Dear Pene,

finger dainties would be food on trays that you can pick up with your fingers.
like the things you get at a cocktail party: tiny canapes, small quiches, small
sausage rolls...anything that's small enough to be eaten in one or two bites.
bloater is a kind of fish that is made into spreading paste, and soldiers are
probably cut up pieces of toast or bread, like the ones we dipped into egg as
children. I imagine a sunray would refer to the presentation of the "soldiers"
on the plate, in circles stating from the centre of the dish, going towards the
outside like rays of sun as drawn by a child.

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne

Pene wrote:

>She asked me if I knew what a "finger dainty" was. We
presumed it was some sort of food, either a small dainty
cookie (long rather than round) or a sandwich. What is it?

Then there was a sentence that ended with: "she picked
up a sunray of bloater paste soldiers."  I know that "soldiers"
are slices of bread or toast cut into fingers, but what is
"bloater paste" and a "sunray"? Can anyone please explain?

Thanks for your help,

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