A few questions about OS compatibility:
1) Does a VI developed on one OS (Windows for example) run on any of
the other OS (Linux or Mac for example)?
2) Does an *.exe build with LabVIEW on one OS (Windows for example)
run on any of the other OS (Linux or Mac for example)?

A question about LabVIEW for Linux:
There are many versions of Linux (I know the system requirements for
LabVIEW for Linux) and I'm particularly interested in the small
distributions; what are the minimum system requirements for running a
vi or *.exe on linux? Or put differently; what linux-components does a
VI or *.exe need to run on a Linux system?

Windows embedded:
Windows Embedded XP seems to be a scaled-down version of Windows XP
Professional; will a VI or *.exe run on this OS?

Thank you,

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