Re: [LARTC] gre tunnel between networks with same subnet

2005-07-15 Thread Gabriel
Ok, so I tried the bridging thing. I tried to bridge eth1
and tun0 on A, but apparently linux can't bridge tunnel
interfaces (I got an error saying invalid argument when I
issued 'brctl addif br0 tun0'). I was told to try using the
vtun interface, so I'll dig into that for now.

--- Gabriel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> /---\
> |   |
> |eth0   |eth0
> |---|   |---|
> |   |eth1  eth1 |   |
> A   |___|   B   |-
> |   |\  /   |   |
> ||  |   |
>  |  |
>  |  |
>  ---
> |___|
> switch
> What you see above is my setup. Box A is connected to
> Box B through a switch. Box A is connected to the
> Internet through eth0, same with Box B. The link that
> goes through the switch is not very reliable, so I
> want to connect the two boxes using their Internet
> link via a gre tunnel. The problem is that the boxes
> are on the same subnet (and I can't change that). I've
> read about proxy arp, about bridging, but things are
> still confused. Here are some numbers: eth1 on Box A
> is, eth1 on Box B is
> On Box B there are 4 NICs, 3 of them (including eth1)
> are bridged, with the bridge interface being br0
> ( is actually assigned to br0, not eth1).
> I've read the lartc howto, so I created a tun0
> interface on both boxes: ip tunnel add tun0 mode gre
> remote remote_ip_here local local_ip_here ttl 255; ip
> link set tun0 up. The problem is what do I do from
> here? Do I bridge tun0 and eth1 on Box A and add tun0
> to br0 on Box B? Or do I just enable proxy_arp for
> eth1 and tun0 on Box A and for br0 and tun0 on B? Are
> there any routes neccesary (my guess is no, but I'm
> not very sure)? And about proxy_arp: what do I have to
> do to turn it on, just set
> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf//proxy_arp to 1 and
> that's it? One last thing:
> says proxy-arp is not bridging (agreed) so DO NOT
> CONFIGURE BRIDGE OPTIONS!!! Does this mean using
> bridging and doing proxy-arp on the same box is not
> possible?
> Thanks.
> (hope the ascii art comes out well)
> __
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[LARTC] gre tunnel between networks with same subnet

2005-07-08 Thread Gabriel
|   |
|eth0   |eth0
|---|   |---|
|   |eth1  eth1 |   |
A   |___|   B   |-
|   |\  /   |   |
||  |   |
 |  |
 |  |

What you see above is my setup. Box A is connected to
Box B through a switch. Box A is connected to the
Internet through eth0, same with Box B. The link that
goes through the switch is not very reliable, so I
want to connect the two boxes using their Internet
link via a gre tunnel. The problem is that the boxes
are on the same subnet (and I can't change that). I've
read about proxy arp, about bridging, but things are
still confused. Here are some numbers: eth1 on Box A
is, eth1 on Box B is
On Box B there are 4 NICs, 3 of them (including eth1)
are bridged, with the bridge interface being br0
( is actually assigned to br0, not eth1).
I've read the lartc howto, so I created a tun0
interface on both boxes: ip tunnel add tun0 mode gre
remote remote_ip_here local local_ip_here ttl 255; ip
link set tun0 up. The problem is what do I do from
here? Do I bridge tun0 and eth1 on Box A and add tun0
to br0 on Box B? Or do I just enable proxy_arp for
eth1 and tun0 on Box A and for br0 and tun0 on B? Are
there any routes neccesary (my guess is no, but I'm
not very sure)? And about proxy_arp: what do I have to
do to turn it on, just set
/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf//proxy_arp to 1 and
that's it? One last thing:
says proxy-arp is not bridging (agreed) so DO NOT
CONFIGURE BRIDGE OPTIONS!!! Does this mean using
bridging and doing proxy-arp on the same box is not


(hope the ascii art comes out well)

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