Re: Passing data from subvi's several levles down to top level vi

2004-06-15 Thread Tony Rivera
Is 100 msec too slow?
I have loops that update the indicators this fast.

Re: Passing data from subvi's several levles down to top level vi

2004-06-14 Thread CoastalMaineBird
Pass REFERENCES to the front panel controls thru sub1 --> sub2 -->
In sub3, use an unattached property node - pass it the reference to a
specific control, and set its VALUE property to the new value.

Unattached property nodes are on the VI SERVER palette.

Re: Passing data from subvi's several levles down to top level vi

2004-06-14 Thread billings11
But if you do that you still have to explicitly "call" that sub vi I
and you only update when you make the call.  You don't update in real

Re: Passing data from subvi's several levles down to top level vi

2004-06-14 Thread billings11
Actually you you could do it that way I see what you mean.

Re: Passing data from subvi's several levles down to top level vi

2004-06-14 Thread billings11
Same thing, you have to explicity ask your FGV for an updated value.
Still not real time.

Re: Passing data from subvi's several levles down to top level vi

2004-06-14 Thread Tony Rivera
I have used a completely different approach to solve this problem:

1) Create a vi that is nothing more than the indicator. Show and
position this indicator as part of the main user panel. Use
FP.PanelBounds and FP.Origin property nodes to control size and
position. Also activate the =91show front panel when loaded=92, deactivate
=91close afterwards=92, =91title bar=92 and all other show options besides
panel related from the window-appearance vi properties.
2) Call this vi from anywhere in the program to update the display

I typically create programs whose main panel is comprised of the front
panels of 4-8 vis. In effect it=92s a displayable global with code
capability. I use this method to create indicators that display all my
measurement instruments readings giving the user one place for all
current measurements regardless of the instrument taking the