Re: [lace-chat] Crocodiles etc.... (Long Message)

2009-03-11 Thread Sue Duckles
Ours was perfectly legal too. However the French authorities obviously  
decided it would do in his cabinet 'You are not allowed more than  
100ml liquid in cabin luggage!'.  I proved that we'd bought it in the  
duty free in Havana, but we were NOT allowed it and it was  
confiscated!  I'm still rather annoyed about it!

Sue in EY
On 10 Mar 2009, at 22:31, Thurlow Weed wrote:

This made me think of a sea voyage I took with my parents in 1977 to  
Nassau, Bahamas from Miami.  We were all birdwatchers, and my father  
had somehow tracked down a birder in Nassau.  The gentleman gave my  
father, as a gift, a bottle of Cuban rum -- Batista rum!  As we came  
through Customs in Miami, of course we had nothing to declare, since  
the rum was pre-Castro and thus perfectly legal!  The Customs agent,  
however, was quite prepared to confiscate the rum and write up some  
official-looking paperwork, and probably have us all detained for  
attempting the smuggled contraband rum into the U.S.  However, when  
my father pointed out the *date* on the label -- I think it was 1952.

A very disappointed Customs agent!  One wonders where that bottle  
would have ended up, had it been contraband?  In the evidence  
locker? or perhaps in the agent's home liquor cabinet...?  :)

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[lace-chat] Crocodiles etc.... (Long Message)

2009-03-10 Thread Sue Duckles
Morning All

Just got back to the computer.  Went to school this morning to find  
that my standby patrol was there so I had a morning off!!  I  
stayed tho and chatted to him.  I don't think any of the parents there  
missed me!

Right. crocodiles. on the 2nd day there we went on the tour  
round a crocodile farm.  One guy had a baby crocodile with its mouth  
tied VERY firmly shut!!  He was putting it round people's necks for  
photos.  He said to me. you cuddle it like a baby!   I did, and it  
was definitely just like a baby. p straight down my tshirt and  
skirt  I think Chris has a photo on his camera when he gets  
them all on our website I'll post the link for you all!

Cuba was really fantastic!  A lot of UNESCO heritage sites there.  We  
saw a rum factory (but don't mention the French authorities and the  
rum.) (another story) a cigar factory. An Indian site, the  
site where Che Guavara's remains are buried.  the people were  
extremely friendly, I brought a few wooden boxes back, and a wooden  
model of a Buick for Patrick!  (He also got his teeshirt and beret so  
guess what he's wearing for school, the rebel!!) Chris got his Cuban  
Cigars, (we weren't allowed them when we went to Nassau in '02 because  
we couldn't take them back to Miami).  Went and had a mojito in  
'Hemingways Bar', (Ambos Mundas).  For those that don't know...  
Mohito's are: sugar, lemon juice and fresh mint sprigs crushed  
together, a large amount of rum and sparkling water.  You get them  
everywhere in Cuba, I'll have to make some in the summer for my  
friends (If I get the rum cheap enough that is.).  They do not  
make lace either, but I got a beautiful cotton mat/ hankie hand made  
for the equivalent of 80pence!!

Kyra doesn't know yet, and I'll take a photo before I give her it, but  
they seem to recycle everything!!  She has a bag made from can  
ringpulls which have been crocheted together to make the bag!  Black  
thread and gold ringpulls.  It's beautiful!!! (I may not give her  
it...)  Pat got his Che teeshirt and beret which he is delighted  
about!! and I've got Adrian a hat (just the same as western styles  
with the peak front) with Cuba written on it (He's got very short hair  
(thinks he's going bald) so it's to protect his head in the summer or  
when they go away!!

The poverty is in the 'real Cuba' as our rep described it.  Most of  
the towns outskirts are like shanty towns, the people only have enough  
money for food, which is why the old 40's style cars are there or  
the russian block ones.  Everyone gets a ride in crazy things like  
tipper trucks, lorries with goats in the back, pony  traps, and buses  
(but only when they are not carrying tourists).  In fact, I think it's  
illegal to drive anywhere without carrying passengers!!  there are  
certainly enough police on the roads checking up to make sure (they  
have to pay for the rides and I think most of the money goes back to  
the Government).

The last hotel was unbelievable!! (We'd stayed in almost every style  
hotel you could imagine), the first from the '20's in Havana (in fact  
there was a photo on the wall of when Al Capone was there!!  The  
second was 'french/spanish colonial style' but modern!  The 3rd was  
definitely built communist block style but was also in keeping with  
the community around it!  The last one though was extremely modern!   
Built around 2005 it was a pyramid!  The rooms were on the outside  
edges, 14 storeys high, and the centre was open with a glass roof!!   
It wouldn't be out of place in the 'posh' end of Miami!!!

I want to go back there!!  For a start it's warmer!!!

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