LV Script - Make Decoration Image

2004-06-22 Thread Norman Kirchner
Has anyone used the LV Scripting tools to create an picture decoration?
I have been able to create other decorations such as chisled lines, text
lables, and flat boxes.
The hangup is in the correct combination of Style and Object Class.
Anyone have any leads? (NI Guys?)
Norman J. Kirchner Jr.
Automation Software Engineer
Engineering Specialists, Inc.
(262)783-8001 Fax

Win XP SP2

2004-06-17 Thread Norman Kirchner
Does anyone how the new SP2 for WinXP is going to affect LV?
To the best of my knowledge, SP2 is going to have some major effects on
the WinXP OS and the software which runs on it.
Is LV going to need it's own sp?
Norman J. Kirchner Jr.
Automation Software Engineer
Engineering Specialists, Inc.
(262)783-8001 Fax

Software package?

2004-06-16 Thread Norman Kirchner
I am trying to research some kind of pre-canned software package for
inspection that has the name Lighthouse or Litehouse.
That is ALL the information I have on it.
It may or may not have been written in G.
But I thought I would ping the list to see if anyone has a direction to
point me in.
Allready been google'd with no luck
Norman J. Kirchner Jr.
Automation Software Engineer
Engineering Specialists, Inc.
(262)783-8001 Fax

RE: VIs for NIWeek GBnU

2004-06-14 Thread Norman Kirchner
Check out the VI's for the 17xx series and the 1030 series instruments
on the web site

The example interface programs for these fit into the later of the two
requirements. G,B,U.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 10:54 AM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Greg McKaskle
Subject: RE: VIs for NIWeek GBnU

There is a huge collection of native LV drivers on the NI web site, and
many (if not most) could do with SOME cleanup. Since test performance
can be drastically affected by driver efficiency, maybe reviewing the
driver style guide as a NI Week program would be in order.

I've shuddered at many drivers I've downloaded over the years, some
rewritten some from scratch. Take a look at the Quadtech Digibridge 1689
10ac86256d81006a30da?OpenDocument ); they were made some 10 years ago,
but they make me laugh. The use of locals between frames in a sequence
which do nothing, combined with complex subvi's that can be replaced
with one or two functions on the source vi panel should make for
interesting discussion.

I give this only as an example; this is an relatively ancient driver and
instrument (not even 488.2 compliant). I have 5 in my office that make
up a good portion of our business though :-( I'm fully aware of newer
instruments (including from Quadtech) with good drivers and SCPI.

Alas, I work for a small company that can't afford to send me to NI
week, but all of my friends from former employers that have attended
rave about the various programs and the night life!

As a side note, I don't think I've ever met a LVer that couldn't resist
improving even the best written drivers (including me!).

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Greg McKaskle
 Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 8:43 AM
 Subject: VIs for NIWeek GBnU

 I hope I'm not annoying anyone yet, but I'm still looking for guinea 
 pig VIs that Christina and I can try to improve for the presentation.

 In case you haven't seen the previous posts, we request submissions 
 and try to fix the things that the author had difficulty 
 accomplishing. Sometimes it is performance, othertimes it is an 
 unprofessional panel, or perhaps the VI works, but they had problems 
 making the code readable enough.

 The presentation at NIWeek has few slides and consists of looking at 
 the before and after pictures.  Pointing out the good and clever 
 things that were already there, looking at how the bad things could 
 have been done differently, and looking at the ugly things and seeing 
 if they can be made pretty.

 So, if you have the time and would like to help make our NIWeek 
 sessions more successful, please consider sending a good, bad, or ugly

 VI suite to [EMAIL PROTECTED] along with some description of what you were 
 trying to do and what things you wished had turned out better.

 The VIs will be made anonymous and the presentation will be very 
 interactive.  Join us if you can for the NIWeek session.

 Greg McKaskle

RE: Selling Useful routines

2004-06-14 Thread Norman Kirchner
I would also be interested this information.
Please include me in any replies to this thread.

Norman J. Kirchner Jr.
Automation Software Engineer
Engineering Specialists, Inc.
(262)783-8001 Fax

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John Brohan
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 12:53 PM
Subject: Selling Useful routines


I have ( what I consider to be ) a useful set of VI's to manage
configuration files and parameter data as functional globals. They have
been elaborated over several years and I think that they are ready for a
wider audience. Some members of this list sell libraries and I'd like to
get some feeling for the most suitable way to earn some money this way.

Selling routines without diagrams seems a chancy business for the buyer,
since a LabVIEW version upgrade in the middle of a project can cause
your program to stop compiling. Do people really send you money when
they sell a program which incorporates a shareware component? Or do
they just forget where they got it from.

How price sensitive are people? It's almost as easy and surely more
satisfying to sell 10 copies for $200 as one for $2000.

Does NI (or do you) have some legal grip on the word Tool Kit as in
Configuration File Tool Kit ?

I'd appreciate the views of Buyers and Sellers both and also those who
will never buy.

Yours Sincerely


John Brohan National Instruments LabVIEW expert in Montreal
Traders Micro We connect all sorts of things to computers
317 Barberry Place DDO Montreal PQ Canada H9G 1V3 Tel (514)995-3749

ActiveX Remote access

2004-06-04 Thread Norman Kirchner
Is it possible to open an automation reference to an activeX control in
a VI running on another computer on the local network, and how?

On the Automation Open function there is a machine name option which
allows me to reference the other computer. I've selected the intended
class that I will be accesing, but I need that next step/configuration
on the remote machine that will complete the circuit.

 And they're off

Norman J. Kirchner Jr.
Automation Software Engineer
Engineering Specialists, Inc.
(262)783-8001 Fax

On the topics of charts

2004-05-12 Thread Norman Kirchner
I know that a number of NI programmers/employees are on this list and I
was wondering if any attempt has been made to make the chart control
more robust in LV 7.1. Chart options like the sweep update mode have
been prone to leave ghost sweep bars, changing the x scale will
sometimes cause the data to disappear, ghost or bad data points showing
up whenever there is a change to the chart formatting, etc. And of
course these problems always popup when you are trying to convince a
customer that LV is robust and they will have no problems if they decide
to go for an NI solution. 

So has there been any improvement and if not, why?

-Norman J. Kirchner

RE: VISA Refnum delays

2004-05-05 Thread Norman Kirchner
Is there anyway to see a list of fixes that were implemented for 7.1?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Noel Adorno
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 7:32 AM
Subject: Re: VISA Refnum delays

Just to let you know, the VISA Refnum delay was signficantly improved in
LabVIEW 7.1 (

Noel Adorno
National Instruments

All those things they try to hide

2004-04-20 Thread Norman Kirchner
For anyone who's interests were peaked at the new code generation capabilites of LV7,
Check out the directory

C:\Program Files\National Instruments\MAX\Assistants\LVCGen\

There are many files to poke through.
A good simple file to look at that will wet your whistle
is in the LV70 Dir

~,~ The Captain was here

All those things - UPDATED

2004-04-20 Thread Norman Kirchner
I found the specific unprotected files in the LV70 Dir

C:\Program Files\National Instruments\MAX\Assistants\LVCGen\LV70\

Looks like someone forgot to protect the clusters MUST SEE


~,~ The Captain Was Here 

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Norman Kirchner
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 1:43 PM
Subject: All those things they try to hide

For anyone who's interests were peaked at the new code generation capabilites of LV7,
Check out the directory

C:\Program Files\National Instruments\MAX\Assistants\LVCGen\

There are many files to poke through.
A good simple file to look at that will wet your whistle
is in the LV70 Dir

~,~ The Captain was here

Subpanel Open BD property

2004-04-20 Thread Norman Kirchner
Does anyone know why the Open Block Diagram Right-click option would
be disabled on a running subpanel, even if the allow user to open BD
option is set to true. The SubPanel VI is a standard vi with default
options. If you look at the templates example for subpanels the right
click option is enabled. I just can't figure out how to get mine to be

-Norman Kirchner