Re: I change dt, but should the frequency change???

2004-06-01 Thread Oleg
first of all you don't need to create signals in loops like you did it
in your example. You can use signal generation VIs, which will do all
the job for you, from
Functions-Analyze-Waveform generation
Functions-Analyze-Signal Processing-Signal Generation

As for your question you need to use dt LESS then 1/(200*2)=2.5 ms.
This is very simple. If frequency is 200 Hz then the period of signal
is 5 ms. To generate this signal you need at least 2 points
corresponding to its maximum and minimum so the minimal value of dt is
2.5 ms. If you want to generate goodlooking sin wave you need more
then 10 points on one period.

So if your waveform has N points and corresponds to K periods (N/K 
2) of the wave with frequency F then

Good luck.

Oleg Chutko.

Re: write xy graph to png with labview 7

2004-05-26 Thread Oleg
If you need to save the image of your control then look A
where I described how to do it. There is an example which saves the
image of control to JPG file. To save image to PNG file you need to
replace Write JPG with Write PNG from
Functions-GraphicsSound-Graphics Formats palette.

Good luck.

Oleg Chutko.

Re: Y axis position

2004-05-24 Thread Oleg
if you want to show Y scale at the right side of your graph instead of
its ordinary position at the left you must do the following things:
Right click on the title of the scale and select swap sides option
from pop-up menu.

Good luck.

Oleg Chutko.

Re: Hi!!how can I build a vi with every number of inputs?

2004-05-24 Thread Oleg
one of the typical solutions is to use clusters. You can create one
cluster input for your vi with many elements inside. These elements
colud be of different types. With such solution you can create inside
cluster much more then 28 input elements.

Good luck.

Oleg Chutko.

Re: subVI indicator initialize

2004-05-17 Thread Oleg
look A

Good luck.

Oleg Chutko.

Re: How can I automatically word wrap a string placed in a (multicolumn) listbox ?

2004-05-12 Thread Oleg
To compute the sizes of  text written using some font you can use
Functions-Graphics  Sound-Picture Functions-Get Text In
this function you can specify the font name, its size, and some
options (italic, bold, etc.).

Good luck.

Oleg Chutko.