Re: XY Graph question

2004-04-24 Thread Victrick

It looks to me like you should be able to as if you'll look under XY
Graph Properties->Plots, each plot has a drop-down list of items
specifying the Y-Scale and X-Scale that the current plot is using.

The only problem is, each list only contains a single item - either
the current X-Scale or Y-Scale, and under the scales tab (unless I'm
blind), I can't see any options that might allow you to create new

As a stop-gap, just write your own VI that will scale the second
plot's Y values to correspond to the first plot's Y scale - should
take you maybe 5 minutes, and then you can always take it out later if
you find a new way.

Sorry I'm not much more help than that.

How accurate is the wait function when using really long waits?

2004-04-24 Thread Victrick
Howdy all,

There was a similar earlier post asking about wait accuracy over small

but I'm interested in the behaviour of the wait function over long
periods.  If I tell the wait function to wait 19 minutes (so
19*60*1000 = 1140 ms) assuming average system use (ie, system
resources are consistently available, not many programs running in the
background), what sort of accuracy can I expect?  Or will it end up
being entirely system dependent?  If NOTHING is going on in the
background, can I expect the function to terminate after approximately
19 minutes? (if it's within 30 seconds, I'd be happy)  Any better
ideas for handling long waits?

Any comments, ideas, etc. are appreciated

Re: I can't open my VI

2004-04-08 Thread Victrick
Hi Alex,

Sorry, but I can't open that VI either.

I had exactly the same problem yesterday involving three very
important VIs to a large project at work.  The project has a vision
component that I was testing yesterday.  We're short on hardware, so I
was given a crappy IMAQ framegrabber card that everyone told me didn't
work.  It worked for me for some reason, but after using it all
morning, my computer started crashing whenever I quit LabVIEW (I don't
know enough to blame it on the card, but I'm fairly certain the card
caused all the crashes).  After one reboot, loading my project,
LabVIEW did the same thing to me saying  for a couple VIs, even though it hadn't been moved or altered.

Since this is a very large project, we back-up daily, so I just
restored the files I had been using yesterday (which seemed identical
to me, as I hadn't modified those files since yesterday) - and LabVIEW
recognized the restored files like there was no problem.

I hadn't had that problem before then, and I don't know what causes
it, but I'd be very interested if anyone did.

When was the last time you were able to open it?  Did anything out of
the ordinary happen between the last time you were able to open it and
when you couldn't open it?  (like did your computer crash?)  What
version of LabVIEW are you working with?  (I'm working with LabVIEW

If that's a very key VI for your applications, and it hasn't been
backed up, I'm sure the folks at NI would be able to do SOMETHING to
your file to restore at least some of the work.

Hope someone else can fill in more details than I.

Re: How can I communicate betwen parallel asynchronous VIs?

2004-04-08 Thread Victrick
Yup, I've reworked my VIs and it works exactly as I wanted.  I feel
pretty dumb... my new golden rule: keep it simple stupid.

thanks again

Re: How can I communicate betwen parallel asynchronous VIs?

2004-04-08 Thread Victrick
and I guess I should come up with a new expression other than
"frustratingly lacking at times", since I used that one already...

Re: How can I communicate betwen parallel asynchronous VIs?

2004-04-08 Thread Victrick

No, I'm pretty sure you understand perfectly, as that's exactly what I
wanted to do.  I knew that if you had two loops on a block diagram,
they would execute in parallel, but I assumed that if you had a loop
and a SubVI on a block diagram, that whichever one started executing
first would have to terminate first.  I was making the problem much
more difficult then it needs to be, as that method would allow me to
use notifiers to achieve the intended effect.

As far as notifiers 'not working with the VI Server' as I must have
put it, I got that straight from the LabVIEW help files.  Under the
topic "Notifier Operation Functions" I read that "You cannot use
notifiers to communicate with VIs on other computers. For example, you
cannot use notifiers to communicate across a network or the VI

Originally, I was using a named notifier.  So, my "master" vi would
create a notifier to send commands with, then it would launch the
"slave" vi asynchronously with an invoke node, and send commands when
necessary.  The Slave obtained the notifier by using the "Obtain
Notifier" vi, supplying the same name as the Master did for the name
parameter.  This worked fine when I was testing - however once I built
my program to be an executable, the Slave created a new notifier,
rather than obtaining the same one being used by the Master.  (I'm not
100% sure that's the exact reason - it may just not have received
commands [it was a while ago that I was playing with that approach].
But I do know that that method works fine in an uncompiled program,
but once it's compiled, it stops working.  Who knows - there may exist
actual ways to pass the notifier, like a global variable or something
like that).

According to the *fabulous* LabVIEW documentation, Queues don't have
this limitation, so I rewrote my VI to use a queue of length one,
rather than the notifier.

(does anyone find that the LabVIEW documentation can be frustratingly
lacking at times?  Like, why can't I use notifiers across the VI
server?  And why can I use queues?  I'm not asking for them to show me
the guts of LabVIEW, I just think that it would give developpers more
control and confidence when coding that they know what's going on, and
have at least a general idea of how things work)
--end of sidebar

However, somewhere in my switch between Queues and Notifiers, I must
have messed up something, as after that worked fine during the testing
phase, after a compilation, I received an error (1013 I believe)
whenever I tried to load my slave saying "Front Panel Heap Dump" -
which is strange because the front panel of my slave should not have
been loading, and was supposed to have been removed from the

Not that that last bit is super relevent to the original topic of
discussion, but it might be useful to someone later on.

In any event, thank you for your help.  I suspect that that will be
the perfect solution for my needs, and when I get back to that chunk I
was working on and get it working, I'll let you know.

Thanks again.

Re: How can I communicate betwen parallel asynchronous VIs?

2004-03-24 Thread Victrick
Hi Rob,

Thanks for your suggestion.  I had seen that method of changing the
value of some panel's control before, but it hadn't occured to me to
use in that manner.  I thnk that's actually a pretty clever, and could
be quite useful.

Unfortunately, this method wouldn't really work the way I want.  My
task is an iterative one, being run in a while loop.  Between
iterations of the loop, there is a set delay time.  In certain
situations, this can be quite substantial.  I was attracted to using
notifiers because of the "Wait on Notification" function.  This would
allow me to track the amount of time spent waiting, but I could break
out of the wait period instantly when I received a command.  If I used
the "Wait" function and specified a certain length of time, I can do
nothing until that time has elapsed.  So if the delay is 10 seconds,
my VI won't terminate for 10 seconds.  I could break the wait down
into several sections to reduce the time between sending the command
and receiving it, but this would amount to polling a variable and I
don't want to do that.

In any case, sincere thanks for your suggestion.


Re: Calculating statistics from an array with intervals

2004-03-24 Thread Victrick

I'm 100% sure I could help you... if I knew what you were trying to
do.  The more I read your description, the less I understand, and
since I don't really know what you're trying to do, I can't do much
with your code.

It seems to me like your real problem is your ability to partition the
original array into smaller arrays to do calculations on.  If you can
describe to me EXACTLY how the arrays are supposed to be partitioned,
then I can help you out, even write you a VI that will do the trick,
but I'm fuzzy on what's supposed to be happening.

Here's my understanding so far:
Everytime an element in the first column satisfies some value, it
corresponding value in the second column is set aside to be used

Help me help you.

How can I communicate betwen parallel asynchronous VIs?

2004-03-24 Thread Victrick
Howdy all,

Here's my situation:
- I have some task that needs to be executed in parallel to the
currently running VI.  In fact, this task needs to executed in
parallel to a number of VIs,
so I've decided to build a sub-vi to handle this task.

- This task involves performing some processes every X number of
milliseconds (usually in multiples of 1000).  This task will be
performed until it receives a stop-command (the user generates this
signal - so I have no way of knowing when it will be)

- I still need to be able to handle user interaction with this main VI
while the task is executing, so my task must execute asynchronously.

- I want to be able to send a termination command to my asynchronously
executing task, and have it respond IMMEDIATELY (polling a global
variable is unnacceptable).

The only way that I am aware of running a VI asynchronously is to
start it with the VI Server (either the Call by Reference Node, or the
Invoke Node).

Originally I planned on using notifiers to send commands to the
asynchronous VI.  Notifiers would have been perfect, because I could
break out of the waiting portion of the task as soon as I received the
command (this isn't really possible when polling a global).  Later I
found out that notifiers are not supposed to work with VIs loaded with
the VI Server.  My notifier approach worked fine during testing, but
wouldn't work when I compiled the program as an executable (which is
what the end product will be, so I need a new solution).

I'm about to change my implementation to use Queues instead of
notifiers, because I think I can achieve the same "Wait on
Notification" functionality with a queue, except I don't think there
is a restriction on using a Queue across the VI Server.

My Questions are:
Is there another way to get VIs to execute asynchronously OTHER than
the VI Server?

Is there a better way to communicate between them?  (I considered
using a User Event control, and generating the commands using that,
however I can't poll the status of the User Event without an Event
structure, preventing me from terminating my task once the user
generates the "end-task" request.

Does anybody else find the LabVIEW documentation to be frustratingly
lacking at times?

Any help, comments, or stories of similar situations would be

Re: Shift register or Local Any differences in performance?

2004-03-24 Thread Victrick
>From what I understand, using local variables is frowned upon unless
they are ABSOLUTELY necessary.  In my mind, there is no debate and I
would take the shift register.  Here are my reasons.

1. I believe that each local variable you have on your block diagram
takes up the same amount of space as the original object itself (I'm
99% sure this is correct, can anyone confirm this?).  So if you have
an numeric indicator that displays a double, and you have 6 local
variables linked to that indicator, in terms of memory, you might as
well have 7 indicators.  If you have one shift register that stores a
double value, no matter how many states of your state machine assign
values to that shift register, you will only ever have one copy of the
data, and only one double

2. Local variables access the data stored in a front-panel control.
Depending on what you are using the state-machine for, I think it
would be rather unlikely that you want your user knowing what state
the machine is currently in.  Even if you did, you could wire a
front-panel indicator to the shift-register inside the loop to achieve
the same effect.  I think using a local variable in this situation
greatly compromises readability because (likely, again this will
depend on the particular state machine) there is no logical
association between the state of the machine and the object to which
that local variable leads.  In other words, the state of the state
machine is a property of the block diagram.  It doesn't make sense (to
me) to use a front-panel object to store a property that will only be
read and modified on the block diagram.

I'm talking about state machines in general.  These reasons may not
apply, depending on your specific application of the state machine
(for example, I've often used a tab control in a dialog to simulate a
wizard program, guiding the user through some complicated process one
step at a time.  Each tab of the control corresponded to a different
state in a state machine running on the block diagram.  In this case,
you want the user to know which state they're at.  However, that is
special case of state-machine)

A general tip is: as tempting as it may be, you never should be using
local variable because you want to avoid long wires.

Hope that's helpful

Re: How can I design my LabVIEW app to behave differently based on installed components?

2004-03-21 Thread Victrick
Andr=E9 and James,

Thanks for your help.  Right now, I'm using the
"SHGetSpecialFolderLocation" and "SHGetPathFromIDList" functions of
the shell32.dll to get the windows system directory.

How can I design my LabVIEW app to behave differently based on installed components?

2004-03-21 Thread Victrick
Howdy all,

I've got a program that is complete, and offers some basic service.
Advanced users will have the option of additional functionality.  When
users decide to use this program, they decide what capabilities they
want - whether it provides just the base functionality, or if it has
the advanced functionalities.  The additional functionality relies on
the installation of an additional LabVIEW component.  In this case,
the base package requires simply the LabVIEW(7) runtime engine.
However the additional functionalities are vision related and require
the installation of the IMAQ Vision 7 Development Module.  I would
like my program to detect the installation of the vision module on the
user's computer, and give the user access to these vision functions
ONLY if the vision pack is installed.  (ie, I don't want to have two
versions of the program - the user only installs one complete version,
but some components will be hidden if they don't have the vision

Currently, this program checks the Window's system32 directory for the
presence of the imaq.dll and the nivision.dll.  Right now, this system
*sort of* works on most computers, but if the user has their windows
installed in a non-standard windows directory (say they installed
windows to "windoze" or something other than the standards like
"Windows" and "Winnt")

Does anyone know of a way to programmatically detect the installation
of the Vision module?  What I'm doing right now would work in 95% of
the cases (I think) if I could nail down the root windows directory
(which I'm pretty sure is stored in the registry for all Windows
versions, but the name of the key depends on the version of windows,
and I would rather not go down that road)

Any help, stories about similar situations, etc., would be

Re: Labview 7 Application Builder

2004-03-21 Thread Victrick

A few more details might be a little more helpful... If you could
write a scaled down version of your program that demonstrates the
problem, that would be helpful for anyone trying to solve your

I wish I could help you as I'm also doing some stuff with the HTTP
server, but I'm just starting and don't have much experience with it.

One that comes to my mind is:
When is the webserver activated?  You can programatically engage the
webserver once your dynamic http vi is run, and disengage it when that
VI is shut.
(This may have been the first thing you've tried and be thinking
"thank you captain obvious" - in which case I apologize.  Sometimes
it's hard to judge the level of experience of the user from their
posts.  I reiterate that if you provide a sample VI that can reproduce
the problem, it could go a long way towards solving your problem)

Re: Freezing Tab Control/State Machine

2004-03-12 Thread Victrick
The event handling is divided amongst multiple loops for the sake of
encapsulating the related code - in the actual program, there are lots
of controls on each tab and lots of events to handle.  Lumping all the
events together in a single event structure makes the code less
readable then I would like.

The two tabs are supposed to behave like entirely separate dialogs -
because in my situation it's not desirable to have to load another VI.
(This tabbed dialog resides in the subpanel of a main frame.  I don't
want to programmatically load a different sub-panel, as these two tabs
are enough alike to warrant being grouped together).  Plus, each tab
has it's own intialization and shut-down sequence - just like a
top-level VI might have, which further complicates the one event
structure approach.

Thanks for trying to help me out, and I appreciate the code snippet,
but it wasn't quite the reply I was looking for.  Maybe I should have
more clearly stated my request.

Any ideas as to the cause of the freezing?  To my (perhaps untrained)
eyes, there seems to be no logic problems in my original diagram.
This is what I see - the inner loop terminates, and the tab control is
reset.  The front panel is locked until the event completes, and as
soon as the panel unlocks, the tabs should be switched so there is no
way that the button should register the double-click.

I was wondering if I could get some etails as to the true cause of the
freeze.  If anyone had some more information about tab controls, etc.,
it would be appreciated.