap water 
again. Have any of you, like me thought that bottled water in this country is 
a con? Have you realised what the water Evian is called if you spell it 
backwards? Cynical?


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[lace-chat] Secret Pal thanks

2004-02-14 Thread M. L. Mouzon
I want to thank you for your package.  I am always impressed at how much
thought you put into your gifts.  This month seemed to have a theme!  mini
theme that is...mini barrel of monkeys (perfect for entertaining bored nephews
and nieces and I have already had a large sized barrel of fun showing it off)
a mini divider pin (beautiful in it's diminutiveness) and a mini craft keeper!
I am using it for my spangling beads!  The pin cushion has found its home and
the threads are beautiful.  I am hanging the adorable mini rooster bucket on
my wall with some silk daisies in it.  It is going to look great.  I'll have
to send you pictures of all your rooster things when this comes to an end.
Hope you had a sweet Valentine's Day and that work is slowing down a bit for
you so that you can enjoy it!  Thank you so much for the past few months and
the effort you have made...it is appreciated :)
Debbie in Florida (where the skies are gray a lot these days, but the hope for
sunny days is very much alive)

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Re: [lace-chat] :) Fwd: Language is cool

2004-02-14 Thread Scotlace
This was widely publicised in the Uk some time ago.  I think, at the time, 
Jean Nathan mentioned it on chat.

patricia in Wales

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[lace-chat] Australian weather

2004-02-14 Thread W N Lafferty
Just heard that Adelaide has had its hottest temperature yesterday
since 1939 - 43 degrees C!!!   Firefighters are on alert, but so far
no destructive fires.  Are you surviving OK Shirley?

I think Cooma was up to about 40 yesterday, but at least we get
cool, sleepable nights
Noelene in Cooma
6.00 am, cool at the moment, but expecting another scorcher today.
Forecast - Possible afternoon thunderstorm

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[lace-chat] to my secret pal

2004-02-14 Thread Liz Beecher
To my Secret Pal,

Yes, you, you wonderful woman.  I'm just quickly on line between dashing 
around looking after my Aussie in order to say thank - wow, what a 
Valentine's gift that was.

Now that I know who you are, I will email you privately and thank you 




Liz B

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Re: [lace-chat] Australian weather

2004-02-14 Thread Liz Beecher
Now I know why my tame Aussie has come over here - you should have seen 
him playing in the snow like a kid.


W  N Lafferty wrote:

  Just heard that Adelaide has had its hottest temperature yesterday
  since 1939 - 43 degrees C!!!   Firefighters are on alert, but so far
  no destructive fires.  Are you surviving OK Shirley?
  I think Cooma was up to about 40 yesterday, but at least we get
  cool, sleepable nights
  Noelene in Cooma
  6.00 am, cool at the moment, but expecting another scorcher today.
  Forecast - Possible afternoon thunderstorm


Liz B

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[lace-chat] Re: Language is cool

2004-02-14 Thread Tamara P. Duvall
On Feb 14, 2004, at 8:36, Clay Blackwell wrote:

The following was on a puzzle calendar and I recognized it 
immediately...  So if the letters are in the right order, even if the 
vowels are missing, the meaning seems to be
Not to a foreigner, it isn't :) In fact, perhaps the meaning is not so 
apparent even to an English speaker but one from outside of the *US*...

Fr scr nd svn yrs g r frfthrs brght frth t ths ntn...
Take fr for example...
Far, fare, fear, fir, fire, for, fore, fur, fury...  Just off the top 
of my head, I can find *nine* words which could hide under the two 
consonants, once the vowels are removed (one of the reasons I found 
Hebrew impossible to learn; don't know how you managed, Avital). And 
I'm reasonably literate in English (perhaps it's a drawback g)

The same could be done with *almost* any other word in the sequence 
though, admittedly, the longer the word (the more consonants), the 
fewer unintended options are available, which makes it easier to 
unscramble the entire sentence...

The only reason I understood the quote is that frfthrs offers very 
few interpretations, so it became the centre from which I was able to 
-- almost -- decipher the rest. *Almost*, because -- unlike American 
children -- I did *not* grow up with the first line of the Gettysburg 
Address indelibly imprinted on my brain (I can quote the beginning of 
the Communist Manifesto, though... in Polish g). I was able to 
*recognize* it (and that's what Clay did: I recognized it 
immediately) -- if not quite immediately -- but I could not *read* it, 
so that, where I didn't *remember* what the text was supposed to be, 
I'm still clueless... :)

It's very much like one of my most nightmarish memories of U...

Part of my final exam (Warsaw U) in Old English consisted of a 
paragraph of text, to be translated into modern English. The paragraphs 
were different for every 4th student, to make cribbing impossible (none 
of one's immediate neighbours had the same text). *Some* of the 
vocabulary was supplied (much like the frfthrs) to help us with the 
task, but none of the paragraphs were duplicates of what we'd studied 
in class.

I got an easy one -- the Lord's Prayer. I *recognized* it about fourth 
(laborious g) word into the translation (Our Father who are). Should 
have been a snap; just translate the prayer from Polish into modern 
English, check for possible traps (the teachers weren't above 
altering texts which might have been memorised), write out in fair 
hand, and you're done... The trouble was, the Lord's Prayer wasn't 
part and parcel of my upbringing; unlike most Polish children, I had 
atheists for parents... :)

Peter Goldsmith (in Oz?) wrote:

It really is amazing the power of the brain. However, I would say the 
depends on how fluent a reader someone is.
I agree entirely, but would like to add one more facet: the success 
will also depend on one's cultural environment, as an extension of what 
one *expects* to see in any given text. English is my second language, 
but I've been in the US long enough to have recognized the quote; it's 
somewhat familiar to me, because I had to study American history for my 
citizenship exam... How many *native English speakers* from other 
countries (UK, OZ, Canada) also recognised and interpreted correctly 
the same truncated version?

Fr scr nd svn yrs g r frfthrs brght frth t ths ntn...
Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland
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[lace-chat] Thanks to Secret Pal

2004-02-14 Thread Patty Dowden
Dear Kiwi Pal,

My husband and I laughed and laughed when we saw the glittering treasures 
in this month's package.  I am a true crow at heart and always go for the 
shiny baubles.
Everything arrived whole and healthy.  I received your package at the same 
time as a long awaited lace book order, so I am fairly swimming in delights.

Best of luck to your daughter's skating team.  I have an ulterior motive, 
I'd very much like to meet you face to face.

Thanks again,


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[lace-chat] Re: [lace] special people

2004-02-14 Thread Liz Beecher

Sorry to cross post but I wanted to say this to both lists

I don't want to start a trend of me too emails but I quickly logged 
between ferrying the Aussie around and was just thinking that as he has 
asked me to get a place with him and so, this Tuesday, we sign the 
contracts and move in.

It is likely that I will be away from the lists for a few weeks whilst I 
sort out internet access etc and I was trying to think of a way to thank 
all of you guys here for your help and let you know my good news and 
there was Lynn's post saying just what I wanted to say to you all.

You love and friendship over all the time I've been on the lists is 
fantastic and I am really grateful for your support during the terrible 
time last year when my cat was fitting and unfortunately died - you 
really are a wonder bunch of people.

Thanks guys

If anyone wants to get hold of me then email me personally as initially 
only gaurentee that I will be able to see those emails.




  I was sitting here staring at my computer and decided to drop a note.  I
  wanted to say how special this group of people are to me.  You have
  opened your
  hearts and shared your wisdom, even some of you have share treasures
  with me.  snipped
  Thank you,
  Clarksburg, West Virginia

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