Need help with TCP/IP example?

2004-06-01 Thread Sys_Eng
I'm still new to labView 7.1. I'm trying to understand the TCP/IP
On TCP/IP Server/Client example, does the server generate the data and
than send that to the client?  After client receives the data, it
processes the data and it displays the data on the client side?  If
yes, than how would just display the data on client side by 1st
process it on server side?  Or can you do that way?


Re: Reading a File and by using TCP/IP transfer protocol?

2004-05-25 Thread Sys_Eng
Actually, I have ONE server and ONE client machine only.  The server
machine will take input data from NI-4451 and process them at the
server machine. I want to show 5 different data graphs.  I do not want
to send the data to client machine.  I will gather all my data at the
server machine and process at the server machine.  I just want to show
the result at client.   Similar to TCP/IP server/client example.

Do I still need to do:

"If you have ONE client and ONE server machine then you don't want to
have FIVE TCP connections.
1... Design a data structure. It should hold your five values, plus a
timestamp, or whatever else you want.  Make it a TypeDef, for ease of
changes, if you want.
On the server (where the data comes from):
2... I would have a single loop to collect your data and put it into
this data structure, at whatever rate you need.  This loop runs
regardless of whether there is a TCP connection or not. It also sets a
flag called NEW DATA.
3... Conn ID = invalid CONN ID (Initialize a shift reg) on 2nd  WHILE
3... Repeat
4...If shift reg is not VALID conn ID:
Wait for connection - assign conn ID
if NEW DATA flag  NOT set
 wait 20 mSec (or something)
Flatten latest data cluster into string.
Clear the NEW DATA flag.
Write string to connection.
5... until done.
On the client, you:
1... Open a connection.
2... S = flatten your Data Cluster into a string.
3... N = size of (S).  Do not hardwire this constant, let  it be
figured for you.
4... Repeat
5... Read N bytes from connection.
6... Unflatten string into your data type.
7... Display, store, whatever.
8... until done.
9... Close connection.
You'll have to add error checking, what to do if the connection
breaks, etc.
But that's the idea."

Re: Reading a File and by using TCP/IP transfer protocol?

2004-05-25 Thread Sys_Eng
Perhaps it=92s the Lab View architecture that I am not still clear with

So in TCP/IP Server/Client I can insert 5 different subVI's and called
them with 0 through 4 case and send to display it on Client side?
Those subVI's can be anything denstation PC.

Re: Reading a File and by using TCP/IP transfer protocol?

2004-05-25 Thread Sys_Eng
Thanks for your input.

Basically, what I am trying to do a wireless connections b/w two PC's
by using TCP/IP connection to send a RAW data. The RAW data will be
generated at the Server side and I want to display it on Remote Client
side.  The RAW data will be 5 different graphs that need to display on
the Client side.   So far I have study and looked the TCP/IP
Server/Client side to see how things are generated and displayed. On
the example TCP/IP server side, it has a stacked sqeu. That is
generating the graph and its sending to Client to display it.

That is the basic idea behind my application.

Reading a File and by using TCP/IP transfer protocol?

2004-05-24 Thread Sys_Eng
I have a Lab View data file from a DAQ card NI-4451.  I would like to
take this file and transfer it over TCP/IP Server/Client protocol and
open the file to see the results.


2004-05-13 Thread Sys_Eng

Ok, I will try the examples with TCP/IP.  I have read the TCP/IP notes
but I guess I had some tunnel vision and leading me to nothing.

Thanks for your help,


2004-05-12 Thread Sys_Eng
Thanks dan,
I'll try and see how it works-out.


2004-05-12 Thread Sys_Eng
7.0 or 7Express.


2004-05-12 Thread Sys_Eng
Ok, I think I am not making any connection here. Can you write up a
example with a TCP Open and TCP Listen and send a VI file to me?  I
have been looking at the Simple Data but I do not think I
need a client in my application?



2004-05-12 Thread Sys_Eng
This is what I got...

Error 63 occurred at TCP Open Connection in

Possible reason(s):

LabVIEW:  Serial port receive buffer overflow.
LabVIEW:  The network connection was refused by the server.


2004-05-12 Thread Sys_Eng
5000 on "Open side" and 5000 on "Listen side" as well.


2004-05-12 Thread Sys_Eng
Thanks Dan for the response. As for the example, I have "TCP Listen"
side, I have "Port" assign to 3000 with 50ms time dealy with
"Indicator"? Is this correct? Would it be easier if can send you the
"LabView" file for "Listen" and "Open" and make the corrections from

IP Format.

2004-05-12 Thread Sys_Eng
I'm really to new to LabView.
What do I select for IP address as a Input to "TCP Listen" or "TCP
Open".  I have been using "Num" but that is a constant number format,
so where do I find "DOT-Format"?