Roy Walker wrote:
> I guess the issue centers around every linux box I have shows the
> pfifo_qdisc when I do an 'ip link show'.  But when I do a tc it does
> not do this.  This definitely tells me that tc is not reading the
> qdiscs properly which also probably means it is not setting them
> right either.  Problem is that is compiles properly and does not
> give me an errors during build.
> This is really starting to drive me crazy.  Appreciate your help.

The things you say seem partly contradictory, and it is really not
clear what is the problem - however, I will give an example of what
things do on *my* system so you can spot the discrepancy between your

| ... no configuration ...
| shiro:~# ip link show dev eth0
| 7: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 100
|     link/ether 00:30:1b:ae:6a:66 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
| shiro:~# tc qdisc show dev eth0
| qdisc pfifo_fast 0: [Unknown qdisc, optlen=20] 
| shiro:~# tc class show dev eth0
| shiro:~# tc filter show dev eth0
| ... add a qdisc ...
| shiro:~# tc qdisc add dev eth0 root pfifo limit 100
| ... show configuration again ...
| shiro:~# ip link show eth0
| 7: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo qlen 100
|     link/ether 00:30:1b:ae:6a:66 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
| shiro:~# tc qdisc show dev eth0
| qdisc pfifo 8002: limit 100p
| shiro:~# tc class show dev eth0
| shiro:~# tc filter show dev eth0

And no loss of connectivity to anywhere, or anything of the likes. If
this does not work for you, then there is something seriously wrong
either with your kernel or with tc. If this does work for you, I
suggest specifying exactly what you commands you are saying that cause
your problems - there might be something wrong there.

-- Naked


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