3D multiplot mesh

2004-04-24 Thread Orko
I have 5 different signals with x,y and z values. Want to show all
signals in different colors in 3D multiplot mesh.#305; use Labview
7.0, Thanks...

Re: 3D multiplot mesh

2004-04-24 Thread SarahM
Hey Orko,

First to address changing the color please refer to the following

a href =
Arrays of XYZ Data Using the 3D Surface Graph/a

This example demonstrates how to change the color of the plot.  One
thing to be aware of is that this example modifies the color of plot

To plot more than one signal please refer to a second example.

a href =
Plotting Multiple 3D Plots on a Single 3D Graph (Windows)/a

This example uses the 3D Surface VI which calls the Plot3DSurface
method not the Plot3DMesh method but the code for Plot3DMesh would be
very similar.  There are two main things that are done in this example
that you need to include in yours.  First the example uses the Set
Plots VI to add a certain number of plots to the graph.  Second when
making the call to Plot3DSurface (inside the 3D Surface VI) the method
is passed a reference to a specific plot not a reference to the graph.
You'll need to pass each Plot3DMesh method a reference to a different
plot.  Making these two changes to your program should allow you to
have multiple plots with different colors.

I hope this helps!

Sarah Miracle
National Instruments