Re: [LARTC] FW: Some queueing disciplines that I wrote.

2005-10-15 Thread panca sorin
I have an objection too:
VoIP (Voice over IP), video and audio streaming are
elephants. They are big flows, yet people don't like
movies played as picture slideshows and interrupted
audio or phone calls.
End of objection.

Trying to build a solution:
Making the hipothesis.
I think intrractive traffic shoud be defined and
recognized not by it's packet size nor by duration of
the connection nor by ports it comes or goes.
We do not have a computerized definition of
interactive traffic, so we cannot separate it from
bulk traffic.
We know that interractive traffic = traffic that
should have such priority that the user can interract
with the network without being annoyed by network
Bulk traffic = traffic that the user don't care if
is delayed for a few seconds, but has to take place
and finnish in resonable time.
The conclusions:
1. Now that the definitions are given, how can we
sepparate the two, living no chance for programmers to
cheat the algorithm? Or maybe we can trust them and
ask them for help and set for interractive
applications' traffic some bits that the routers can
recognize and build some queues accordingly.
2. How many classes do we need and what applications
could be into each of them?
Waiting for some ideas...

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Re: [LARTC] [ANNOUNCE] iproute2 (051007)

2005-10-08 Thread panca sorin

--- Stephen Hemminger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Fix one serious bug (in libnetlink), and a couple of
 other minor
 Stephen Hemminger
Reenable ip mroute
 Mike Frysinger
   Handle pfifo_fast that has no qopt without
This means it can be used as a leaf qdisc?
When i tried to use it like that it seg faulted.
That made me stay with sfq.
 Mads Martin Joergensen
   Trivial netem ccopts
 Jerome Borsboom
   Fix regression in ip addr (libnetlink) handling
 Stephen Hemminger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 LARTC mailing list
Thank you for your post!

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Re: [LARTC] (yet another) HTB question(s)

2005-08-17 Thread panca sorin

 4) related to 3), I've tried to use a syntax like
this:  tc
 clas add dev $ETH parent 1:0 classid 1:1 htb rate
 ceil $CEIL, where CEIL  RATE , but the  max speed
 achieved was the RATE speed.

try to add 2-level root class:
tc qdisc add dev $ETH root handle 1: htb default FF
tc class add dev $ETH parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate
tc class add dev $ETH parent 1:1 classid 1:2 htb rate
tc class add ... [your child classes]

I don't know if it'll work but worth trying.

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Re: [LARTC] HTB and Prio

2005-08-17 Thread panca sorin

 I am not that among the siblings, the excess
bandwidth  is shared on 
 basis of priority ie . 1:3 will get a higher share
than  1:4.
 The quantum of borrowed bandwidth is proportional
with the rate you specified for each class.
 The prio control is for controlling who gets the
excess bandwith first (if exists).

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[LARTC] pfifo_fast as leaf qdisc for htb classes

2005-08-13 Thread panca sorin
Thank you Andy! I did't find why I could't use the fw
match in ingress. Now it works.

Now I ran into another problem:
When I try to add a pfifo_fast leaf qdisc dor htb
classes it seg.-faults. Is pfifo_fast a special qdisc?
I can succesfully add other type of qdiscs.

I found that a similar problem was reported in
february on a MIPS architecture.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src# tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle
1: htb default 10
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src# tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:
classid 1:1 htb rate 100Mbit ceil 100Mbit burst 50k
cburst 150k
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src# tc class del dev eth0 parent 1:
classid 1:1 htb rate 100Mbit ceil 100Mbit burst 50k
cburst 150k
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src# tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:
classid 1:1 htb rate 90Mbit ceil 100Mbit burst 50k
cburst 150k
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src# tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:
classid 1:10 htb rate 10Mbit ceil 100Mbit burst 50k
cburst 150k
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src# tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:1
handle 2: pfifo_fast
Segmentation fault
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src# uname -a
Linux zefir #1 Sun Aug 7 18:17:31 EEST 2005
i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src# tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:1
handle 2: sfq perturb 10
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src#  

I think htb and pfifo_fast assures a better QOS than
htb  sfq because I can priorize interactivity.

Thank you in advance for any sugestions.

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[LARTC] Too slow computer?

2005-08-09 Thread panca sorin
Hello! I've put some questions on this list some weeks
ago and I've got good answers. Thank you!
Now I've finished my (beautyful) script and I ran it
on my router...
About my script:
It routes packages based on their destination on the
Internet. I have about 1650 preffered destination
networks listed in some file. The script read this
file and marks every package for those networks with
the mark value of 1.
Then, I've built the classes: 1:0 is the HTB qdisc;
1:1 is for unmarked packets and 1:2 is for marked
packets. 1:FF is the default class, and has as parent
the 1:0 qdisc.
1:1 is divided in 1:10 for two LAN networks and attached to eth1 and
eth2 respectivly. eth0 is attached to my ISP.
1:11 is a class for two IPs sharing the same
1:12 is a class for one IP.

When I shape the traffic for eth0, eth1 and eth2 the
console is unuseable (is too slow). I think that
marking and matching those packets takes all the
available CPU cycles (the kernel has the biggest
priority over the CPU). Another thing that's going on
here: I test the router with only one station attached
to eth1 and eth2 alternativly. I should have a speed
of (at least) 10Mbit with the networks listed in my
network list and I have a maximum of 3.2Mbit (class
1:2). In the 1:1 class I have maximum speed allowed.

Another question: How can I build the mark value?
I need to mark the packets based on two criteria. My
theoretic solution was to assign bit #1 to be set if
the packet matches the first criteria and bits #2  #3
should indicate 4 situations (00,01,10 and 11). Is
there any way to set a packet's mark bits additively
in two places of my script?

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Re: [LARTC] Too slow computer?

2005-08-09 Thread panca sorin
Thanck you for your help!
I noticed the ipset tools and I tried to use the
CONNMARK but I don't know how to verify if bitwise
manipulation works. The IP list is random and the
router is an Athlon at 1200 MHz with 64 MB of SDRAM
and a PIO mode 4 harddisk.
After marking for destination, the packets are marked
for priorization. I tried to use the dsmark and some
ingress policing but I've faild to understand how they
work. Also I'm in a hurry and I try to use what I know
for now. Since I have to shape for two speeds, now
I've discovered the --limit filter in iptables and I
try to match packets based on their speeds.
Each connected client has its own class on dev eth1.
There are 38 clients now. On eth2 I shape based on
connection ports. Audio/video, chat and interactive
traffic (and connection control packets) have higher
priority. Here are my script and configuration files
(is best viewd unwraped with kwrite):

 ### ###

# firewall 
# TODO: make a README for admin-users, how to add
#clients with public and privat IPs from dhcpd
and metropolitan addresses
#use ipset for address and port grouping
#boost speeds, ports forward, etc.

# programs

# interfaces
EXT1IP=first external IP
GW1=our gateway's IP
NetP1=our ISP's local network
# 64 public space addresses
PUB1Min=first usable public IP
PUB1Max=last usable public IP


INT1Bcast=public space broadcast address (not in ISP's


# markers
MARK_NET=0x0 # packets for Internet
MARK_MAN=0x1 # packets for Metropolitan

# interfaces' aliasses
ip address add dev eth0
for IP in $( cat
~adminus/etc/ip_internet/ext1_aliases.conf | grep -v
\# ); do
$ip addr del $NETWORK.$IP/32 dev $DEV
2/dev/null /dev/null
for IP in $( cat
~adminus/etc/ip_internet/ext1_aliases.conf | grep -v
\# ); do
$ip addr add $NETWORK.$IP/26 brd $NETWORK.255
dev $DEV 
echo  2. Proxy ARP 
# proxy ARP
echo 1 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/$EXT1/proxy_arp
#echo 1 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/$EXT2/proxy_arp
echo 1 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/$INT1/proxy_arp
#echo 1 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/$INT1/proxy_arp
for IP in $( cat
~adminus/etc/ip_local/pub_ips_on_int1.conf | grep -v
\# ); do
$ip route del $IP dev $INT1 2/dev/null /dev/null
$ip route add $IP dev $INT1 
for IP in $( cat
~adminus/etc/ip_local/priv_ips_on_int1.conf | grep -v
\# ); do
$ip route del $IP dev $INT2 2/dev/null /dev/null
$ip route add $IP dev $INT2 

$ipt -t raw-F
$ipt -t nat-F
$ipt -t mangle -F
$ipt -t filter -F

 ### ### ###
 ### raw ###
 ### ### ###

 ### ### ###
 ### nat ###
 ### ### ###

#$ipt -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $INT1 -p tcp --dport 80
-j REDIRECT --to-port 3128
echo  forward ports (5 ports/IP)
# 20 = NETID = 65
for IP in $( cat ~adminus/etc/portfwd.conf | grep -v
\# ); do
  $ipt -t nat -A PREROUTING -d $EXT1IP -p tcp -m tcp
--dport $NETID1$IP -j DNAT --to-destination
  $ipt -t nat -A PREROUTING -d $EXT1IP -p tcp -m tcp
--dport $NETID2$IP -j DNAT --to-destination
  $ipt -t nat -A PREROUTING -d $EXT1IP -p tcp -m tcp
--dport $NETID3$IP -j DNAT --to-destination
  $ipt -t nat -A PREROUTING -d $EXT1IP -p tcp -m tcp
--dport $NETID4$IP -j DNAT --to-destination
  $ipt -t nat -A PREROUTING -d $EXT1IP -p tcp -m tcp
--dport $NETID5$IP -j DNAT --to-destination

echo  nat POSTROUTING 
#$ipt -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s $INT2Net/$INT2Mask -j
MASQUERADE --to-ports 2:3
$ipt -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s $INT1Net/$INT1Mask -o
$EXT1 -j SNAT --to-source $PUB1Min-$PUB1Max
$ipt -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s $INT2Net/$INT2Mask -o
$EXT1 -j SNAT --to-source $PUB1Min-$PUB1Max
$ipt -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j SNAT
$ipt -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s  -j SNAT

 ### ###  ### ###
 ###  mangle  ###
 ### ###  ### ###

echo  mangle

# mark for QOS
cat ~adminus/bin/marks | $ipt_r

 ### ###  ### ###
 ###  qdiscs  ###
 ### ###  ### ### 
# building traffic classes and 

Re: [LARTC] How to set a host with public IP within a private network?

2005-08-03 Thread panca sorin
i forgot something:
on router: route add -host dev eth1

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[LARTC] How can I use different flows comming from ingress qdisc?

2005-07-31 Thread panca sorin
$tc filter add dev $eth parent : \
protocol ip prio 1 \
u32 match ip sport  1863 0x \
police rate 124kbit burst 1k drop \
flowid :1

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[LARTC] Bandwidth shaping and ISP's network peerings

2005-07-13 Thread panca sorin
Hello all! I have a small LAN at home and when someone
starts to download (only one), interractive traffic
(www, chat and online games) is impossible with
standard kernel queues setup... So I started to shape.
My ISP gives me a 512 kbits link to the Internet and a
100 Mbits link to some of the other big ISPs in my
country. If I set the rate of the parent htb qdisc at
512 kbits, I will never use the MAN bandwidth from my
network. If I set the rate of the parent htb qdisc at
100 Mbits, i cannot shape interractive traffic.
Further, I would like to allocate for every station in
the LAN a quantum of my Internet speed with ceiling
but in MAN I want to have the full hardware speed if
only one machine is connected, with any ceil.
Any ideas would be VERY appreciated! I can't imagine
any good setup to meet these constraints.

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