Re: password protection on a control

2004-05-05 Thread esa_paranoid
Enrique, thank you for your response.  I had tried both of these
ideas, and both do work great.  I wanted to get away from having a
button they had to push though.  Currently I am using the first
option, however I still would like to figure out this mouse down?
event stuff...but for now the way I have it works anyway.


Re: password protection on a control

2004-05-04 Thread esa_paranoid
Ah, so you are saying leave the control enabled, allow them to change
it but not have it take effect on the program, then trigger on teh
value being changed, ask for a PW, if verified properly change the
program value to what the user set it to?

I will give that a try and report back.
Thanks for the idea! (if i am understanding correctly)

Re: password protection on a control

2004-05-04 Thread esa_paranoid
Well the mouse down? event is not working very well for me.  The
events fire properly but my cursor is always a little hand icon, and
will not allow me to press anything on the front panel, this includes
my control.

For now I just changed the event structure to a toggle switch and
labeled it "Unlock for editing".
This way they flip the switch, prompted for PW, if correct they get 10
seconds to edit the control value, then it locks the control and
continues on.

I would still rather have the mouse down? event work so if anyone has
any ideas please post them.

Re: password protection on a control

2004-05-04 Thread shoneill
Instead of using "mouse down" you can use the "value changed" to ask
for a password and re-set the old value (provided by the event
handler) in case the password is wrong.  Just make sure that the
non-approved changed value isn't being accessed while the
"verification" is taking place. (Synchronous display?)


Re: password protection on a control

2004-05-04 Thread Jeremy Braden
Be careful with the mouse down? event and the dialog message box.  You
can get really strange behavior if you postion the front panel so that
the message box appears over the numeric control.  What happens is
that you mouse down, this fires the even, the dialog box appears, you
mouse up (but this message is never sent to the control), you click
ok, and the numeric control continues to increment.This behavior
is outlined in the online help (open LabVIEW >> help >> VI, Funtion
and How-to help) under  Caveats and Recommendations when Using Events
in LabVIEW .

Re: password protection on a control

2004-05-03 Thread dan bookwalter

can you send me the vi(s) your working with ??



Re: password protection on a control

2004-05-03 Thread esa_paranoid
Dan, I have a slight glitch.  When I click on the control it fires the
event case, which is correct.  On the mouse click I have it enabling a
string control thing that I am using as an input field for the
password.  This works fine, as it enables it.  The problem is the
cursor is a little hand and will not allow me to click in the string
box to enter the password.

Any suggestions?

Re: password protection on a control

2004-05-03 Thread esa_paranoid
Dan, I am using Labview 7.0
Ok I did what you said and found the mouse down? function.  I have
never used an event structure before so bear with me, I will play
around with it and try to get something together.  If you could
post/email me an example that would be great.

Thanks again

Re: password protection on a control

2004-05-03 Thread dan bookwalter

well i am assuming you are using LV6.1 or higher i guess...


Structures --> Event Structure --> right click event structure , add
event case, click on your control name and find the event... let me
know what LV version you are using and i'll send you something


Re: password protection on a control

2004-05-03 Thread esa_paranoid
Dan, how/where can I find the Mouse Down? thing?

Re: password protection on a control

2004-05-03 Thread dan bookwalter

set the enabled state of your control to disabled... then you can use
an event structure to capture the Mouse Down? (the one with the red
arrow)event for your control then fire your pwd VI from within that
case, if the correct password is entered re-enable the control allow
the edit then disable the control again...
note: this will not fire an event if the control is tab to
