Re: how can i determine the sampling rate of my board

2004-02-16 Thread Shan
The user manual is the best place to determine the specifications of
your board.  The a href=;datasheet for the
PCI-6014/a says the maximum sampling rate is 200,000 samples /
second.  Try searching the shipping examples for analog input
examples.  I suggest trying Cont AcqGraph (buffered).vi to start.

Are you trying to acquire a digital input or analog input?  If you are
sampling a time varying analog signal, you should be connected to an
analog input channel on your card.


how can i determine the sampling rate of my board

2004-02-15 Thread St Augustine
I am currently using the PCI-6014. I would like to know how fast this
board is capable of sampling.can this value be increased or decreased
from labview? i am using immediate Digital inputs and my analog signal
look fine at low frequncies ( like 1-10 Hz). However when my input
siganl increases to 100 Hz and even higher, it appears to be extremely
corrupted. I tried adjusting the delay in teh loop but this not help.i
am not sure what next to do in order to properly visulaize these high
frequency signals.can i include some time base like an oscilloscope in
order to see it better?