Re: Ring Control displaying digital display when cleared on exit

2004-02-09 Thread Joe Guo
When you clear the items, also set the value to '0'.


Re: Ring Control displaying digital display when cleared on exit

2004-02-09 Thread Ben
Another thought.

In pre-LV7, I used to be able to set the selection for -1. Since the
user could only select non-negative values, any value other than -1
would indicate a new value was selected.

Writing a -1 now resluts in the display showing 65535 (-1). It
used to show a blank selection.

To use the control in its current state, pre-LV7 code will have to be
modified conciderably.

Let me try to explain why the previous behaviour was desirable.

If you want to distinguish between one of the items in the list being
selected and nothing selected, writing a -1 was great! The ring
value could be passed to the selector of a case where the -1 case
would ignode the value read.

The default case could then be used to index out the selection from
the strings.

Simple, elegant, and worked great!

I have to append another string that indicates no selection and add
extra code to trap this case. This gets even more complicated when the
selections are populated by the code where the number of elements in
the list can change.

I would prefer the previous behaviour be restored.


Re: Ring Control displaying digital display when cleared on exit

2004-02-09 Thread Robert Cole
Interesting that we use the (-1) case in our LV 7.0 programs. So I did
a little digging. The default for menu rings is to be a U16 in which
case what you're mentioning makes a lot of sense (it's an unsigned
number after all). Click on the terminal in the block diagram and make
it I16 and the (-1) now works. It's probably the easiest fix to just
change them all to I16's (if you're using them in multiple sub-VI's
you *did* make them typedef's so you only have to make one change,
didn't you?).


Re: Ring Control displaying digital display when cleared on exit

2004-02-09 Thread Dr. Imad
The real issue here is if you convert existing code written in LabView
6/6.1, it should work in the same way without having to worry about
the little things, that makes you examine and rewrite some of the code

Re: Ring Control displaying digital display when cleared on exit

2004-02-09 Thread Ben
Excelent point Rob!

The good news is the most recent app only uses 2 of them so it should
be easy.

My reply above sounds a little desperate I must admit.

If I had known this was going to be fixed, I never would have used

Quoting from Greg McKaskle from earlier today,

Why?  Accepting the past is smart.  Predicting the
future is really hard!


Re: Ring Control displaying digital display when cleared on exit

2004-02-09 Thread Ben
I agree,

See my other reply to Rob.

It's a real drag when you find out a feature is really a bug that gets
fixed without much mention in the release notes (yes I read them).
