I have the same problem using tc and iptables. All traffic goes to

I tried using tcng too: (eth0 as local NIC, eth1 as Inet nic, eth1
masquerading via iptables and bridged to DSL -I have the internet IP on NIC

#include "fields.tc"
#include "ports.tc"

dev eth1 {
    egress {

            class ( <$ssh> )    if tcp_sport ==  22;
            class ( <$smtp> )   if tcp_dport ==  25;
            class ( <$other> )  if 1 ;

            htb {
                    class ( rate 298kbps, ceil 298kbps ) {
                        $ssh   = class ( rate 32kbps, ceil 64kbps ) { sfq; }
                        $smtp  = class ( rate 32kbps, ceil 290kbps ) {
sfq; } ;
                        $other = class ( rate 192kbps, ceil 298kbps ) {
sfq; } ;

But it didn't work (in this last case, I'm afraid my tcng-ing is very
incomplete. :(


>Hey I hve the same problem. My packets are marked, my classes are OK
>my filters are set OK
>and all packets are passing through the root class!!
>I think that this is a big problem. A know 1 more person that has the same

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