Re: How can i display the signal out of a FFT block to a graph?

2004-02-13 Thread JFT'
Hi,  For the Y-axis, it depends of the input data binaries.  I mean,
if these come from a voltage signal or a collection of data or a sound
signal, etc.  It's necessary to know the factor conversion the voltage
values, for example...
 And for the X-axis, that represents the axis of frequencies, and its
posible to reconstruct until the nyquist order of the harmonic
frequency (FS/2).Also it's important, the lenght of the input
data, it's a power of 2, since algorithm FFT gives a fast and optimal
  Then connect the output to a "Waveform Graph" Display, on the front
I hope this help.

Re: unable to read the frequency from this output sine wave of amplitude VS time

2004-02-13 Thread JFT'
I don't really see the utility of this VI, however, the variable "scan
rate", of the "LJstream graph processing", it's an arbitrary value,
 What is the idea with these VIs?, tell me more, please.
