Dear List,

    I've been working on a City & Guilds in embroidery for many years here in
the U.S.  My tutor, Gail Harker (author of several good books on machine
embroidery) leads a tour of her U.S. and Canadian students to England each
summer, and the last few years this has included crossing the channel to see
the Bayeux Tapestry.  For this summer's trip she's thinking of spending a bit
more time in Normandy, with visits to Alencon or Argentan, and has asked me,
her only old lacemaker, for any information I have on museums or lace related
events in Normandy.  But I've never had the pleasure of visiting Normandy, my
links to the museum in Alencon no longer seem to work, and Google has been
less than inspiring.  So am asking for your help.

    Gail is asking for the following:

1. Information on any museums with good needlelace collections (these are
embroidery students) within a hour or two driving distance of Bayeux.  Museum
web sites would be wonderful, or a telephone number or address.

2. Any lace or embroidery related demonstrations, workshops, festival, or
other activities in Normandy during the first few weeks of October, 2007.

3.  A person who might act as a lace guide in Normandy for a day.

Many thanks for any help you can provide,

Denise Liberio
Bellingham, Washington, U.S.A.

 And...if you're interested in finding out more about Gail Harker and her
students her web site is at:

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