[lace-chat] demo question

2005-03-30 Thread Alice Howell
I had a stray thought that I want to toss out to you.
Does the time spent making lace in the public lobby of a hotel count as 
demo time in our guild log book?

What do you think?
Alice in Oregon -- where the sun peeked through for a few minutes but more 
rain is coming. 

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Re: [lace-chat] Unusual sighting in the nursing home

2005-03-30 Thread David Collyer
Dear Martha.,
. but this time it was a small kangaroo (well, maybe a wallaby - we don't 
know the difference up here), just lolloping along the hallway, peering in 
the doorways!  After I left, someone told me there was a joey in a pouch 
at the nurses' station, but I was in too much of  rush to go back to see it.
When I was hand rearing Archie the Eastern grey kangaroo back in 1990, I 
was working in a rehab ward. He used to come with me every day and hang in 
his "pouch" which was a sewn up jumper (pullover/sweater) on the back of 
the doctor's chair. That was OK until the day he pissed on the floor :)
Those 3 hourly feeds never have any let up - and that was for over 6 months!!!
Fond memories though
David in Ballarat

Martha Krieg   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  in Michigan
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[lace-chat] Secret Pal Thanks

2005-03-30 Thread Faye Owers
Dear Secret Pal,

Thank you for the lovely parcel, The Bobbin will be added to my next project
and will be treasured.  The Bookmark and coaster from the Motor Museum were
snatched up by my husband who loves cars so they have found a very good home.
The ladybird is so cute thank you, and the soaps and little charms I will
certainly use.  Thank you for the lovely parcel.

Faye Owers


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Re: [lace-chat] demo question

2005-03-30 Thread Patty Dowden
Dear Alice,
Absolutely, without a doubt!  Lacemakers always have a good time together 
and that is a PR plus.  Imagine the impression of a quiet group, toiling 
away, not responding to bystanders would make.  We enjoy lacemaking and it 
should show.  We enjoy talking to the public and that makes it a very 
postive experience for the public.  As members of a large organization, 
just being there speaks volumes about lace as a living, breathing art and 
craft.  Mark down your hours.  It's some of the best demo time there is.

At 08:10 AM 3/30/2005, you wrote:
I had a stray thought that I want to toss out to you.
Does the time spent making lace in the public lobby of a hotel count as 
demo time in our guild log book?

What do you think?
Alice in Oregon -- where the sun peeked through for a few minutes but more 
rain is coming.
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[lace-chat] pinatas

2005-03-30 Thread Jennifer Audsley
>I think they went through the line about three times before the rope
>finally broke and the child with the bat pulled off the blindfold and
>beat the thing to pieces.

This comment brings a smile to my face. The first time I made a pinata I
just flew by the seat of my pants, thinking "I can do that". Well, it
was in the shape of a big red-backed spider, and ended up looking great.
Papier-mache over balloon. I had been concerned about it not being
strong enough to hold all the goodies, so there was quite a few
newspaper layers. Big mistake.  This thing was getting whacked and
whacked by a great line of kids, with no sign of wear or tear.
Eventually it was split by the biggest kid, without a blindfold, using
my Mum's walking stick!! Came down with a large tear in it, and then
disappeared under a swarm of yelling boys. Everyone had fun tho, and no

Jen in Melbourne (where it is a gorgeous, sunny 28 degrees C - in

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[lace-chat] Re: connection charges

2005-03-30 Thread Tamara P Duvall
On Mar 30, 2005, at 19:19, Janice Blair wrote:
I am a little naive when it comes to finding out how to save on 
various items but this week I felt quite proud of myself.  My 
connection charge for DSL went up at the end of my year contract with 
SBC from $26.95 to $49.95!
Where and when I grew up, we *assumed* we were gonna get screwed if we 
"didn't watch their fingers"; it was the "survival techniques 101" :) 
After arriving in the US, I let my caution barriers down at the 
instigation of DH, who believed (and still half-does, I think ) 
that, because of "democracy" and "openness" prevaling here, such 
blatant "scalping" was not possible. He was born and raised here, and 
he's 25 yrs my senior... I believed him :)

Big mistake, and I'm now teaching him the basics of "riding the system" 
as I learnt it in my teens :)

I saw in the newspaper that they will be offering a much cheaper rate 
to new connections so I called the 800 number on my bill to ask if I 
qualified for a cheaper rate.  I was told I did and that in future my 
bill will be reduced back down to the $26.95 rate and they can go back 
two months in the billing so I will receive a refund for the 
They were counting on people who: a) didn't mind having their bill 
doubled (they're probably in dept to the gills already, what's another 
$23 a month? Especially if they have no intention of paying) b) didn't 
even notice c) didn't think there *was* a recourse d) had no clue how 
to protest.

Good for you not to go under uncomplaining!
I signed up a 3 yr DSL contract with my provider 2.5 yrs ago. It's a 
small local firm, its owner is a personal acquaintance and 
almost-friend (being a Slav), and as honest as the day is long. 2.5 yrs 
ago, a 3yr contract got me a 10% discount, the per-month payment was 
established ($15 higer than for dial-in I used to have with them) at 
$39. Which, at the time, was exactly what Sprint (the phone company 
we're with) was offering, so I had the satisfaction of supporting 
*local* business and not losing any money in the process.

After about a year, Sprint had - through every-third-month hikes - gone 
up to $49, while my "little local guy" stayed level, and I was patting 
myself on the back for being smart. About a year ago, due to some new 
laws (or some old laws being sustained; I'm not sure which), both 
dropped their prices by $5 a month. To new customers :) To entice such, 
the "initiation fee" (installment) was being dropped for the month of 
the campaign.

Almost-friend or no, I was on the guy like white on milk in no time 
flat :) We could do it that hard way: I quit one day, and resubscribe 
the next at the new rate. Or we could do it the sensible way: he 
adjusts my existing rate down $5. Which is what he chose to do, and no 
hard feelings, seeing that he comes from a similiar school of hard 
knocks as I do (ony harder, being a Serb). He's made enough on the 
un-clued (I'm an "old subscriber, I don't qualify for the new rate"), 
not to grudge me my $5 :)

  So if you have a contract like mine make sure to check if you can 
get it back down and get a refund.  Pity I couldn't qualify for the 
$19.95 rate that they are going to offer to new customers. :-)
Make *dead-sure* you can't... A  day or so of being disconnected might 
be worth it, uness the connection fee is *really whopping* 
($7difference x 12 months = $84). If the connection fee is less than 
that, it might be worth while to disconnect and then connect as a "new 

"Creative accounting" is what big firms do *all the time*, not to 
mention borrowing from Paul at 1% and lending to Peter at 3/%. What's 
sauce for the goose...

Tamara P Duvallhttp://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
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[lace-chat] Re: Tamara's mobile phone

2005-03-30 Thread Tamara P Duvall
On Mar 30, 2005, at 2:52, Jean Nathan wrote:
It's pay-as-you-go, and both DH and I took it out with us if we were 
out alone
mainly to be able to get in touch with home or call the breakdown 
service if
That is, *precisely*, how DH and I were going to use ours, once we 
decided - after 2 yrs of back and forth - that we were going *to get* 
one I saw how efficient the "pay as you go" system was in Poland 
(every parent has it it firmly in place, now that 7yr olds have their 
own phones ), and it seemed admirable to me.

Well... Rude awakening in US time zone :)
In choice of provider, I followed Consumer Reports for the "consumer 
satisfaction with customer service"; I may be spoiled with my local ISP 
(who'll even come to the house if a screw-up is really beyond my 
comprehension), but I got used to a *reliable* response, which I can 
reinforce by showing up on their doorstep like an Avenging Angel on PMS 
pill. While DH, every time there's trouble with the phone or cable has 
to deal with Sprint and being bounced from Ohio to NY state and back 
before he gets a "live one". Who's likely to be totally un-clued and 
will bounce him through the remaining 48 (or whatever) States. I have 
neither patience nor time for that crap.

According to Consumer Reports, Verizon is the best liked (though abot 
60% away from perfect satisfaction ), with T-Mobil in second place, 
and Sprint in 3rd (the ATT&T and Cingular merger is viewed with 
foreboding. Each of the pre-merger providers is judged - both below 
Sprint - but CR's *guess* is that problems will pile up rahter than 
halve) So, I went for Verizon. As an additional incentive, it has a 
local office (I can save $.37(stamp)+envelope+check printing every 
month when paying my bill. The Verizon office is next door to my 
grocery store too, so even extra gas doesn't figure)

I got my "literature" early in January, but never got to studying it 
until last week. What it told me was that "pay as you go" was, perhaps, 
not the best solution *for us*. It does not work like a phone card, the 
way it did in Poland - you keep using it until you've used it up, and 
then it's "g'bye cell-phone".

To begin with, if you have a "plan" with Verizon, your roaming charges 
apply to few areas; if you "pay as you go", roaming charges seem to 
apply to most of US, including the entire area I'm in. When roaming 
charges apply, it's 69c per minute on a "plan", but 99c per minue on a 
PAYG. On a "plan", the charge averages to 10c per minute, anywhere USA, 
free night time (21 to 6), free weekends, and free Verizon-to-Verizon 
(any time). None of which applies to PAYG. The cheapest available PAYG 
was $16 (less a penny); the cheapest available "plan" was $40 (less a 
penny ). The unused minutes from the PAYG *can* be rolled over to 
the next month, but with reservations - you have to buy the next unit 
first, and they gett added to that unit's allotment. All expire within 
30 days, unless you buy the *next* allotment. But you can't pile up 
allotments indefinitely - when the unused minutes reach a $1000 value, 
all's forfeited and you start buying/paying again...

I went for my meeting having grave reservations about the PAYG a la US, 
and leaning towards a "plan" (cheapest to be had). I was told that, 
while I spent 2 months waffling, the ground rules have changed... The 
PAYG is no longer called that - it's now "Impulse".

And it requires a very strong impulse, backed up by a grey-matter 
short-circuit to even consider...

The "plan" version no longer has *any* roaming charges, anywhere in the 
US (there are still some blank spots where no service is avilable); the 
"Impulse" still has lots (though fewer than it used to). "Impulse" has 
lowered its per minute for those from 99cts to 69cts per minute, but it 
can still pile up quickly. And, as before, VA's smack in the middle of 
it - I wanna call Clay in Lynchburg, or Severn wants to call his sister 
in Norfolk, or he goes off to Charlottesville to have his car fixed and 
wants to let me know he's arrived safely... it's all a buck a minute

All of which new info I could have taken home to chew on and weigh... 
Except... The ground rules have changed some more; apparently, we 
weren't paying *enough* as we went 

Now, when you get "Impulse" (erst while PAYG), you pay a dollar a day. 
*Whether you use the phone or not* during that time. I can't remember 
what the extras (roamaing carges, etc) were but the PAYG option 
suddenly had all the appeal of a lead balloon.

I signed up for a "plan". And for 2 yrs, too, as it took $25 off my 
initiation fee and $50 off my phone as compared to a 1 yr contract. 
Given that it took Severn 18months to unsuscribe from the "dedicated 
puter phone line" after I got him hooked up to my DSL (at no extra 
charge), I expect to be able to maintain that contract with no early 
withdrawal penalties :)

A totally unexpected ray of sunshine surfaced since yesterday...  
Because we're not likely to use the

[lace-chat] :) Fwd: Social Security

2005-03-30 Thread Tamara P Duvall
Had some "new-on me" jokes; can postpone "old but good ones" yet a 
while.. :)

From: L.F.
After retiring, I went to the social security office to apply for 
Social Security benefits. The woman behind the counter asked me for my 
driver's license to verify my age.

I looked in my pockets and realized I had left my wallet at home. I told
the woman that I was very sorry but I seemed to have left my wallet at
home. "I will have to go home and come back later."
The woman said, "Unbutton your shirt."
So I opened my shirt revealing my curly silver hair.
She said, "That silver hair on your chest is proof enough for me" and
she processed my Social Security application.
When I got home, I excitedly told my wife about my experience at the
Social Security office.
She said, "You should have dropped your pants. You might have gotten
disability too.
Tamara P Duvallhttp://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
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[lace-chat] :) Fwd: Gods gifts

2005-03-30 Thread Tamara P Duvall
From: L.F.
God was just about done creating man, but he had two things left 
over in his bag and He couldn't quite decide how to split them 
between Adam and Eve. He thought He might just as well ask them. 

He told them one of the things He had left was a thing that would allow 
the owner to pee while standing up. "It's a very handy thing," God told 
them, "and I was wondering if either one of you had a preference for 

Adam jumped up and down and begged, "Oh, please give that to me! I'd 
love to be able to do that! It seems like just the sort of thing a man 
should have. Please! Pleeease! Give it to me!"  On and on he went like 
an excited little boy. Eve just smiled and told God that if Adam really 
wanted it so badly, he could have it. So God gave Adam the thing that 
allowed him to pee standing up.

Adam was so excited he just started whizzing all over the place - first 
on the side of a rock, then he wrote his name in the sand, and then he 
tried to see if he could hit a stump ten feet away - laughing with 
delight all the while.

God and Eve watched him with amusement and then God said to Eve, "Well, 
I guess you're kind of stuck with the last thing I have left."

"What's it called?" asked Eve.
"Brains," said God.
Tamara P Duvallhttp://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
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[lace-chat] Tamara's mobile phone/cost

2005-03-30 Thread Jean Nathan
As said previously I've got 2 mobile phones.

The "brick" is on Cellnet. It was free. Calls are 50 pence per minute within
the UK, but charged by the second, so a 15 second call costs 12.5 pence. I
put GBP10.00 of call payment on it, and for the first couple of years, I had
to top it up with a minimum of GBP10.00 once every 365 days. Now it's
changed and my GBP10.00 can last as long as I want it to (even years),
provided I make one call every six months just to keep the phone live. It
works in Europe at a higher rate, but as it's not likely I'll go out of the
country (decided not to go to Denver - yes I know it's not in Europe -
because it took me two days to
acclimatise when the clocks change to summer time last weekend and I lost an
hour's sleep,
so what would I be like going back so much time to Denver?).

The new one is Vodafone. Cost GBP19.95. Calls cost 30 pence a minute, but
charged in 30p units, so it can work out dearer than the Cellnet. Again top
up is a minimum of GBP10.00 with no time limit on its use provided one call
is made very six months to keep it live.

Both sound a lot cheaper than was on offer to Tamara.

In a six month period I make about 5 calls, usually things like calling a
taxi to bring me home from the hospital after visiting the A & E department
when I fell and hit my head on the pavement, or to get an opinion on
something I've been sent out to buy by DH ("You could get that while you're
out to save me making a special journey"), when I don't really know what I'm
buying. Got no desire to fry my brain, and besides which there's very little
that's urgent enough to need to phone home, when I'll be therein an hour or

Jean in Poole

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[lace-chat] Re webshots

2005-03-30 Thread Shirley
I have just found out how to add to the webshots gallery but can anyone tell
me how to remove pictures ? as one I have put on is coming up all wrong and I
thought I would try again.
Shirley in Corio Oz.

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[lace-chat] connection charges

2005-03-30 Thread Janice Blair
I am a little naive when it comes to finding out how to save on various items 
but this week I felt quite proud of myself.  My connection charge for DSL went 
up at the end of my year long contract with SBC from $26.95 to $49.95!  I saw 
in the newspaper that they will be offering a much cheaper rate to new 
connections so I called the 800 number on my bill to ask if I qualified for a 
cheaper rate.  I was told I did and that in future my bill will be reduced back 
down to the $26.95 rate and they can go back two months in the billing so I 
will receive a refund for the overpayment.  You can bet your life I will be 
watching my phone bill in a years time to see if the rate jumps up again.  So 
if you have a contract like mine make sure to check if you can get it back down 
and get a refund.  Pity I couldn't qualify for the $19.95 rate that they are 
going to offer to new customers. :-)
Are there any other agreements out there that I should be aware of?

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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Re: [lace-chat] Re webshots

2005-03-30 Thread Sue Babbs
Simply go to the picture in gallery mode (ie all the thumbnails). Underneath 
it says edit and to the right of "edit" is an "X". Click on that "X"

If that doesn't work tell me which of your pictures you don't want and I'll 
delete it for you

I have just found out how to add to the webshots gallery but can anyone 
me how to remove pictures ? as one I have put on is coming up all wrong 
and I
thought I would try again.
Shirley in Corio Oz.

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