Re: How to multiply the measured signal with exp(-t/T) and integrate it?

2004-05-29 Thread altenbach
I guess your problem description is not entirely clear.

So we are starting out with an array S(t). After exponential
multiplication and integration, we are left with a single value,
according to your description, so it's more "data reduction" than

Are you sure that's what you want? What exactly should the result be,
I can think of a few possible alternative interpretations, e.g.:

(1) You are looking for the scalar value of the integral.
(2) You are looking for a new signal where each point is the integral
up to that point.
(3) You are looking for a point-by-point type implementation, where
you apply this function to a sliding window, replacing the signal with
the filtered values as you go.
(4) etc.

In any case, all this is simple math and the LabVIEW diagram will
probably fit the size of a postage stamp.

Please give a bit more detail and I'll wire something up.

RE: Anyone had any experience with FTDI232 or 245 based modules inLabview?

2004-05-29 Thread Jason Dunham

I did set the VISA buffer size, but it doesn't seem to have any effect.
I suspect FTDI's virtual com port driver has its own internal buffer,
because I can't imagine that the VISA function would not be working.

Jason Dunham
SF Industrial Software, Inc.

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2004 11:31 AM
To: Jason Dunham
Cc: Info LabVIEW Mailing List
Subject: RE: Anyone had any experience with FTDI232 or 245 based modules


I'm not sure if they support it, but in general you should call VISA Set
Buffer Size (from C it's viSetBuf) to set the driver's read/receive
size for each port.  With most serial drivers, that overrides any
buffer size.

Dan Mondrik
National Instruments

| |   "Jason Dunham"   |
| |   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   |
| |   Sent by: |
| |>  |
| ||
| ||
| |   05-28-2004 09:41 AM  |
  |   To:   "Info LabVIEW Mailing List"
  |   cc:
  |   Subject:  RE: Anyone had any experience with FTDI232 or 245
based modules inLabview?   |

I've used them on three projects now.  It's just as easy as it sounds to
use VISA with their virtual COM port driver.  I also have some VIs to
connect with their DLL and that works too.

The only hitch so far is that there seems to be an internal 4k buffer
somewhere in the driver, so when I stream data at 921600 baud, sometimes
VISA or my old PIII can't empty the buffer fast enough.

Jason Dunham
SF Industrial Software, Inc.

-Original Message-
From: Baroni, Nicholas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 8:55 PM
To: Info LabVIEW Mailing List
Subject: Anyone had any experience with FTDI232 or 245 based modules

Hi list,

Looking at documentation from
it looks as easy as 'falling off a log'.

There are ready built modules such as these available from several

Can any one out there confirm?
i.e. - Their virtual com port driver is useable from VISA, opens, reads
and writes as advertised?

 Nick Baroni.

 Mechanical Engineer
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Re: can I see Labview discussion Forums in Outlook Express

2004-05-29 Thread altenbach
See if e.g. comp.lang.labview is available on your regular news
server, it might be.

New Sounds VIs PDA Module 7.1

2004-05-29 Thread Matute
Can somebody exactly tell me what are the new sound VIs in LabView PDA
7.1? Can I install PDA Module 7.1 on LabView 7.0?


Re: Serial Read Different from Hyperterminal

2004-05-29 Thread altenbach
Could it be that your baud rate setting in the LabVIEW program is set
four times too fast? (clues: you get about 4x too much data and most
of it is in clusters of 4 equal bytes).

Check your communication settings and maybe try different speeds.
Remember that Hyperterminal has a problem changing baud rates, e.g. if
you change the baud rate in hyperterminal, they won't take efect until
you disconnect/reconnect so you might actually not communicate at the
rate you think you are.

Also make sure that the serial speed is actually wired to the "Visa
configure serial port", maybe the wire is missing.

Re: Hex to ASCII conversion

2004-05-29 Thread altenbach

Whatever you are doing in that example does not look like a CRC
computation (see e.g. ),
but I'm no expert here. (Also, you seem to be doing FF+1-X in the code
as opposed to FF-1+X described in your post).

Again, I am pretty sure that your device expects the raw string, and
not the hexadecimally formatted representation of it.

Do you have more detailed instructions on what your device expects,
maybe an example command together with the resulting string that needs
to be sent? How long are the commands? How many bits in the CRC?

Re: can I see Labview discussion Forums in Outlook Express

2004-05-29 Thread altenbach
Procedures vary depending on OE version, but here are the general
instructions. If your computer is not too customized, you can go there
directly, just click the following link


Manual instructions:

Open Outlook Express and go to "tools...accounts".

Click [Add...] --> News...
and finish the wizard with relevenat entries:

Display Name: Your real name or an alias.
e-mail address: your e-mail address (or a fake, ending in .invalid if
you want to keep it private or are worried it gets harvested).
News server:
Finish the wizard.

Now select and press "Newsgroups..." and subscribe
to whatever you desire. You can also "go to" any newsgroups without

Re: code wizard

2004-05-29 Thread chutla

If there was, we'd all be out of business!  All kidding aside,
Labview is written in a language called "G", which can be manipulated
within a C type structure.  You might do a web search on "G" language
and see what has been done.  You might get some hints there.   Also,
look up GOOP.


Re: can I see Labview discussion Forums in Outlook Express

2004-05-29 Thread sattu
Hi Altenbach,
Thanks for reply..
I have account on but I can't able to find from where I can
downloads the newsgroups?
And could you please tell me how I configuered my OUTLOOK EXPRESS to
read newsgroup?

Re: Congratulations, Dennis Knutson!

2004-05-29 Thread chutla
Congratulations, Dennis!

 Your productivity is astonishing.  Having just achieved 10% of
 your output myself, I can appreciate your dedication :)  Most of what
 I know about Labview I learned on this forum, and you seem to have
 been there since the very beginning.  Keep up the great work!


Re: can I see Labview discussion Forums in Outlook Express

2004-05-29 Thread altenbach
These discussions are also available as newsgroups, so you can use the
news reader of Outlook Express.

Set up a news accout to server: and download
the available newsgroups. For example comp.lang.labview is the
main LabVIEW newsgroup and corrsponds to "LabVIEW General" here.
(Othere news servers may also carry some of these news groups, but I
prefer to go directly to the source). :-)

Personally, I prefer to access them directly here via the NI developer
Zone, but both ways have advantages.

RE: restoring defaults to controls

2004-05-29 Thread R. Glenn Givens
In your example in the link you kindly provided, you are determining which
defaults not to restore based on their Label Text. I was using References
which would have been easier but it didn't work. I think I'll check for
specific Labels but to save lots of work, I'll also exclude all
controls/indicators having all CAPS or last character as CAPS or "|" as last
char or foreground colour being grey which I use for the non-user hidden
ones. Too bad there aren't separate properties for references of controls VS
Indicators - that would save some work or a way to determine if it's an
indicator or control.


R. Glenn Givens P.Eng.
Innovention Industries Inc.
Burlington, ON, Canada

-Original Message-
From: Michael Aivaliotis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: May 26, 2004 15:58
To: 'R. Glenn Givens'
Subject: RE: restoring defaults to controls

Actually PJM, you should be able to apply the "Reinit to Dflt" method just
as Glenn describes. Glenn, it's possible that in your
implementation, one of the controls cannot be set to default. This cause an
error which propogates to other control methods down the
chain. I've attached a link to an image which describes one method that I
use for applying properties and methods to front panel
references. Maybe this will help:

Michael Aivaliotis

It is my understanding that the Node "Reinit to Dflt" applies to every
controls/indicator in the panel. In the past, my approach was
to get the value of the controls/indicators I do not want to reset (usually
in variant or flatten string), then reset everything
then put back the cached value I did not want to reset in the first place.
Of course I did never had 50 of them !.
I now try to avoid using "Reinit to Dflt" if possible.


"R. Glenn Givens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have a VI with 100 controls that the user can manipulate. Then there are
around 50 indicators and controls that display calculations or are used for
house-keeping (some will eventually be made invisible when I finish the VI).
So I have a button called "Restore Defaults". When the user clicks it, I get
the VI Property "Panel" (panel's reference #) and I feed that to Pnl
Property "Controls" which I feed to a For Loop with an Invoke Node "Reinit
to Dflt" inside. Unfortunately, this restores the values to the defaults for
all controls and indicators. So I thought I would make an array of the
references of the 50 indicators & controls that I didn't want to restore and
just check inside the For Loop if the control in question should be restored
or not. But still, all 150 values are restored.

What is the best way to do this? Make an array of all the controls I *do*
want to restore? For some reason, the Build Array node has coercion dots
where the reference comes into it.

R. Glenn Givens P.Eng.
Innovention Industries Inc.
Burlington, ON, Canada

Re: Disable Monitoring of Remote Panels

2004-05-29 Thread Greg McKaskle
> I want only one person at a time to be able to control it, and its
> fine for people to see the panel's image, but I'd prefer for them to
> not be able to see what the other students are doing with the panel.
> Currently only one person can control the panel remotely, but everyone
> that's waiting in line can see exactly what they're doing.

There is a utility for monitoring connections, and you can deny or close 
down connections for any reason, typically it will be for timeouts.  But 
you could monitor and deny their access until the current user is 
finished.  Or, it might be alot better to do this in the HTML pages 
leading up to the remote panel.  They request control, and if someone 
else has it, they get a denied page where you show them whatever you 
like, such as instructions for preparing the experiment.  Then when the 
current user releases control, it can be given to the next in line.  To 
do this, you could use CGI in LV, Perl, etc.

Greg McKaskle

Re: Display the indicator bigger when the user clicks on it

2004-05-29 Thread Greg McKaskle
> If it is possible how can I make the program so that the indicator
> that the user clicks on becomes larger with respect to the background
> so that the user can watch the level of the pressure from the bigger
> distance.
> Are there any tricks that can be done with maybe property nodes or
> something else?

You have lots of tools for making things larger, but I'd say the tougher 
decision is what happens in the UI so that it doesn't cover up too many 
other items.

If you have a portion of your panel that will become a magnified view of 
your object, or a floating window that will magnify, that gives the user 
the ability to see and click on them when they become more important 
than the one currently magnified.

Anyway, your options are either to grow the object using the property 
node.  Not that there is a base size property that is read only, then 
most objects have a more specific property for growing them.  Some are 
based on pixels, some on rows, etc.  The other option is to have small 
and large controls and show the large when clicked upon.  You really 
only need one large control of each type (slider or meter or readout) 
and you can customize its other properties like color and name just 
before showing to fit it to the thing clicked upon.

Greg McKaskle

Re: What LabVIEW for Linux based on ?

2004-05-29 Thread AndreyCherepenko
Only library provided interface to DAQ boards is interested for me.
 I hav't plan to use LabVIEW but only "C/C++"  with that library.
 For Windows it is NI-DAQ, but what is for Linux ?
