Re: How to list files from directory in list box?

2004-03-07 Thread Dennis Knutson
You must be using a news reader and not going to A
href=;NI Developer
Zone/A. Enter the discussion forum through there and see an answer
with an example. I think there's another example on the Developer
Zone, so try doing a search from there as well.

How can I reset the value of an array?

2004-03-07 Thread 2com
How can I reset the value of an array at the beginning of my program?

Re: multiple images

2004-03-07 Thread LuisM
Hi Dr Berns
I tryed to work withthe picture VIs but the help on them is not the
They seem to be the ideal solution for my problem can you direct me to
some example code ?
thanks for your help.

Re: I have a digital storage oscilloscope tektronix 2430,and an...

2004-03-07 Thread nayisoe
Hi there,
My suggestion is start try with MAX to communicate with your scope,
Download the driver for the scope from And from there you can
get started.
Good Luck and if you need any help, just post in this forum.

Re: multiple images

2004-03-07 Thread Ben
HI LuisM,

Go with George's suggestion. The techniques outlined by George Zou
were used in the demo I posted here

In that example I used about 25 images but you can get by with less.

30 frames per second will look smooth, so figure out how long you want
the valve to move and start drawing!.

Have fun (the example is supposed to be funny and enlightening).


a href=;
Certified LabVIEW Developer /a

Re: DAQ Noise with Laptop

2004-03-07 Thread Ben
It sounds like you are trying this in a an extremely noisy

1m of unshielded wire could induce that much noise only if your
environment is real bad.

MOST laptops will float rleative to ground. Even when plugged in. Try
running a ground wire to the AI GND input to see if that helps. The
diferential input is good up to the CMR level of your device.


Re: UK LabView user group?

2004-03-07 Thread Ben
Not yet!

The LV Zone has a UG locator here

But the UK is not listed YET!

THat same link will help you start your own if you are so inclined.

I have thought about starting one in the Pgh PA area but... Why do
that when I have the Dev-Exchange to keep me jumping.

I hope this help,


Re: DAQ Noise with Laptop

2004-03-07 Thread Ben
Additional thought on wires.

try twisting them to see if the noise level goes down. If so use use
shielded twisted pair cable to shield from your noisy environment.


Re: Changing the brightness and contrast of an image displayed in a picture control

2004-03-07 Thread Ben
This is no easy task!

The simpler of these two request would be the brightness.

To make a color brighter would involve shifting the color value in RGB
space toward white (255,255,255). This shift in color values can not
be a fixed amout for all three components (RGB) but should be scaled
based on the original color and its distance in color space from

I believe brightness will be the easier part because it involves only
comparing a single pixel color with white and adjusting.

Contrast is more complicated because it will involve shitfting some of
the colors toward white and others toward black.


The image Toolkit just may be worth it cost!

Ig you write this yourself, please share what you find. The world of
images and color are both subjects that interest me.

Trying to help,


a href=;
Certified LabVIEW Developer /a

Re: How to list files from directory in list box?

2004-03-07 Thread Jonnie 5

set vi icon invoke node

2004-03-07 Thread Svingen
The invoke node in LV7.0 (windows) has a Get vi icon and a Set vi icon
property. The Get vi icon works just fine (can save bitmaps to files
etc). But I can't get the Set vi icon to work. Even if i wire the
output from one Get vi icon directly to the input of a Set vi icon,
nothing happends. What am i doing wrong?


Re: multiple images

2004-03-07 Thread LuisM
I Ben
the extension of this file is .llb, is this a valid LabView extension
I will try this method and see if I can get it going.
my approach to this was to build a main VI with the main schematic
drawing of the system and then use sub VIs to just change the valves
and switchs but the idea of changing the hole screen at once seems a
good idea if I can get it smooth enought.

Re: xy graph point tip strip

2004-03-07 Thread Ben
Well not exactly like Excel but Excel cheats and limits you to 65535
samples in a plot!

The built in functionality you should investigate is the cursor
legend. That is available from

showCursor Legend

You can resize the cursor legend as you see fit.

The cursors can be set to snap to a point on a plot and the cursor
legend will show the X and Y values of where the cursor is positioned.

You can drag the cursor or use the arrows to move teh cursor one
step at a time.

I have written custom code that will do the mouse over thing but
that is over-kill in most cases (mouse overs can kill most

I hope this help,


a href=;
Certified LabVIEW Developer /a

xy graph point tip strip

2004-03-07 Thread Greg Shipley
I am using LV6.1 with Win2000. I would like to have the mouse pointer
show the value of a point on an xy graph like Excel does.  Is there a
way to do this?

Re: multiple images

2004-03-07 Thread Ben
A .llb is a library for LV.

I usualy avoid /llb's but that example was intended for demonstrating
dynamic instanciation of VI's. That meant I had to make sure all the
support file where present to work correctly. The .llb was just a
convienent way of solving the problem when I posted the example.

.llb's can be thought of as a LV folder (becuase that is what they


Re: Creating an executable program to control a machine

2004-03-07 Thread Dennis Knutson
To create an .exe, you need the application builder. It is included
with the Professional versions of LabVIEW or you can purchase it
separately as an add-on. I think the current price is U$995. The app
builder inlcudes an installer that you can use to package the .exe and
any support files that you might need.

Re: I have a digital storage oscilloscope tektronix 2430,and an...

2004-03-07 Thread Dennis Knutson
Go A href=;here/A and find
the exact model of your GPIB board and get the correct driver for it.
Your LV 4 CD probably has a driver that will work but not all OS's are
supported by all versions so you're going to have to make some
decisions there as well. If you can get the GPIB driver installed,
then any of the LV versions you mention should work OK but try the
latest first. Instrument drivers are currently available for only LV 6
and 7.

How I can open Labview6.1 files form Labview5.1, or how to...

2004-03-07 Thread jonni
How I can open Labview6.1 files form Labview5.1, or how to save file
using 6.1 in order to open it by 5.1

I tried save with options but there are only 6.0/6.1 versions but no
prior. How I can convert files from LV6.1 to LV5.1?

Re: How I can open Labview6.1 files form Labview5.1, or how to...

2004-03-07 Thread Ben
You will at least need LV 6.0.X to do the conversion IF POSSIBLE!

There were many features and functions added between 5.1 and 6.1. None
of these are backward compatible.

If you have 6.0.x then first do a save for previous from 6.1 the 6.0.x
then repeat uisng LV 6i.


Re: set vi icon invoke node

2004-03-07 Thread Ben
invoke node save instrument.

without diagram is false.

I do not think loading FP is required.


Re: set vi icon invoke node

2004-03-07 Thread Svingen

I think my problem was that i didn't understand how the function-node
worked. What i was trying to do was to 're-icon' several bunches of
files while re-naming them in LV. I have several source files that was
to be copied to a lot of target files with slightly different names
and correspondingly icons (using the picture tool).

It worked when using the invoke node to load the FP, then set the new
icon, then use the save instrument node and finally close FP node (not
sure if i actually have to load FP?). I thought the Set Icon node
would actually 'Set' the icon, it didn't occur to me that the vi had
to be saved for the icon to stick.


2004-03-07 Thread Roli

OLE ist dasselbe wie ActiveX. Microsoft hat dies umbenannt - entweder
ein dummes Verwirrspiel oder ein strategischer (Marketing)Einfall -
egal. Jedenfalls kannst du mit dem ActiveX Interface von LabVIEW die
OLE Controls ansprechen.

Microsoft's MSDN gibt noch mehr Infos z.B. a
ActiveX Control Overview/a

Oder bestimmt findest du geeignete NI LabVIEW Beispiele um den
Einstieg zu finden.

Welches Steuerelement von OLE m=F6chtest du denn ansprechen?

Hoffe, dass et etwas half.

Purchased 6025E, Demo Labview, need example to eval

2004-03-07 Thread robroy_1
Hello All;

If I may ask for your guidance please?

We have purchased a 6025E card and want to evaluate which direction to
go. Our plan is to use the demo of labview 7 express first to develop
a simple test, and then use the labwindows demo to develop and
evaluate the same test. This would give us a good feel (we thought)
for which product we want to purchase. Our problem appears to be that
without a license (Labview or LabWindows) we can only modify an
existing task, channel, or scale according the measurement explorer.
We are not sure what that (Message from ME) really means except that
we are left to wonder what it means not having experience with the

We need an example program that we can use directly or modify for the
6025E card that will give us a sense of what the test programming will
be like in Labview 7 express. Our test scenario is to set a state,
read our inputs, wait a period of time, change state, read our inputs,
wait a period of time. We would like to use a spread sheet form to
control the output states and compare the input states against, as
well as set the period of time for each state. Setting a state
includes setting the direction register for those ports or bits that
can be set. If this is an easy demo or if it already exists in a state
that we should be able to use and evaluate then please point us to the
right location or source.

Our operating system is Windows XP Pro, internet connected, and can be
set to host for GOTOMYPC or Windows remote assistance should there be
an active interest in getting us going. We have a contractor in house
whose job it was to set up a demo test but we are afraid that we
shackled his efforts by not having the software already purchased. Is
this a fair assumption?

Your thoughts, assistive actions, and criticism is welcome.


Rob Roy

how to get the selected items from listbox

2004-03-07 Thread parimala
Regarding listbox i have two questions
1) I want to get the selected items as per the order in which ihave
selected.Presently i'm getting in the ascending order.For example
after selcting the 1,2,6 if i select 3 then its giving 1,2,3,6.But i
want it in the order 1,2,6,3

2)I want to select items from a single list box to many other
listboxes.(ie) my first selection should goto first,second one to the
second listbox and like this.How should i write the logic.
please give me a suggestion.

Re: Labview ausführbare Applikation

2004-03-07 Thread waldemar.hersacher
Hallo Fahri,

du brauchst entweder den Application Builder oder die Professional
Version von LV um Anwendungen zu erzeugen. Der Application Builder
kann auch einen Installer erzeugen, mit dem auch andere Dateien, die
zur Anwendung geh=F6ren, z. B. Konfigurationsdateien, hinzugef=FCgt werden
