Although I don't have a direct answer to your question, I had a similar
frustrating experience with LabVIEW and Excel earlier this year.  I was
seeing strange Excel/ActiveX behavior that took almost a week to isolate and
fix.  In my case (using Excel 2000) I was making updates from LabVIEW via
ActiveX and had different behavior in LabVIEW vs. a LabVIEW Application
(built executable).  In the built executable Excel would lock up, but in the
LabVIEW environment it worked fine.

After fighting with it for several days I found the cause to be the way I
was handling a worksheet refnum.  In one section of my code I had a refnum
going to a case structure where 2 different operations occurred; in one case
I used the "Activesheet" property whereas the other I used a user defined
sheetname.  To make a long story short, the case structure worked fine in
LabVIEW, but not when built as an application.  I ended up doing both
operations in series and ignoring the information I wasn't looking for.  One
way I could detect the problem was when I looked in the task manager I would
see Excel open when it should have been closed.

So as a long shot suggestion, I guess I'm saying that I've also see
behaviors in LV/Excel that seem to cause latent issues that are very hard to
isolate.  Perhaps you are seeing the same issues I saw since you are opening
and closing worksheets.  If that's no help, at least take some solace in
knowing someone else "feels your pain".  

Let me know if you want more information about what I saw and how I fixed

John W. Morrissey                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Principal Test Engineer          Sycamore Networks
220 Mill Road                       Chelmsford, MA  01824  (USA)
Tel (978) 367-8041                Fax (978) 250-9405

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