Re: VISA serial communication in LV 7 application

2004-05-12 Thread CAW
In regard to another application using the serial port, an application
that uses the serial port and is often loaded on system startup is PDA
synchronization software.  This is such a common technical support
call for us that we have specific warnings in our manuals to instruct
users to make sure the PDA synch software is disabled.

Allen Weekley
Alpha Technics

Call to WinAPI Kernel32.dll doesn't work in runtime

2004-02-27 Thread CAW
I have a dll call to the Kernel32.dll function GetVolumeInformationA.
It works in the development environment and when I build it into an
executable and run the executable on the development machine it also
works, bu when I run the executable on the target machine with only
the LabVIEW Runtime installed it does not run.  It produces error code
21.  Any ideas as to the cause of the problem?


Re: connect to SQL Server without a DSN

2004-02-12 Thread CAW
Thanks for the opinion.  I agree that using a DSN has many advantages,
but it is my customer's requirement that the connection be made
without using a DSN.


Are DLL's version proof?

2004-01-09 Thread CAW
If LabVIEW VI's are built into a DLL, could any version of LabVIEW
call the DLL?  Does a DLL built in LabVIEW include a LabVIEW Runtime?