Re: VIServer and TCP

2004-05-18 Thread nrp
Hi Rolf,

to clarify: I wanted to use the built in VIServer so I could control
remote applications programatically, and I also wanted to have the
ability to send unique commands via TCP to do certain things. So I
figure both of these would need a different port number to connect to?
There is only a single client.

I have now decided to try and stay away from the VIServer, and am
instead just using my own TCP command strings to implement the basic
control action I need.

VIServer and TCP

2004-05-17 Thread nrp
Hi there,

Does anyone know if I can use the same port number for my VIServer and
a separate TCP connection (established via "listen" function)??


Re: run time menu in remote panel

2004-05-11 Thread nrp

yes, I have edited the run time menus, and they work fine when the VI
is run from within labview, or built into an application. The trouble
comes when I view the panel remotely using the web server. None of the
run-time menus are there.


Re: run time menu in remote panel

2004-05-10 Thread nrp

the menus just dont appear in the browser window. I get an "operate"
menu, but none of my pre-defined menus. Im running LV 7.0
Otherwise I can take control and click buttons etc, but the interface
seems very un-responsive when opening other VIs.


run time menu in remote panel

2004-05-07 Thread nrp
Hi there,

any one know how to get the run-time menu to work when a panel is
viewed remotely via the web server?

Re: Remote Access

2004-05-06 Thread nrp
Hi Dennis,

Yes, thanks for your opinion. I think I am slowly beginning to see the
difference in these different remote methods. I thought using a VI
server would solve the problem, but a test app that I quickly rolled
seems to indicate that any panels which I open from the remote client
actually get opened on the server side, which is completely not the
intended behaviour. I would like the panels (which reside on the
server in a DLL, and interact with files on the server) to pop up on
the client. Maybe the only way to do this is using the Web server as
you suggested?

There is no need to save any of the data on the client, it just needs
to be able to view data which resides on the server.

Thanks for your input :-)

Re: Remote Access

2004-05-05 Thread nrp

thanks for your response. What are the benefits of using datasocket as
opposed to a VI server?

Remote Access

2004-05-05 Thread nrp
Hi there.

I am fairly new to LabVIEW, and am having some trouble understanding
the different remote access methods. My application will consist of a
remote client and a server application (both sitting on an IP
network). The client needs to be able to change options on the server
and start and stop various tests (but very little data exchange is
necessary). As far as I can tell, there are numerous ways of doing
this: using raw TCP/IP, using the DataSocket, using Remote Panels,
using a VI Server. HELP! I really dont know which of these options is
best for my application. Only one client will ever be present, so
there is no need to lock out access etc.

Also, both applications will be compiled and not running under the
LabVIEW developer environment, I dont suppose this presents any

I would really appreciate it if someone could lend me their experience
regarding these issues ;-)

Thanks in advance

Re: current directory problem

2004-04-14 Thread nrp

the DLL is looking in the current directory, but
using the kernel32 function worked perfectly! :-)

thanks a lot!

current directory problem

2004-04-14 Thread nrp
Hi there.
How can I force LabVIEW to go to a specific directory on the
hard-drive? I have a DLL function which loads some .exe files into a
DSP, but if (for example) a different directory had been previously
specified by the file dialog then the DLL function fails (to locate
the .exe files). I have tried all sorts of combinations of getting the
current vi path etc, running an arbitrary batch file in the directory
i want etc. None of this seems to work. The DLL (which I cannot edit)
looks in the same directory for the .exe files.

pls help!