On May 8, 2004, at 16:43, H. Muth (Heather) wrote:

I like having the voice and the photo to go along with the letters from Arachnids. I 'hear' them when I read their writings. I have a picture of Bev Walker in my mind whenever she writes. And any others I have met or heard or of whom I have seen pictures. It just adds to the daily Arachne dose.

Indeed it does :) Which is one of the big reasons why I love my Mac (OSX) so much. Its Mail system has this cute feature, where you can put the photo of someone into your addressbook, with all the other details. And then, every time that person writes/posts on the list, you get to see the picture (in the top left corner, next to the header). I love it; have been scrounging photos for it everywhere I can. Even learning how to use the digital camera was greatly motivated by the desire to "illustrate" as much of my addressbook as possible :) I was absolutely *livid* when one of the Jaguar updates "stole" that feature from me, and greatly relieved when Panther restored it.

Don't have yours, Heather; wanna e-mail me one? Jpg format by preference, please.
Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia, USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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