Thank you for the detailed discussion.  There is no doubt that there is a
need for an IMQ type device/funtionality.  What would work really great,
IMHO, is a "fake" or psuedo ethernet driver that simply sits as a shim
between one or more real drivers.  This fake device could allow us to
"Stack" qdiscs in a way to allow one to shape traffic in multiple
"policies"  - ie, prioritize traffic AND allocate / rate shape end users. 
I have actually thought of utilizing the kernel bonding driver for this -
attaching only a single slave to it - but haven't had time as yet.  Not
sure that this would do anything for ingress shaping though.

Thanks again...


> Probably I am going to continue imq development, so I know about it
> something.
> IMQ is very unpredictable you can use it all week or it may crash at once.
> and what is the most strange - crashes osccur everywhere in the kernel
> except in the driver itself
> this can be kernel bug as well.
> under high loag it crashes quite soom while in low load it can hold
> forewer
> this probably depends on cpu speed and looks that it tends to crash if you
> try to shape localy generated trafic
> if you use it for ingress only it wont have much problems.
> I have no hope to make it work, I rewrote the code completely few times
> and
> no use
> probably this way just cant work.
> I am going to use completely other way to do the same job.
> imq is trying to use userspace queue which dont like when packets are
> droped
> and seems there is no way to avoid droping
> while doing trafic shaping, so I will use another way by completely
> removing
> packets from iptables at some place and transmitting them directly where
> needed.
> thus replacing part of kernel code.
> this way I will be able at least  to track the bug.
> P.S. iptables have another similar module ( ROUTE target ) i tryed it and
> it
> works in some cases ( i redirect trafic to lo interface) but not very
> good.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Michael S. Kazmier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 7:29 PM
> Subject: [LARTC] IMQ Stability
>> Hello all,
>> I have been doing a lot of archive searching over the last week reading
>> posts on IMQ and it's apparent stability / instability.  I have seen a
>> number of posts about it not being maintained as well.  Can anyone talk
>> to
>> me about IMQ's stability in a heavy throughput environment (20 Mbps) and
>> what was causing IMQ to fail if you know.
>> Thanks,
>> Mike
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