Re: where can i find additional DDE resources???

2004-02-25 Thread GrantM

Dave has posted a couple of example programs which use DDE in LabVIEW.

You can find a tutorial by going to
and clicking on Support.  Under Option 3, search
Tutorials/Application Notes and enter DDE LabVIEW (without quotes)
into the keywords box.  One of the first links that will appear is
Using DDE in LabVIEW (Windows Only).  It is a tutorial which
introduces DDE and LabVIEW.  You can link directly to it a

LabVIEW also ships with a couple of DDE examples.  In LabVIEW 7.0, you
can find these by going to Help, Find Examples.  In the Browse tab,
select Task and navigate to Communicating with External Applications
and then to Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE).  If you are using a
different version of LabVIEW and unable to locate these examples,
please let me know.

The DDE functions are no longer in the palettes as of LabVIEW 6.0.
You can still find them in
Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW
However, we recommend that you use ActiveX instead of DDE.  There are
quite a few examples for using ActiveX in the Example Finder under
Communicating with External Applications and then ActiveX.  You
can also find an introduction to ActiveX by searching the Tutorials
and Application Notes like above.  Searching for ActiveX LabVIEW
(without quotes) will return a link to a tutorial named ActiveX and
LabVIEW.  A direct link to this document is a

If you need to use DDE, see if these resources will provide the
background you require.  If you are flexible, try using ActiveX as it
is simpler.  Feel free to post again if you have additional questions.

Happy coding,

Grant M.
National Instruments

Re: where can i find additional DDE resources???

2004-02-20 Thread Process Systems
HI again. As promised, I dug out my archives. Have a look at the (2)
vi's attached. I used these as a client/server pair in a project 3
years ago, and they worked like a charm. I hope that I have documented
the user inputs adequately to allow you to modify them to your needs.
Good luck.

Re: where can i find additional DDE resources???

2004-02-20 Thread tomsch1
looks like the attachments didn't make it

where can i find additional DDE resources???

2004-02-19 Thread tomsch1
Where can i get additional material about DDE and labview??