Re: Continuous Waveform 1Hz

2004-05-14 Thread task
Thanks. I think I figured that out but I appreciate your response. One
more question...I need to also acquire my analog inputs (8 of them)
simultaneously while outputting my waveforms. I'm still working on
trying to get one thing to use DMA and another interrupts using the
DAQmx stuff. Any help would be appreciated.

Continuous Waveform 1Hz

2004-05-11 Thread task
I need to generate a continuous waveform (sine, square, triangle) that
is less than 1 Hz. I have tried doing it manually by sending out a 100
point array, one point every X ms based on the frequency setpoint. For
example if the frequency is 0.1 Hz I send a point out every 1 ms. The
problem I have is I need 0.05 Hz resolution (customer specification).
It would be nice to use the Analog output continuous waveform VI
supplied with Labview but it doesn't work with anything less than 1
Hz. Any clues?

Re: Linking .vi's

2004-05-11 Thread task
Have you tried making the LED you want to illuminate a Global

Re: VISA Performance

2004-02-11 Thread task
The VISA versions are the same, 6.9.3 but I was going to update it to
the latest 7.1. I forgot to mention that this machine used to run NT
but the hard drive crashed so I had to replace it. I was having a hard
time replacing the NT so in a crunch loaded Win98. If the customer can
get some down time I want to reformat again and load NT. Very
frustrating!! Thanks for everyone's help.