Re: [LARTC] Interesting article about punching holes in firewalls...

2006-12-21 Thread /dev/rob0
On Thursday 21 December 2006 09:37, Grant Taylor wrote:
> I have read the article.  I suspect that my uncertainty has to do
> with lack of how the SPI portion of the code works.  I am not
> qualified to read the source code to make an informed opinion.  I was
> (mis)believing that the SPI was very simple in the fact that it would
> classify any returning traffic coming back from a host as related. 
> Now, I'm getting the impression that this is not the case and that
> only specific packets are considered related.
> Can / will someone that is more versed in programming / reading
> source code please give me a brief overview of how the kernel decides
> what is and is not related.

That is not me, but I have in the past had the same question answered  
on the netfilter list. The protocol-specific helper drivers such as 
ip_conntrack_$PROTOCOL are the ones that defined state "RELATED". If 
you're not using a "helped" protocol, you will have no RELATED packets.
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Re: [LARTC] OpenVPN, proxy ARP for an entire subnet (Linux endpoints)

2006-12-12 Thread /dev/rob0
:  mtu 1500 qdisc noop
link/ether ce:23:26:b7:ef:0c brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
3: eth0:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 1000
link/ether 00:30:48:56:ed:12 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global eth0
inet scope global eth0
inet scope global eth0
inet scope global eth0
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
4: eth1:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast 
qlen 1000
link/ether 00:80:c8:1b:72:4c brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet my.ip.add.ress/nm brd isp.brd.cast.ip scope global eth1
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# ip route list dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src dev eth1  proto kernel  scope link  src my.ip.add.ress dev lo  scope link
default via isp.rou.ter.ip dev eth1
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# ip rule list
0:  from all lookup local
32763:  from lookup vpn
32764:  from lookup vpn
32765:  from lookup vpn
32766:  from all lookup main
32767:  from all lookup default
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# ip route list table vpn
default via dev eth0

> I tested the routing by using my own IP in an iptables -j LOG rule,
> followed by an nmap -sP of the range.

This time I did it from a third site, but to get a better picture I
added logging in raw/PREROUTING too. This time the logging was at the
RemoteVPNpeer rather than the local one, but anyway, it shows
everything moving as expected. (LocalVPNpeer, being a 2.4.31 host,
doesn't have iptable_raw.)

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# iptables-save
> # Generated by iptables-save v1.2.11 on Mon Dec 11 09:10:27 2006
> *filter
> :LogVpn - [0:0]
> -A FORWARD -d y.y.y.32/ -j LogVpn
> -A FORWARD -s y.y.y.32/ -j LogVpn
> -A LogVpn -s my.IP.add.ress -j LOG --log-prefix "5Vpn IN: "
> -A LogVpn -d my.IP.add.ress -j LOG --log-prefix "5Vpn OUT: "
> # Completed on Mon Dec 11 09:10:27 2006

Here I'll only show the significant parts of iptables-save on

# Generated by iptables-save v1.2.11 on Wed Dec 13 04:17:29 2006
:PREROUTING ACCEPT [149316:38901352]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [155833:112104141]
-A PREROUTING -s -d 3rd.par.ty.IP -j LOG --log-prefix "3-raw 
OUT: "
-A PREROUTING -s 3rd.par.ty.IP -d -j LOG --log-prefix "3-raw 
IN: "
[ ... ]
# Generated by iptables-save v1.2.11 on Wed Dec 13 04:17:29 2006
[ ... ]
-A INPUT -j Reject
-A FORWARD -s 3rd.par.ty.IP -j LogVpn
-A FORWARD -d 3rd.par.ty.IP -j LogVpn
[ ... ]
-A LogVpn -s 3rd.par.ty.IP -d -j LOG --log-prefix "3-filter IN: 
-A LogVpn -s -d 3rd.par.ty.IP -j LOG --log-prefix "3-filter 
OUT: "
-A LogVpn -j ACCEPT
[ ... ]

So, every packet is logged twice, once in raw and once in filter. And
to ensure that all requests are replied, everything from 3rd.par.ty.IP
is accepted before any other filter/FORWARD rules.

> Results of the scan: all but y.y.y.39 were up. Logs: um, rather than
> ask you to pick through all that, I'll summarise:

Results of the scan from 3rd.par.ty.IP of showed all
but .118 is up. And the logs were pristine: "raw IN:" and "filter IN:"
for each ICMP echo and HTTP request in perfect numeric sequence. After
those were similarly-arranged "raw OUT:" and "filter OUT:" logs for
ICMP and HTTP replies. The IN: packets all came in eth0, the OUT: ones
all went out tun0, and the filter ones showed both interfaces properly.

What is the difference here? Mainly OS and kernel, I think. Did I miss

So, any input here at all? Could this be an obscure bug in the Centos
(RHEL) kernels? How to proceed?
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[LARTC] OpenVPN, proxy ARP for an entire subnet (Linux endpoints)

2006-12-11 Thread /dev/rob0
is beyond me. 

What am I missing here? What can I try?

One idea I had, was possibly to do proxy ARP on the HOME site too. Tell 
the HOME machines to use as the default route in their 
vpn tables. That takes HOME_VPN_ENDPOINT routing rules out of the 

Trying that now, similar intermittent results. ARGH!!
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Re: [LARTC] Ip Src rewite.

2005-10-25 Thread /dev/rob0
On Tuesday 2005-October-25 17:03, Daniel Frederiksen wrote:
> Well, yes my ISP has assigned me the two "classes", however the
> a.b.c.d/30 is a single IP through which the e.f.g.h/26 are routed
> through. The ISP is not routing the e.f.g.h/26 directly to the line,
> but through the single WAN IP a.b.c.e/30..
> This is why all traffic going through is touched and marked as coming
> from the WAN instead of the External IP address.

What you describe sounds like NAT. Your gateway should be forwarding 
that traffic with the source IP unchanged. Can you show us tcpdump or 
iptables -j LOG of some of these packets' source IP being changed?

I think we are missing part of the picture here. iptables-save; ip r l; 
ip ru l; ip a l # all those might help. Munge consistently if you feel 
compelled to munge.

> >>>>NB: Small diagram of the setup.
> >>>>
> >>>>  DMZ GW/FW   ISP/Internet
> >>>>-
> >>>>-- Server #1  --|
> >>>>  e.f.g.h3/26  |
> >>>>
> >>>>   | Gateway/Firewall --- ISP  WAN IP: a.b.c.d/30
> >>>>
> >>>>  Server #2  --|  a.b.c.d1/30 Ext. IP: e.f.g.h/26
> >>>>  e.f.g.h4/26 e.f.g.h1/26

"DMZ" implies there is a separate subnet, and perhaps a SNAT'ed LAN, 
correct? You have 3 interfaces: internal, DMZ and external? Whether or 
not there is an internal doesn't directly affect this, but anyway, that 
is how I would set it up.

Your DMZ machines should have e.f.g.h1 as their default gateway. Your 
router machine should have whatever the ISP told you to use as its 
default gateway (probably a.b.c.d2, I bet.)
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Re: [LARTC] IPP2P version 0.8.0 released

2005-10-21 Thread /dev/rob0
On Friday 2005-October-21 01:57, Klaus wrote:
> is something I have never tested until now and it
> looks quite different from my website...

A cyber-squatter by the looks of it, waiting for you to offer huge sums 
of money for that domain name.
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Re: [LARTC] VPN through PPP

2005-10-11 Thread /dev/rob0
On Tuesday 2005-October-11 07:40, Steve Comfort wrote:
> The setup is as below :

Your ASCII diagram was not clear.

> I have basically followed the VPN Howto and done the following :

Are you talking about the old one from TLDP?

> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Perhaps not much help, but I use
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Re: [LARTC] Problems with ipp2p

2005-10-07 Thread /dev/rob0
On Friday 2005-October-07 08:29, Carlos Rosero wrote:
> Thanks for the advice, how do in know if kernel module is loaded?,


> and how I do I load the module?.


I *strongly* urge you to take some time to acquaint yourself with the 
OS. You're trying to secure your network against abuse from within; 
this is normally a problem best handled on the political/social level. 
If you want to try to address it as a technical issue, you absolutely 
must know more about it than your users do.

Start with Fedora documentation and branch out into applications and 
generic documentation as needed.
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Re: [LARTC] need help on multiple isp routing

2005-10-03 Thread /dev/rob0
On Monday 2005-October-03 09:37, Anonymous wrote:
> configure is how to make those 2 links to use their own DNS servers,


> as ISP's1 servers do not answer queries from ISP's2 ip address and

So? They're answering queries from your ISP1 address, no? Is this a 

> vise versa. i run BIND (as caching and also for my local zone) on my
> router configured to forward requests to ISP's1 DNS servers. i really
> don't want to run 2 copies of BIND with forwarders of ISP2 as the
> only difference in configuration. would anybody come up with a more
> elegant solution on that issue? i'm sure it is not nice to specify

Just don't use forwarders at all. wget the latest root hints file or 
just use what you have, for "type hints" for the "." zone.

Forwarding is rarely a good idea. It gains you nothing. You won't 
increase the load on the root servers.

> both ISP's servers as forwarders for a single server as the server
> itself uses default gateway of ISP1.

So this is not a problem, but still, forwarders are not helping you.

> and then about services 
> installed on a router machine itself - ftp, www. they do not seem to
> listen on ISP's2 ip. any solution besides configuring virtual
> servers?

I prefer Julian's approach to dual gateway routing ... his routes patch 
and the nano.txt HOWTO. That provides more of what people tend to want 
from multiple ISP connections in a more transparent way. All services 
use both links equally (or as weighted.)

I'm sure there are situations in which splitting traffic by service or 
destination makes sense ... just not at my 3 dual-ISP sites.
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[LARTC] iproute2/nano-howto: dual external routing, a "virtual subnet"

2005-09-24 Thread /dev/rob0
A site I administer has dual T1's. We have this set up according to 
NANO-HOWTO[1] using Julian's routes patch on a late model 2.4 kernel. 
All is well, has been working well for a long time.

Recently one of our T1 providers went belly up and we got something 
better. Now we have a /28 where previously we only used one IP per 

Present interfaces:
eth0 - T1#1, single IP, x.x.x.52/24 (gw x.x.x.1)
eth1 (Gigabit) - internal / trusted LAN,
eth2 - isolated/restricted access LAN (including wireless)
hdlc0 - T1#2, y.y.y.54/30 (gw y.y.y.53)
[new netblock, y.y.z.144/28, is routed to y.y.y.54   ]
tunX - numerous OpenVPN point-to-point tunnels, 192.168.4.x
pppX - pptpd/pppd for external MS Windows users (due to be replaced
   by an openvpn server), 192.168.26.x
eth1 and hdlc0 are set up as dual gateways, equal weight, following 
nano-howto to the letter (because I didn't know any better.)

The plan is to use the new /28 for a mix of virtual user-mode Linux 
installs and openvpn endpoints to offsite peers. What we now have as 
192.168.4.x will be converted to y.y.z.144/28. It will be similar to a 
DMZ in some aspects.

I'm not sure how to do that without breaking the routing we have now. 
First thing I'm trying is to bind the /28 to dummy0.

# ip ad ls
145: eth0:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 100
link/ether 00:04:75:xx:xx:xx brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet x.x.x.52/24 brd x.x.x.255 scope global eth0
146: eth1:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 100
link/ether 00:02:b3:xx:xx:xx brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global eth1
147: hdlc0:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 100
inet y.y.y.54 peer y.y.y.53/32 scope global hdlc0
148: eth2:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 100
link/ether 00:04:5a:xx:xx:xx brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global eth2
843: dummy0:  mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue
link/ether 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet y.y.z.145/28 scope global dummy0
844: tun0:  mtu 1400 qdisc pfifo_fast 
qlen 10
inet peer y.y.z.146/32 scope global tun0
[superfluous interfaces omitted]

# ip ru ls
0:  from all lookup local
50: from all lookup main
201:from x.x.x.0/24 lookup 201
202:from y.y.y.54 lookup 202
222:from all lookup 222
32766:  from all lookup main
32767:  from all lookup default

# ip ro ls
y.y.y.53 dev hdlc0  proto kernel  scope link  src y.y.y.54
y.y.z.146 dev tun0  proto kernel  scope link  src
y.y.z.144/28 dev dummy0  proto kernel  scope link  src y.y.z.145 dev eth1  proto kernel  scope link  src dev eth2  proto kernel  scope link  src
x.x.x.0/24 dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src x.x.x.52
[superfluous routes omitted]

Success!! I played around with this off and on all day, and now it 
works. I turned on /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/dummy0/proxy_arp (how can 
the interface be flagged NOARP and yet do proxy ARP?) on that end and 
set up a route table on the other end:
echo "32 vpn" >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
ip ru add add from y.y.z.146 table vpn
ip ro add default via table vpn
The services which are exposed in the firewall are accessible through 
y.y.z.146. Very nice!

But I'm still not sure about some things. I want to understand better. 
I'm also not sure it will work right. A lot of this is new to me, so 
please bear with me.

Is the use of dummy0 needed? ISTM it was just a simple way to get the 
routing tables set up. And it's probably wasting 3 IP's: .144 
network, .145 dummy0, and .159 broadcast. With these IP's all coming 
through y.y.y.54 as they are, is there any reason why I can't use the 
network and broadcast addresses for (virtual) hosts? With proper routes 
and an "ip neigh add ..." command I shouldn't need dummy0 here, right? 
But I don't know what to do.

Do I need a similar route table on the dual-T1 end? Do I need to do 
something to force y.y.z.144/28 out hdlc0? I guess it might not matter 
depending on the eth0 ISP's upstream router x.x.x.1; if it lets the 
packets from the hdlc0 ISP's netblocks pass, no one downstream is 
likely to know or care, right?

Numerically, where should such a table go?

And now, here's the biggie ... if we got a netblock from the other ISP, 
could we set up these virtual hosts to bind to one IP from each ISP, 
and thus gain the redundancy?

Having lots of fun; I hope you are too. :)

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Re: [LARTC] how to configure linux in production line

2005-06-02 Thread /dev/rob0

Gonn Star wrote:

I am new in linux world,basically I'm using red hat 9
kernel 2.4.20-8. I need to build a trusted gateway. my

Whoa! You are starting out with something very old and bug-ridden. You 
should scrap that and switch to a current release, whatever distro you 
may choose.

Quite a few of those old bugs can bite very hard, including root 
compromises. Being new, did you know how to update for security? Sure, 
there's Fedora Legacy which may or may not be supporting the old stuff 
with updates, but that is intended for people who have long-running 
stable servers ... not to entice new users to RH 9.

linux box will be the gateway for several machine PCs
to go to the desired server. there will be several
subnets under the linux box, I've already assigned
static IPs for the PCs . Now my problem is I only need
2 PCs from each subnets to connect to certain servers,
and those 2 PCs can only have transaction(open) to the
specified servers, for others it will
drop(firewalled). for other PCs, they can't log on to
the outside world. should I use only iptable rules or
with the help of squid(ACL) as well ?

You do not seem to understand that HTTP is just one of many TCP/IP 
protocols, and yet you want to set up complex networking controls. 
Anyone who knows more than you do would likely find it a trivial task to 
get around your controls.

please add up the commands as well. Thanks.

Specific questions which show that you have tried will tend to be 
better-received than generalised requests for spoonfeeding. I do things 
like this for a living, and I do not have time to earn your living as well.

You mention "production" which implies that this is needed in a business 
setting. If so it's probably worth it to the business owners to pay for 
expertise. You can't learn everything you need to know, overnight.

For you, I would recommend starting with the basics. There are good 
HOWTOs at which might help.

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Re: [LARTC] NAT over 2 providers (not load balance)

2005-02-14 Thread /dev/rob0
On Monday 14 February 2005 14:27, Mihai Vlad wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Can you take a look at this? :)
> I need to selectively SNAT clients in the LAN to ISP_IP_1 or
> ISP_IP_2.
> That would be something like:
> $IPTABLES -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j SNAT --to-source
> $ISP_IP_1
> $IPTABLES -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j SNAT --to-source
> $ISP_IP_2 
> This does not work since all the packets are forwarded to the default
> GW which is ISP_GW_1.

I think you still need the patches and routing commands as described in 
the nano.txt file. You'd just plug in your customised SNAT rules in 
place of the load-balancing ones.

I have a nano.txt'ed site with some special SNAT like this. I think  
some of my $ISP2_IP_2 (2nd and subsequent IP's on ISP2) packets are 
going out over ISP1's physical interface. I have not bothered to check 
because it's working fine. :)
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Re: [LARTC] Connection tracking flush

2005-01-26 Thread /dev/rob0
On Wednesday 12 January 2005 10:07, Mpourtounis Dimitris wrote:
> Is there a way i can flush the connection tracking on my box (after a
> restart in iptables)?
> If the connection tracking module is unloaded and reloaded, my job
> will be accomplished i think.

Only way I know of, other than reboot.

> The bad thing is i want this tracking 
> module to exist in kernel code and not loaded as a module.

Why? What's the advantage in that? Maybe if it's a tiny embedded  
device, but in that case the reboot options sounds viable.
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