Modifying cluster values via refnum/property node freezes VI on quit

2004-04-24 Thread apocow
I just learned how to use property nodes and refnums to modify the
values of individual controls inside of a type-defined cluster. But
when I incorporate this into an existing and working VI, a weird thing
happens:  the VI works exactly as it should when it is running, but
when I quit the VI, the VI freezes Labview, i.e. Labview will not
respond to anything besides a force quit.  Sometimes the freeze is
temporary and Labview regains responsiveness; other times i have to
force quit.

when i use the debugger, it shows that all code has finished executing
before the freeze.  This VI uses serial commands, but all connections
are closed correctly.

an important detail may be that on my panel I have a cluster ("A") of
type-def'd clusters ("B").  So I'm using a property node of the
top-level cluster A to get the refnums of the clusters B1 and B2
inside, then I use the "to more specific class" function to specify
the type of those clusters B1 and B2.  I then feed one of those
refnums into a property node and set/get the values for specific
controls inside either clusters B1 or B2.

If this is more complex than it has to be, please let me know. Some of
the Labview documentation seems to imply that what I am doing with
modifying nested cluster controls is not the greatest idea, but i
don't know if that's why my VI freezes. Like I said, I'm just learning
this aspect of LabView,so I don't know if I'm supposed to take into
account things like closing off references, memory leaks, or garbage
collection (my formal programming training consisted of C and Java).

I would appreciate any insight you may have.  Thanks.

Re: Modifying cluster values via refnum/property node freezes VI on quit

2004-04-24 Thread Joe Guo
You can create reference for individual element in the cluster
explicitly.  To do so, right click on an element inside the cluster,
goto "Create >> Reference".  See if this helps.


Re: Modifying cluster values via refnum/property node freezes VI on quit

2004-04-24 Thread apocow
Thanks for the feedback, Joe.  I tried using references to the
individual clusters B1 and B2, but that did not alleviate the problem.

  Though I still do not understand why I am having this problem, I
have (somewhat) isolated the source of the problem to the following
location: my main VI has a loop that runs every 500 ms or so. Inside
the loop, I have a sub-VI that takes one of the cluster B references
as a wired input. Inside this subVI, i use asynchronous property nodes
to change a value inside the referred cluster. If I remove all
property nodes from this sub-VI and keep everything else the same, the
VI runs and quits flawlessly.  But if I place a property node inside
the sub-VI, then the VI takes a long time to quit.  This phenomenon is
the same even if that property node is not connected to anything
external and refers only to a control local to the sub-VI's panel.

I have reproduced this problem on multiple computers, and I'm starting
to believe that, unless I am doing something really stupid, that this
is a flaw in LabView 6.1's memory management.  In other words, if
there's some sort of small memory leak or delayed garbage colleciton
associated with using property nodes, it is magnified by using them
repeatedly.  If someone knows if LabView 7 fixes this problem, please
let me know.

Below are further observations that are further evidence for my

 - the longer the main VI runs and the loop repeats, the longer
LabView takes to recover responsiveness after it freezes on quit.

- if other VI's are running at the same time, after a while, their
loops start to become laggy.

 - even though all open windows of LabView freeze when i try to quit
this VI, the other VI's still continue running fine in the background.
I know this because a PID loop running in a separate VI was still
maintaining flawless PID control, even though its front panel was

 anyway, if anyone knows how to fix this problem, I would be extremely

 - emory

Re: Modifying cluster values via refnum/property node freezes VI on quit

2004-04-24 Thread apocow
So it turns out that I am making a common mistake and that,  had i
done a little more research before posting this question, I would have
found my solution in the huge debate about CLOSING REFERENCES.

Anyway, the short answer to my own question is that I needed to close
all references that were not direct references to front panel objects
(that would be only Cluster A in my terminology). All other references
generated by property nodes (such as Controls[]) should have been
closed when I was done with them.  When I closed them, my VI ran and
quit perfectly and the problem was gone.

  It turns out my suspicions about garbage collection and memory leaks
were pretty much on the money, especially re: using property nodes in
loops.  I'm not going to rehash everything that has already been
discussed, but for people who stumble upon this thread first and want
to know more, here are some general tips and links:

 - close all references when you're done with them

 - it doesn't matter if you close references to front panel controls
-- nothing happens.

 - opening property nodes inside of loops that repeat many times is a
bad idea, unless you close ALL of the generated references in each
loop iteration (including each of the Controls[] elements).  This is
because (in LabView 6), a new reference is generated each time you
call the node.  If you don't close it, LabView will stockpile all the
references in memory and take a long time closing them when you quit
your VI.

 - These problems apply to LabView 6.0 and 6.1.  LabView 7 apparently
does not have this problem because it doesn't generate new references
for each loop -- it gives you the same ones each time.

 - The examples that National Instruments gives you in the tutorials
are MISLEADING!  The examples do not close references.  Yeah, yeah, I
know NI wants you to upgrade to LabView 7, but not everyone wants to
plunk down a few G's for a fix that should be free, so NI should
really emphasize closing references til the cows come home in their
instructional material and help files.

useful links for better explanation:

thanks to Joe for responding to my question.

 - e

Re: Modifying cluster values via refnum/property node freezes VI on quit

2004-04-24 Thread apocow
whoops, that second link is not right.  here's the correct one:

Re: Modifying cluster values via refnum/property node freezes VI on quit

2004-04-24 Thread Joe Guo
It might worth to try to close the reference after each loop.
Creating a reference is an expensive (CPU cycles) operation.  If the
reference is closed, labview will close them when closing the VI, so,
the longer it runs, the longer it takes to clean the memory.


Re: Modifying cluster values via refnum/property node freezes VI on quit

2004-04-24 Thread Joe Guo
sorry, only after posting my comment did I noticed your own response.
You got it!
