Searching 1D-array under LV6.1

2004-06-18 Thread ASCologne

I have a large 1D-array. I want to search a certain number in it and
save the positions into a new array.

F.E.: Array 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

To be found is "3". The array I need would be 3 13 23 33.

I know how to search in an array but my problem is saving the
positions into the array.

How can I do that?


PS: Please send back a VI which can be sarted under LabVIEW 6.1.

Re: Converting LV 7 to LV 6.1

2004-06-17 Thread ASCologne
Thanks for your hints, but they all need an INSTALLED version of
LabVIEW 7. Do you know a way without installing the new version again?

By the way, I cannot open the new files. If I try the message "VI
version (7.0) is newer than LabVIEW version (6.1)."


Converting LV 7 to LV 6.1

2004-06-17 Thread ASCologne
Does anybody of you know a way to convert LV7-VI's to LV6.1? I don't
need to run them, I want to look at them. I am asking because I
started with LV7 but had to change to LV6.1. My "old" VI's are not
running anymore.


Re: Array Subset with LabVIEW 6.1

2004-06-17 Thread ASCologne
Thanks for helping. But since I am using LabVIEW 6.1 I cannot open
your VI which is written in LabVIEW 7. Please convert it to 6.1 or
send back a picture of your code.

(Under Windows 9x: Open the diagram, press Alt+Print (Druck in
Germany, next to F12) paste the picture in MS Paint, save it as JPG or
BMP or whatever and send it to the Forum.)


Re: arithmetic average with LabVIEW 6.1

2004-06-15 Thread ASCologne
The easiest ways are always the best !!

Thanks for helping me.

Re: arithmetic average with LabVIEW 6.1

2004-06-14 Thread ASCologne
Hi Lauren,

thanks for the answer. Your idea works, but I need a more generous

I have to extract the rows from a 2D-array, compute the arithmetic
average of each row and add this value as a seventh column. Finaly I
merge the rows together again to one 2D-array and save it to a

By the way, it won't have three rows, but more than 20. The VI should
count the number of needed rows by itself.

Perhaps someone can help me now.


arithmetic average with LabVIEW 6.1

2004-06-14 Thread ASCologne
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


I have an array containing six rows and 3 columns. My task is to
calculate the arithmetic average of the elements in the columns and
add it as a seventh row to the array. How can I do that? I added a
txt-file with the array.
Content-Type: text/plain; name=test1.txt
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=test1.txt
Content-Description: array

2,000   9,000   16,000
3,000   10,000  17,000
4,000   11,000  18,000
5,000   12,000  19,000
6,000   13,000  20,000
7,000   14,000  21,000


Re: Saving Arrays to one Array, Arrays zusammenfassen

2004-05-14 Thread ASCologne
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Thanks Dave,

it works ALMOST. Look into the output file.

Content-Type: text/plain; name=substract_ausgabe.txt
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=substract_ausgabe.txt
Content-Description: Output

0,0E+0 0,0E+0
1,0E-1 1,00167E-1
2,0E-1 2,01336E-1
3,0E-1 3,04520E-1
4,0E-1 4,10752E-1
5,0E-1 5,21095E-1
6,0E-1 6,36654E-1
7,0E-1 7,58584E-1
8,0E-1 8,88106E-1
9,0E-1 1,02652E+0
1,0E+0 1,17520E+0
1,1E+0 1,33565E+0
1,2E+0 1,50946E+0
1,3E+0 1,69838E+0
1,4E+0 1,90430E+0
1,5E+0 2,12928E+0
1,6E+0 2,37557E+0
1,7E+0 2,64563E+0
1,8E+0 2,94217E+0
1,9E+0 3,26816E+0
2,0E+0 3,62686E+0
2,1E+0 4,02186E+0
2,2E+0 4,45711E+0
2,3E+0 4,93696E+0
2,4E+0 5,46623E+0
2,5E+0 6,05020E+0
2,6E+0 6,69473E+0
2,7E+0 7,40626E+0
2,8E+0 8,19192E+0
2,9E+0 9,05956E+0
3,0E+0 1,00179E+1
3,1E+0 1,10765E+1
3,2E+0 1,22459E+1
3,3E+0 1,35379E+1
3,4E+0 1,49654E+1
3,5E+0 1,65426E+1
3,6E+0 1,82855E+1
3,7E+0 2,02113E+1
3,8E+0 2,23394E+1
3,9E+0 2,46911E+1
4,0E+0 2,72899E+1
4,1E+0 3,01619E+1
4,2E+0 3,33357E+1
4,3E+0 3,68431E+1
4,4E+0 4,07193E+1
4,5E+0 4,50030E+1
4,6E+0 4,97371E+1
4,7E+0 5,49690E+1
4,8E+0 6,07511E+1
4,9E+0 6,71412E+1
5,0E+0 7,42032E+1
5,1E+0 8,20079E+1
5,2E+0 9,06334E+1
5,3E+0 1,00166E+2
5,4E+0 1,10701E+2
5,5E+0 1,22344E+2
5,6E+0 1,35211E+2
5,7E+0 1,49432E+2
5,8E+0 1,65148E+2
5,9E+0 1,82517E+2
6,0E+0 2,01713E+2
6,1E+0 2,22928E+2
6,2E+0 2,46374E+2
6,3E+0 2,72285E+2
6,4E+0 3,00922E+2
6,5E+0 3,32570E+2

Saving Arrays to one Array, Arrays zusammenfassen

2004-05-14 Thread ASCologne
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


I have two arrays, f.e. "1 2 3 4 5" and "6 7 8 9 0", an I want to save
them in one array like:

1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 0

(two values in one line seperated by tab)

The "Build array" vi gives the following output:

"   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   0"

inkluding the strange Symbol "[]" (a square) and no linebreak. How can
I handle this? I attached my original output.


PS: LabVIEW 7, answers in german, english or dutch
Content-Type: text/plain; name=substract_ausgabe.txt
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=substract_ausgabe.txt
Content-Description: output file


applied mahematics (algorithm)

2004-05-13 Thread ASCologne

this time I have a more mathematical question. It's a bit complicated,
that's why I ask it in german:

Ich muss zwei Messreihen voneinander abziehen (Einmal Pobe mit Halter,
einmal nur Halter, Ergebnis Probe =3D Probe mit halter minus halter).
Das Problem ist, dass die die Messreihen experimentell bedingt leicht
gegeneinander verschoben sind. Gl=FCcklicherweise habe ich aber eine
"Null", ein Ausschlag zu Beginn der Messung. Mein Problem ist nun, wie
ich diese Null bestimmen kann.

(Beispiel: f1(x) =3D sin x, f2(x) =3D sin (x+a). Ich brauche ein
Verfahren, um dieses "a" zu bestimmen, um dann f1(x)-f2(x-a) zu
berechnen. Die Funktionen sind aber nicht konkret gegeben, sondern
physikalische Messdaten.)

Mir geht es haupts=E4chlich um die Theorie, aber wer eine praktische
Umsetzung f=FCr LabVIEW 7 kennt, ist herzlich dazu eingeladen, sie mir
zu sagen. Eingebaute Funktionen sind mir am liebsten. Kennt eigentlich
jemand von euch eine (deutschsprachige) Quelle, wo ich Details zum
Levenberg-Marquardt -- Algorithmus bekommen kann? Google'n hat mich
nicht weit genug gebracht.

If possible help me (thanks) or translate it (thanks even more).


Reading files

2004-05-12 Thread ASCologne

this time I have two questions, I hope somebody can help:

1) I want to read a spreadsheat-file into an array, but WITHOUT the
first two lines. How can I do that? I know how to read the data, but
not how to ignore the first lines.

2) After the calculation I have two columns of data, x and y. I weant
to save them in a spreadsheat-file like

x y
1 2
3 4 etc.,

(seperated by tab; title not nescessary)

I managed write single data into the file, but not the entire array.


PS: I am using LabVIEW 7, you can answer in german, english or dutch.

Re: read spreadsheat file

2004-05-10 Thread ASCologne
Hi Joe, I tried that, but it didn't change anything. Even "%.2f" did
not work, it still were three digits right to the ".". Julien's
suggestion works better, but is more complicated.


Re: read spreadsheat file

2004-05-10 Thread ASCologne

your answer helps but LabVIEW only reads 6 digits at the right of the
".", I need more, f.e. 1.234567890123e-10. Some other questions:

1) How do I read every number in the file? Probably a while-loop, but
I have no expoeriences with them yet.

2) How did you make the jpg-file?

Thanks a lot, Arno Smeets

PS: If I get "source-code" again, please write the (english)
function-name to the icon. Thank you

read spreadsheat file

2004-05-10 Thread ASCologne
I want to read Data form a txt-file into LabVIEW. The data looks like
1.23456E-7. LabVIEW only takes three digits at the right side from the
".". How can I handle this?

Arno Smeets

PS: You can answer in english, german or dutch.