> i have the prob with my cable modem where the upload gets messed up with the
> download. So I donwload and tried the wondershaper script, but it seems to make my
> connection worst. If I start a download, and I'll get 180+K/s, then with a upload
> going it'll go down to about 50-60K/s. When I run the wondershaper script it goes
> down about 5K/s.  :(
> I tried both CBQ and HTB versions and they both do the samething.  I turned on all
> the QoS options, just incase.  Are there any issues with RedHat8?
> --
I use wondershaper on redhat 8 with no problem, but i did have to experiment quite a
bit with the values for UPLINK / DOWNLINK until i found ones that worked
well...which it now does :)

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