Oops, made a mistake in my example,
I actually enter
ip rule add from table John

As soon as I do this, that subnet loses all contact with my firewall, so it can't DHCP 
an address,
do DNS servers, ping, anything.. 

Any clues?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-12-17 22:34:14 -0700]:
> Greetings,
> If you look at Section 4.1 of the howto, they give  asimple example of changing the 
> default
> route for a single IP address by doing the following
> # echo 200 John >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
> # ip rule add from table John
> # ip route add default via dev ppp2 table John
> # ip route flush cache
> I'm trying to do something very similar, except that I want to route an entire class 
> C subnet
> out a different NIC card in my firewall..
> I did the exact same thing as above except used the line
> ip rule add from table John
> ip route add default via dev eth4 table John
> This doesn't work, what happens is that the entire subnet loses conect with the 
> firewall, so DNS
> lookups fail and I basically can't go anywhere. Using just one IP like the example 
> above seems
> to work fine..
> Any ideas?
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