[LARTC] Few question on HTB

2004-04-02 Thread Sandeep Agarwal
Dear All,

Sorry to trouble again. After go through www.lartc.org I have implemented the HTB 
instead of CBQ
for the same scenario.
Now following files are under /etc/sysconfig/htb directory.

eth0 DEFAULT=30 R2Q=10
eth0-2.root  RATE=256kbps  BURST=25k
eth0-2:10.comp1 RATE=120kbps  BURST=12k  PRIO=0  LEAF=sfq  RULE=
eth0-2:20.comp2 RATE=80kbps  BURST=8k  PRIO=1  LEAF=sfq  RULE=
eth0-2:30.server  RATE=56kbps  BURST=6k  PRIO=3  LEAF=sfq  RULE=

eth1-2:30.root RATE=56kbps  BURST=6k
eth1-2:30:300.all RATE=56kbps  BURST=6k  PRIO=3  LEAF=sfq  RULE= 

eth2-2:20.root RATE=80kbps  BURST=8k
eth2-2:20:200.all RATE=80kbps  BURST=8k  PRIO=1  LEAF=sfq  RULE=  

eth3-2:10.rootRATE=120kbps  BURST=12k
eth3-2:10:100.allRATE=120kbps  BURST=12k  PRIO=0  LEAF=sfq  RULE=  

When I have run
# service htb.init start
it returns nothing . Is it OK? Also stats returns nothing. Are the above configuration 
files OK?

Thanking you,
Sandeep Agarwal
- Original Message -
From: "Sandeep Agarwal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 5:08 PM
Subject: Suggestion required on CBQ !!

> Dear Sir,
> -
> -
> Scenario: Restrict Server, Comp1 & Comp2 on given speed.
> --256kbps---|eth0(
>  |eth1(Server room) 56kbps (
>  |eth2(Company2) 80kbps (
> (
>  |eth3(Company1) 120kbps(
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RE: [LARTC] Complex Routing/Firewalling/Bridging question

2004-04-02 Thread Daniel Chemko
This is an intriguing problem, and one that applies to what my network
is moving into.

> First, we're bringing in 2 additional T's and want to use BGP to
> provide for some measure of failover to an Class C portable IP block
> we own.  My question regarding this is, what do I need to do on my
> Linux firewall/NAT box so that it knows how to send outbound packets?

I can't tell you much about BGP, but I've heard horror stories about the
excessive bandwidth needed just to send/receive the updates. One
alternative to BGP would be WAN (for outbound) and DNS (for inbound)
load balancing. This works if you have a large series of small IP
sessions. This alternative wouldn't be appropriate if you have a few
VERY large sessions to manage, like high-bandwidth IPSec tunnels. That's
your judgment call.

> Second, we currently have two seperate DMZ networks, one for corporate
> Internet servers, and one for client-accessible Internet servers.
> Currently, both these networks, and our internal LAN, (and all of our
> IPSec-connected remote offices) are all subnets in the 10.* range, and
> NATted to the outside.  I'm using Shorewall on RH9 (Linux 2.4) to
> handle the firewalling and SNAT/DNAT for the DMZs and NAT for the
> LAN, and FreeS/WAN for the IPSec WAN.

Sounds fine. I'm not sure how robust the shorewall framework is for
complex networks, but if it works for you, all the better.

> What I would _like_ to do is build an "invisible" firewall between the
> routers provided with each of the three T-1 lines (yes, each T has
> it's own Cisco 2600-series router).  Ideally, two, in some sort of
> fail-over configuration.  I want to split the firewalling from the
> routing primarily to remove the chance of breaking one when working
> on the other, but this is not a set-in-stone requirement.

I think you're on the right track. Just one point, you would have a
hub/switch between each T1 and the firewall. This could be a one or two
L3 switches, or you could just have a single switch/hub for each T1.

I wouldn't have each T1 visible to each-other. I have inherent fears of
people finding a vulnerability/DOS situation bouncing packets from one
1600 to another. That may not be based on reality, but it helps me sleep
having all end points terminate at a firewall.

> Would it be better to forgo the edge firewall, and simply put
> firewalls on each network that connects to the Internet or another
> internal network? 

I'd have
a single edge firewall that does internet filtering and all the
a router that does the route selection (assuming you're not
using BGP)
a firewall inside the router to handle inter-LAN filtering
(if the IPSec drops in as a LAN subnet, I'd place it on the
interior firewall)
All of this could obviously be consolidated into one or two machines.
The load and risk of configuration may increase having them on the same
machine, but it is cheaper if it's a concern.

> If so, should the NAT for the LAN be handled by the LAN's firewall,
> or the router?

Described above

> Since we really need to be able to connect from any network to any
> network internally, would I put the IPSec links in the Linux router?

Described above

> Am I making this all too complex?  Should I just combine the firewall
> & router into a single box, build a fail-over twin for it, and have
> it run the IPSec links, the proxy-arp for psuedo-bridging to the
> DMZs, the NAT for the LAN->Internet communications and all the
> internal routing? 

Failover is pretty much a requirement stepping beyond what we have here.
You'll run into problems with making both active. Since you look like
you'd go failover because of excessive workload, I'd follow my original
suggestion above. For redundancy, you should definitely pair up each
component eventually. Choose the ones with the highest failure rate to
work with first.

> And where the hell does BGP for the T-1s fit into this mess?

Like I said, for a T1, you may run into problems. I can't say for sure
one way or another.
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[LARTC] Complex Routing/Firewalling/Bridging question

2004-04-02 Thread Gregory K. Ruiz-Ade
I'm being cast headlong into unfamiliar waters here, and being desperate for 
some air, thought I'd come here for some help. :)

Anyway, my employer is going through some whiplash-inducing growth spurts, 
and as a result, the simple "Internet T-1 -> Linux Firewall/NAT -> LAN" 
setup just isn't going to cut it anymore.

First, we're bringing in 2 additional T's and want to use BGP to provide for 
some measure of failover to an Class C portable IP block we own.  My 
question regarding this is, what do I need to do on my Linux firewall/NAT 
box so that it knows how to send outbound packets?

Second, we currently have two seperate DMZ networks, one for corporate 
Internet servers, and one for client-accessible Internet servers.  
Currently, both these networks, and our internal LAN, (and all of our 
IPSec-connected remote offices) are all subnets in the 10.* range, and 
NATted to the outside.  I'm using Shorewall on RH9 (Linux 2.4) to handle 
the firewalling and SNAT/DNAT for the DMZs and NAT for the LAN, and 
FreeS/WAN for the IPSec WAN.

What I would _like_ to do is build an "invisible" firewall between the 
routers provided with each of the three T-1 lines (yes, each T has it's own 
Cisco 2600-series router).  Ideally, two, in some sort of fail-over 
configuration.  I want to split the firewalling from the routing primarily 
to remove the chance of breaking one when working on the other, but this is 
not a set-in-stone requirement.

So, given my poor ascii-art skills, the layout might look something like 

^^^}-{T1(a)}--[cisco(a)]--+   +--{Service DMZ}
'N }  |   |
 e }-{T1(b)}--[cisco(b)]--+-[[firewall]-[router]]-+--{Corporate DMZ}
 t }  |   |
vvv}-{T1(c)}--[cisco(c)]--+   +--{LAN}
  +--{future growth}

Now, for the sake of argument, we'll call our portable Class C  I hope to share it between the service DMZ and the 
corporate DMZ.  The two DMZs need to be seperate for security concerns, and 
I'll need to do some amount of firewalling between the DMZs, and between 
the DMZs and the LAN, in addition to the firewalling between the Internet 
and our networks.

So, here's my list of questions:

Would it be better to forgo the edge firewall, and simply put firewalls on 
each network that connects to the Internet or another internal network?

If so, should the NAT for the LAN be handled by the LAN's firewall, or the 

Since we really need to be able to connect from any network to any network 
internally, would I put the IPSec links in the linux router?

Am I making this all too complex?  Should I just combine the firewall & 
router into a single box, build a fail-over twin for it, and have it run 
the IPSec links, the proxy-arp for psuedo-bridging to the DMZs, the NAT for 
the LAN->Internet communications and all the internal routing?

And where the hell does BGP for the T-1s fit into this mess?

I guess I'm more lost than I thought. :(

Any help or advice is appreciated.



Gregory K. Ruiz-Ade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
OpenPGP Key ID: EAF4844B  keyserver: pgpkeys.mit.edu

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Re: [LARTC] wondershaper question

2004-04-02 Thread Corey Hickey
gypsy wrote:
> Also
> remember YOU DO NOT SHAPE DOWNLOADS!  HTB can only "police" D/L, not
> "shape".  You must use iptables or IMQ to "shape" D/L; I use iptables -m
> limit --limit ##/second -j ACCEPT
> iptables -j DROP
> and make sure that these 2 lines preceed any RELATED, ESTABLISHED
> accepts.  Note that the real iptables rules include either --dport ## or
> --sport ##, depending on what the rule accomplishes.  Note further that
> downloads are on INPUT so I specify -A INPUT to throttle D/L.

If you use htb or other shaping qdiscs on a router, you can set it up so
that it sees packets that are leaving both interfaces and can therefore
shape traffic in both directions. Sure, you can't shape traffic destined
for the router itself, but that's rarely an issue.

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Re: [LARTC] IMQ driver & kernel options

2004-04-02 Thread Roy
which kernel you use?

it is either possible that your kernel source is diferent from running
ot you
have somethingn wron with netfilter
are you sute you compiled iptables into kernel? preferably NOT as module.

- Original Message - 
From: "Cord Buhlert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 3:05 PM
Subject: [LARTC] IMQ driver & kernel options

> Hi,
> i tried to insmod the imq.o module from http://pupa.da.ru/imq after a
> successful compile, but it thows this error:
>  > insmod imq.o
>  imq.o: unresolved symbol nf_unregister_hook
>  imq.o: unresolved symbol nf_register_hook
> I think I have some kernel options disabled, does anyone know which
> one(s)?
> Thanks
> cord
> ___
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Re: [LARTC] wondershaper question

2004-04-02 Thread gypsy
gypsy wrote:

AFTERTHOUGHT:  I should have been more precise:

> Yes, but be careful with NAT; finding 192.168.1.# can be tough.  Also
> remember YOU DO NOT SHAPE DOWNLOADS!  HTB can only "police" D/L, not
> "shape".  You must use iptables or IMQ to "shape" D/L; I use iptables -m
> limit --limit ##/second -j ACCEPT
> iptables -j DROP
> and make sure that these 2 lines preceed any RELATED, ESTABLISHED
> accepts.  Note that the real iptables rules include either --dport ## or
> --sport ##, depending on what the rule accomplishes.  Note further that
> downloads are on INPUT so I specify -A INPUT to throttle D/L.

iptables is "rate limiting" not "shaping".

NATted users are rate limited on the FORWARD chain, not INPUT.

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Re: [LARTC] wondershaper question

2004-04-02 Thread gypsy
> Chris Winfield-Blum wrote:
> Hi I am very unclear about the wonder shaper and a bit of a novice
> with Unix all together
> I have a question for you and I hope you can answer
> Basically my office is getting a couple of people slowing down the
> network so ive been looking around and found wondershaper
> What I want to know is that can I rather than having low priority
> ports have it with high priority ports


> And the same with high priority hosts...

Of course.

> Can I have it so that say for example are high
> priority and port 20 22 80 443 110 25 etc are high priority?

Yes, but be careful with NAT; finding 192.168.1.# can be tough.  Also
remember YOU DO NOT SHAPE DOWNLOADS!  HTB can only "police" D/L, not
"shape".  You must use iptables or IMQ to "shape" D/L; I use iptables -m
limit --limit ##/second -j ACCEPT
iptables -j DROP
and make sure that these 2 lines preceed any RELATED, ESTABLISHED
accepts.  Note that the real iptables rules include either --dport ## or
--sport ##, depending on what the rule accomplishes.  Note further that
downloads are on INPUT so I specify -A INPUT to throttle D/L.

> Also how do I clear the rules I have made with the script??
> If I want it to return to the default for example??

Read the effing script, man!

> Thanks
> Chris

Please don't post using HTML.

Here is a modified "wonder" script I call "ultimate"...



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[LARTC] IMQ driver & kernel options

2004-04-02 Thread Cord Buhlert
i tried to insmod the imq.o module from http://pupa.da.ru/imq after a
successful compile, but it thows this error:
 > insmod imq.o
 imq.o: unresolved symbol nf_unregister_hook
 imq.o: unresolved symbol nf_register_hook

I think I have some kernel options disabled, does anyone know which

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Re: [LARTC] Control Bandwidth

2004-04-02 Thread Adrian Saileanu

  You are haveing tow major mistakes here which will make your script to
have no efect over the $EXTIF, except the rate of 128k for uploading for
everything that goes out of your box.

  Having a private ip which later will be SNATed , MASQed and because
shaping will be done after POSTROUTING ( even for nat, mangle tables )
when a packet which arrives on the external interface will have as
source the PUBLIC IP. So filter $TC filter add dev $EXTIF protocol ip
parent 0:0 prio 1 u32 match ip src $IP flowid 1 will not match any

  Check the "http://www.docum.org/stef.coene/qos/kptd/"; page. It is very

  Second, on external interface you will never have packets with dst $IP
... what will mean a packet with dst $IP ? It means that a machine which
has a network device with the ip = $IP should be somewhere on the
internet ( behind $EXTIF ) ... but in reality, this machine is behind
the $INTIF. So filter $TC filter add dev $EXTIF protocol ip parent 0:0
prio 1 u32 match ip dst $IP flowid 1 will not match any packet.

> Hi all,
> I need a little help, i am studing htb to control user
> bandwidth (download/upload) and I made a script as
> below to test. I am testing using ttcp tool from by
> linux box to other linux (
> my box < Linux = more than 128kbit
> mybot -> Linux = get 128kbit
> But I want to control both ways, what am I missing?
> script:
> EXTIF=eth0
> INTIF=eth1
> TC=/sbin/tc
> DOWN=128
> UP=64
> IP=
> ##
> #
> $TC qdisc del $EXTIF root 2> /dev/null > /dev/null
> #
> $TC qdisc add dev $EXTIF root handle 0: htb default 1
> $TC class add dev $EXTIF parent 0: classid 1 htb rate
> 128Kbit ceil 128Kbit
> #
> $TC filter add dev $EXTIF protocol ip parent 0:0 prio 1
> u32 match ip src $IP flowid 1
> $TC filter add dev $EXTIF protocol ip parent 0:0 prio 1
> u32 match ip dst $IP flowid 1
> Thanks,
> Anderson
> __
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Adrian Saileanu
Netmaster Communications Srl

address: Str. Ion Brezoianu Nr. 20
Sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania

office: +40 21 315 92 00
mobile: +40 723 979 586

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