Alice wrote "There seems to be a fad in the USA for spicy foods in all the fast food chains, restaurants, and in processed foods. Sometimes I have to read a long way on a menu to find something without spice (which I don't like)."

Hear, hear!! and not only in the USA. I have allergies and trying to get it into the heads of cooks in the kitchen that I don't want pepper, spices, onions, etc on my food is sometimes like banging one's head on a brick wall (the only difference is that I can stop banging my own head, but can't get cooks to understand).

On one occasion, at a restaurant on the outskirts of Oxford, England, my meal went back 3 times! And that was after I had explained ALL my allergies to the waitress who said she understood because she had a brother who had severe allergies. Everyone had finished their main course by the time my meal finally arrived. For some reason chef's (and I use the term very loosely) seem to think that everyone wants paprika or similar on their food 'to make it look pretty'. The fact that it is inedible for me seems to be a realisation 10 ft above their stupid little heads.

Malvary in Ottawa, where we had a few flakes of the dreaded "s" word yesterday, but it should be a bit warmer today.
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