Re: [LARTC] More on qdiscs

2002-05-05 Thread Martin Devera

only a few notes on the theme. You are right with the displacement
and bad enqueue byte counters. Maybe it would be better to cound
packets at dequeue time only in clasfull qdisc. It also makes better
sense because qdosc can also instruct SFQ to drop packet - this drop
is then not decremented from HTB/CBQ's stats.
HTB uses enqueue time counting because CBQ does it too and at very
begining I based my work on CBQ. Seems it is time to change things.

Another important info: you really CAN'T drop packets in dequeue
routine if you don't want to fool classfull parent. Many logic
in CBQ/HTB/ATM/PRIO qdisc is based on the existence of backlog.
When you drop in dequeue, parent will think that he itself still
has some packets somewhere (in children) and will constantly attempt
to find them. And will be confused by the fact that it can't.

Enqueue routine can give you confirmation of packet enqueue, drop
routine the same. Only dequeue can't say hey there is your skb and by
the way two others was dropped. What a pity.

One way is to monitor (store) q.qlen variable of all children of
classfull qdisc. When I call enqueue/drop/dequeue on it I'll see
its discrepancy agains last stored value and will update my counter
accordingly. In the same way we could add q.bytelen and then we would be
able to do the same for bytes - but this is not neccessary probably
as we need to know only bytes dequeued ...

There is other way - add parameter to dequeue routine which tells us
how many packets we should out qlen decrease by. But I think that former
approach is simpler and prone to silent drops (for example by some
Don do you plan to implement these corrections for CBQ/PRIO ? I'll do
the change for HTB.

On Sat, 4 May 2002, Don Cohen wrote:

 I notice one other small problem with my modified version of SFQ.
 The fact that packets can be dropped at dequeue time is incompatible
 with the way HTB (and probably CBQ and others modeled on it) keep
 statistics.  When I fill a low rate queue causing packets to expire
 and be dropped at dequeue I get interesting statistics like this:

 This is my variant of SFQ
  qdisc plfq 8016: dev eth1
  Sent 17468 bytes 166 pkts (dropped 833, overlimits 0)
  qdisc htb 1: dev eth1 r2q 10 default 2 dcache 0
  deq_util 1/100 deq_rate 0 trials_per_deq 0
  dcache_hits 0 direct_packets 0
  Sent 32626 bytes 309 pkts (dropped 690, overlimits 1126)
  backlog 143p

 Note that plfq, which is inside of htb, thinks it has dropped more
 packets than htb has.  The reason is that htb considers a packet to be
 sent when it's enqueued.  I notice in retrospect that even with
 current SFQ, the statistics are not correct.  The reason is that it's
 possible to successfully enqueue packet#1 (at which point HTB adds its
 length to the number of bytes sent), then fail to enqueue packet#2.
 But within SFQ this failure might really mean that packet#2 was
 accepted to be sent later and it displaced packet#1.  It happens that
 this replacement keeps the packet count correct, but not the byte
 count.  One can imagine another version of SFQ that, instead of
 limiting the number of packets in the queue, limits the number of
 bytes.  In that case the number of packets would not be correct

 I think that HTB (and other classful qdiscs) should count the
 number of bytes and packets sent when they're dequeued, not when
 they're enqueued.  It's an interesting point that, at the moment, I
 don't see any way for the classful qdisc to know how many packets and
 bytes were dropped.  However, I think it would be useful to know
 instead how many were passed to enqueue.  Then you'd get a report like
  Enqueued 32626 bytes 309 pkts, Dequeued 17468 bytes 166 pkts
 where the difference is the sum of what's been dropped and what's
 still in the queue.



Re: [LARTC] IMQ question

2002-05-05 Thread Martin Devera

The first line only mark packet. After it leaves iptables it
will enter IMQ because of the mark.

On Sun, 5 May 2002, Ciprian Niculescu wrote:

 whitch is the logic in this peace of code

 iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -j IMQ
 iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -s -j MARK --set-mark 1

 and in the imq0 i have a class that handle the pachets marked with 1

 this works, the question is why?

 beacouse i understand that:
 the pachet first enter the IMQ table, and in the queue, after that he
 exit and continue with the next rule in the PREROUTING, witch is the


[LARTC] bad idee or?

2002-05-05 Thread Ciprian Niculescu

i want to do:

iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING  -j MARK

multiples marks with different mark
iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING ... -j MARK
multiples marks with different mark

iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -j IMQ

practicaly i want to prioritise/limit all the trafic in and out, by
different complex/wheird rules on an linux router with 4 real interfaces
and 3 more virtual, the trafic is at about 5Mbit with the ISP, and
spikes of 20Mbit on some local interfaces.

so the ideea is too mark the trafic in the PRE, and POST ROUTING table
(this is the place where i have all the trafic), and at the end of the
ROUTING process to put all the trafic throw IMQ, shape/prio it and the
let it go to the real interfaces where i do some ganeral interface

so the ideea is good or not  :)



Re: [LARTC] bad idee or?

2002-05-05 Thread Martin Devera

It how it is supposed to work IMHO :)

On Sun, 5 May 2002, Ciprian Niculescu wrote:

 i want to do:

 iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING  -j MARK
 multiples marks with different mark

 so the ideea is too mark the trafic in the PRE, and POST ROUTING table
 (this is the place where i have all the trafic), and at the end of the
 ROUTING process to put all the trafic throw IMQ, shape/prio it and the
 let it go to the real interfaces where i do some ganeral interface

 so the ideea is good or not  :)


[LARTC] Re: More on qdiscs - about dangling backlogs

2002-05-05 Thread Don Cohen

Martin Devera writes:
  only a few notes on the theme. You are right with the displacement
  and bad enqueue byte counters. Maybe it would be better to cound
  packets at dequeue time only in clasfull qdisc. It also makes better
  sense because qdosc can also instruct SFQ to drop packet - this drop

I don't understand.  What other qdisc instructs SFQ to drop?

  is then not decremented from HTB/CBQ's stats.
  HTB uses enqueue time counting because CBQ does it too and at very

I figured that's why it worked that way.

  begining I based my work on CBQ. Seems it is time to change things.

  Another important info: you really CAN'T drop packets in dequeue
  routine if you don't want to fool classfull parent. Many logic
  in CBQ/HTB/ATM/PRIO qdisc is based on the existence of backlog.

I gather you only care whether this qdisc is waiting to send, not how
much is in the queue.

  When you drop in dequeue, parent will think that he itself still
  has some packets somewhere (in children) and will constantly attempt
  to find them. And will be confused by the fact that it can't.

  Enqueue routine can give you confirmation of packet enqueue, drop
  routine the same. Only dequeue can't say hey there is your skb and by
  the way two others was dropped. What a pity.

  One way is to monitor (store) q.qlen variable of all children of
  classfull qdisc. When I call enqueue/drop/dequeue on it I'll see
  its discrepancy agains last stored value and will update my counter

This seems like the right solution, except that you shouldn't even
need to store a counter.  Just use the one in the child qdisc.
BTW, I think you are justified in assuming that this counter can only
change in two ways: decrease when dequeue is called (but possibly by
more than one packet) and increase by 1 when enqueue is called.
And I guess also requeue.  Which raises another problem, since that's
not called by the parent, right?

  accordingly. In the same way we could add q.bytelen and then we would be
  able to do the same for bytes - but this is not neccessary probably
  as we need to know only bytes dequeued ...

My impression is that every qdisc is currently supposed to keep track
of # packets in the queue, but not necessarily # bytes.
Best not to change that, especially since we don't even have any
currently proposed use for it.

  There is other way - add parameter to dequeue routine which tells us
  how many packets we should out qlen decrease by. But I think that former
  approach is simpler and prone to silent drops (for example by some

I think you're saying the former approach is better, but prone 
suggests otherwise.

I prefer the former approach.  It's better for all the other qdiscs
out there to keep working without change.  There are only a few 
classful qdiscs that would have to change, and they could still work
unchanged with qdiscs that don't do silent drops.

  Don do you plan to implement these corrections for CBQ/PRIO ?

Not any time soon.  The last time I tried to read CBQ it was in order
to figure out what all those parameters mean, and I didn't get very
far.  Now that I no longer use it I have less incentive.

  I'll do the change for HTB.
But which ones?
It sounds like you plan to
- count as sent only what's returned from dequeue
- ignore the return value of enqueue and check the queue length to see
  whether it's empty
I like those, but also suggested that HTB would be a good place to add
code for dropping stale packets.  If you're interested in doing that I
should mention: 
Not all packets come with timestamps (e.g., locally generated ones).
Solution: at enqueue, if the timestamp is 0, set it to the current