Re: More doubts on: non reentrancy for TCP/IP VIs

2004-06-08 Thread FerozP
Hi Sumitrishi,
I found a document on MSDN that gives you a description about the
differents modes you are refering to


I hope this helps


Re: More doubts on: non reentrancy for TCP/IP VIs

2004-06-04 Thread sumitrishi
Thanks Rolf that was pretty informative.Furthering my efforts I was
looking at the property node for connection interface I have a feeling
that if anything has to be done it should be done at the point when
the connection is made . There is this particular property called
'mode' and one of the constant settings for it is 'adModeRecursive' .
Could that be the place for me to look at ? Somehow for me setting it
has been generating error .Can you please tell me what actually is
'mode'. I am appreciative of all your help.  -Fellow ex NI ( I was
with India Branch, although I spent most of my time working with CW++)

Re: More doubts on: non reentrancy for TCP/IP VIs

2004-06-02 Thread Mads
The server part is OK. I see the session handler opens a database, my
guess is there is something there that prevents parallell replies. If
you strip down the session handler to just reply with a string
generated in the handler; are things still not able to run side by
side? If it's not could you post the stripped handler?

Re: More doubts on: non reentrancy for TCP/IP VIs

2004-06-02 Thread sumitrishi
I would have to try it ( I mean stripping of handler).
But I am not sure if I would be able to  feel any difference until
unless the size of the string returned by the handler is of
considerable size and would make the other handlers wait.

As far as database is concerened I have the admin privileges for it
and I can monitor the number of connection and every time a new client
comes I can see a new session getting reflected.I was just wondering
if it has anything to do  on the client side I was trying to set the
operation mode for tcp read to immediate but to no avail.

Re: More doubts on: non reentrancy for TCP/IP VIs

2004-06-01 Thread Mads
How exactly do you spawn request handlers? Do you call a reentrant
handler VI dynamically with the run method?

It's possible to have multiple connection handlers that handle
requests in parallell, I do that in several of my client-server
applications. All clients connect to the same port, that's not the

There must be something in the architecture you have that prevents
this from working; is there e.g. a reply generator that may halt the
other handlers when it's busy with the request from another handler?