[LARTC] limiting ports

2004-02-13 Thread mark ryan
Will the following commands limit my ftpserver upload speed on the
passive ports?

iptables -t mangle -A FORWARD -m tcp -p tcp -s --sport
5:6 -j MARK --set-mark 0x02
tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: htb default 20
tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:1 classid 1:30 htb rate 340kbit burst 6k
prio 2

I want to mark the packets from ports 5-6.and
limit the speed to 340kbit.

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[LARTC] limiting my ftp upload speed

2004-02-11 Thread mark ryan
Will the following commands limit my ftpserver upload speed on the
passive ports?

iptables -t mangle -A FORWARD -m tcp -p tcp -s --sport
5:6 -j MARK --set-mark 0x02
tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: htb default 20
tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:1 classid 1:30 htb rate 340kbit burst 6k
prio 2

I want to mark the packets from ports 5-6.and
limit the speed to 340kbit.

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[LARTC] wondershaper + htb limiting ftp sends

2004-02-08 Thread mark ryan
This is still not working correctly.  Wondershaper + htb by itself
limits everything to the speed specified in the config.
I only want to limit my ftp upload speed.
I tried the suggestion below, but either I am not doing it right or it
doesnt work correctly.
I only want to limit ports 5-6 since they are my passive ftp
port range.
Or, ideally, I would like to limit proftpd itself...howeve there doesn't
seem to be a way to do that with linux.  Windows can but I guess Linux

Is there a way to limit just ftp sends and leave everything else alone?
mark ryan wrote:
 If i use the following tc command, where do i set the speed limit for
 the outbound ftp traffic?
 On Sun, 2004-02-08 at 02:35, Corey Hickey wrote:
mark ryan wrote:

Is there a way to apply wondershaper w/ htb to a port range?

I have a ftp server on port 65432 and passive ports 5-6.
Is there a way to set a range?   or do they have to be individually
The following doesnt seem to work:

 # low priority source ports

# low priority destination ports


I don't know about wondershaper specifically, but you can use
I think this will work:

iptables -t mangle -A FORWARD -m tcp -p tcp -s your.ftp.server.ip \
  --sport 65432 -j MARK --set-mark 0x02
iptables -t mangle -A FORWARD -m tcp -p tcp -s your.ftp.server.ip \
  --sport 5:6 -j MARK --set-mark 0x02

Then, you need to add a tc filter:

tc filter add dev your-outgoing-interface parent 1: protocol ip \
  prio 1 handle 0x02 fw flowid 1:30

Try it out...


[Sorry, I wasn't paying attention and sent my original reply to the
poster instead of the list]

The filter I sent ought to direct traffic into wondershaper's bulk
class, on line 71, which is:

tc class add $DEV parent 1:1 classid 1:30 htb rate $[8*$UPLINK/10]kbit \
   burst 6k prio 2

As you can see, the rate is eight tenths the speed of $UPLINK. Since
there is no ceiling specified, however, it is allowed to borrow
bandwidth up to the speed of its parent, which is $UPLINK. If you want
to change the behavior of this class, read how here:


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[LARTC] wondershaper htb + multiple ports

2004-02-07 Thread mark ryan
Is there a way to apply wondershaper w/ htb to a port range?

I have a ftp server on port 65432 and passive ports 5-6.
Is there a way to set a range?   or do they have to be individually
The following doesnt seem to work:

 # low priority source ports

# low priority destination ports


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[LARTC] wondershaper

2004-02-04 Thread Mark Ryan
I am using wondershaper with htb to shape my network.  I want to limit only
outbound ftp traffic (me uploading) from

I am using port 21 for ftp with passive ports 50,000-60,000.

What else do I need to put in the config to do this?  Here is my config.


# low priority OUTGOING traffic - you can leave this blank if you want
# low priority source netmasks

# low priority destination netmasks

# low priority source ports

# low priority destination ports


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[LARTC] wondershaper

2004-02-03 Thread Mark Ryan
I have wondershaper running on my firewall/router.  It has 2 ethernet cards
(eth0 and eth1).  Eth1 connects to a cablemodem (2mbit down, 384kbit up) and
eth0 connects to a switch.  I run a ftp server on a machine connected to the

I want to be able to keep my ftp server from affecting my browsing speed.

I don't see any difference with wondershaper running.  I have tried all
different speeds and both eth0 and eth1 in wondershaper.

Am I doing something wrong?  I am testing by pinging yahoo.com.


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[LARTC] wondershaper htb

2004-02-03 Thread Mark Ryan
I got wshaper.htb working.however I have 1 question.

How can i limit just ftp server traffic?

I have ftp server on port 21 with passive ports of 5-6.

I currently have wondershaper with htb working on my routerbut im afraid
that it is also affecting all of my send trafficnot just the ftp server.

I want to be able to limit the ftp server traffic only.


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[LARTC] wondershaper

2004-02-02 Thread Mark Ryan

I just installed wondershapper 1.1a on my ipcop firewall box.  I have
roadrunner cable with a ftp server setup.  My download speed is 2mbit (I get
225 KBytes) and my upload is 384kbit (I send at 43 KBytes).

What should the settings in wshaper?

I can ping yahoo.com at 90msec with little traffic.and at around 220msec
with full upload traffic.


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Re: [LARTC] wonder shaper problems

2004-01-30 Thread Mark Ryan
That is what i was afraid of.  I have no idea how to re-compile the QoS
modules into the Xandros kernel.

- Original Message - 
From: Damion de Soto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 6:44 PM
Subject: Re: [LARTC] wonder shaper problems

 Hi Mark

  I went to console and started the wondershaper script...and i get the
  following error messages.
  RTNETLINK answers: Invalid Argument
  many times.
  Any ideas what is wrong?

 Take a look at the archives over the last week or so.
 This generic question has been raised a few times just recently.

  http://mailman.ds9a.nl/mailman/listinfo/lartc HOWTO: http://lartc.org/

 (basically, you're missing kernel modules/config)

 Damion de Soto - Software Engineer  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 SnapGear - A CyberGuard Company ---ph: +61 7 3435 2809
   | Custom Embedded Solutions  fax: +61 7 3891 3630
   | and Security Appliancesweb: http://www.snapgear.com
   ---  Free Embedded Linux Distro at   http://www.snapgear.org  ---

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[LARTC] distributions

2004-01-30 Thread Mark Ryan
Is there a recent distro of linux that includes the kernel options needed to
run wondershaper?

I am trying to use Xandros 2.0 Desktop but the qos stuff is not compiled
in...and I have been unsuccesful in re-compiling the kernel.

I really want to use wondershaper and linux.  Im afraid that I still too
much of a linux newbie to be able to make my own kernel and have it work.


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[LARTC] wonder shaper problems

2004-01-29 Thread Mark Ryan
I just installed Xandros 2.0 Desktop.  I used apt-get to install iproute.  I
then downloaded wondershaper 1.1a from the website.  I edited the script as
the readme says.

I went to console and started the wondershaper script...and i get the
following error messages.

RTNETLINK answers: Invalid Argument

many times.
Any ideas what is wrong?


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