Re: BUG: Gauge

2004-05-31 Thread crelf
Have you been able to repeat the problem?  If so, what steps lead to

Re: xy graph plot color

2004-05-31 Thread crelf
There's a number of things that could be going wrong here - could you
please post your VI so we can have a closer look?

Re: BUG: Gauge

2004-05-30 Thread crelf
Cool!  Had you customised the controls?  What were the attribute
changes you made?


2004-02-09 Thread crelf

Re: Visual Calendar

2004-01-13 Thread crelf
LabVIEW 7 has a calander control - drop a time stamp control on your
front panel (control palettenumerictime stamp), and then click the
button next to the control.

Re: Looking for a company to write Labview compatible software

2004-01-01 Thread crelf
Hi Scott,

=09I am the National Manager of Neo Vista Systems Integrators Pty
=09Ltd, a National Instruments Alliance Member.  We have extensive
=09experience in providing LabVIEW compatible drivers for several
=09companies in the same position as yours - developing a package that
=09your customers can use to communicate with custom hardware, and have a
=09great deal of experience with liasing with National Instruments in the
=09creation of fully compatible code and licensing.  All of the technical
=09specialists that work on driver development are National Instruments
=09Certified LabVIEW Developers (see a
=09for more information of the CLD qualification), so they know LabVIEW
=09back-to-front, and as they use LabVIEW drivers themselves, they know
=09what structures and functionality that your customers are after.  I'd
=09like to hear more about you and your application.  You're welcome to
=09email me at  a
=09also, please feel free to browse our website, as it will give you a
=09better understanding of our expertise, previous products, and
=09corporate direction: a
=09href=3D;  If you'd like, I'd
=09be happy to provide you with example code and documentation to
=09demonstrate our skills in driver production.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

PS: Several US customers are particularly happy with the project
developmental time zone difference between Australia and the US, as
whilst we provide a project manager that can be contacted 24hrs, the
code development is carried out while you sleep - therefore any
changes you request at the close of business can often be delivered to
you email inbox by the next morning.

Christopher G. Relf
Certified LabVIEW Developer
National Manager - Australia
Neo Vista System Integrators Pty Ltd

Phone: +61 2 9817 8813
Fax: +61 2 9879 4527

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