Re: Question about slow rs232 equipment

2004-04-24 Thread Bob Donnell
If the microcontroller doesn't have a stand-alone async serial port,
it's necessary to bit-bang data in and out.  When doing that there's
no inherent buffering - the microcontroller has to be programmed to
sample (and usually oversample) the incoming data stream to
reconstruct the bits into a byte, which can then be stored.  If the
microcontroller has to accomplish other tasks too, and it doesn't have
enough horsepower, or the programmer wasn't skilled at making it
perform multiple tasks, characters can be lost.  Most current
microcontrollers make this so much easier!


Re: Question about slow rs232 equipment

2004-04-24 Thread rolfk
A PIC for instance does not have a FIFO for its standard serial port
module. You get a byte in a register and if you are not fast enough
before the next byte is ready things might go wrong. Of course writing
the PIC formware in such a way that it can always deal with the
maximum input rate (for instance 9600 baud = ~1ms per byte) is the
real art here.
Also you can consider handshaking too, although the PIC module does
not have this automatically.

Rolf Kalbermatter

Re: Question about slow rs232 equipment

2004-02-17 Thread Chris_de
Normally there should not be the need to have a delay between the
characters. Are you sure you configured your baudrate correct?

Re: Question about slow rs232 equipment

2004-02-17 Thread tmh
I've come across equipment where a certain command needed delays
between characters in order to be recognised, because its
microcontroller was too busy doing something else... Admittedly this
was a product of the company I worked for at the time and was somewhat
funky, but many commercial instruments have been known to show funky

Re: Question about slow rs232 equipment

2004-02-16 Thread shoneill
It's quite easy.  You split the string you want to send into an array
of characters, and then using a for-loop write each character one at a
time, followed by a small wait (whatever your instrument requires).

