how can I creat or open an excel file in labview?

2004-06-16 Thread Ya-hoo
I am using Labview 7.1 and report generation toolkit. I got the
example code from this address :";>"Creating
a report in Microsft excel using the labview report generation
But seems this example only can creat report when the excel file
exist, otherwise it will get error code 7.

How can I creat a new file if it doesn't exist and open the file if it
exist? Can I creat a report without openning excel because I need to
creat more than one report and check it after the test.


Re: how to pass stop button's boolean value to subvi's subvi

2004-06-15 Thread Ya-hoo

how to pass stop button's boolean value to subvi's subvi

2004-06-15 Thread Ya-hoo
There is a stop button on my main vi and the boolean value could be
passed to subvi using control reference. So the subvi could stop when
the stop button on main vi's front panel is pressed. My question is
how I can pass that boolean value to nested subvi, so once the stop
button in main vi is pressed, all nested subvi stop?


passing data to subvi

2004-02-25 Thread Ya-hoo
I need to pass data to a subvi which has while loop inside. And the
data need to be seen in while loop. How can it implemented?