Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Talk about buying the presidency.  LOL 

          Mrs. Marcos Says Family Has $800M

>           MANILA, Philippines (AP) -- Imelda Marcos claimed
>           Thursday to have more than $800 million stashed away in
>           foreign banks, all of which she promised to give to poor
>           Filipinos if she is elected president.
>           ``If you know how rich you are, you are not rich,'' the
>           widow of dictator Ferdinand Marcos said. ``But me, I am
>           not aware of the extent of my wealth. That's how rich we
>           are.''
>           It is the first time Mrs. Marcos has publicly admitted
>           her family has more wealth than that discovered by the
>           government since Marcos was ousted in a popular revolt
>           in 1986.
>           Marcos died in 1989, accused of plundering about $10
>           billion from the national treasury during his 20-year
>           rule. He never admitted any wrongdoing.
>           Mrs. Marcos said the $800 million does not include $540
>           million the government has discovered her husband had in
>           various accounts in two Swiss banks.
>           ``There is more Marcos wealth that this government is
>           not yet aware of, but for the time being, I can admit
>           that there is only $800 million kept in various
>           international banks, but I cannot reveal them,'' Mrs.
>           Marcos told a press forum in Manila.
>           Mrs. Marcos, who is trailing in a field of nine major
>           candidates in May's presidential election, promised to
>           distribute the money to poor communities.
>           Magtanggol Gunigundo, chairman of the Presidential
>           Commission on Good Government, in charge of recovering
>           the Marcos wealth, welcomed her admission.
>           ``That is good, so that we can embark on another case of
>           forfeiture and confiscation,'' Gunigundo said.
>           But while he said he believes the Marcoses do have
>           undisclosed assets -- how much he would not say -- he
>           also cautioned that Mrs. Marcos' statement must also be
>           seen in the light of the presidential campaign.
>           ``I believe she is saying this in order to titillate the
>           people to vote for her,'' he said.
>           Mrs. Marcos ran unsuccessfully in the 1992 election and
>           won a seat in the House of Representatives in 1995.
>           In December and January, the Swiss Supreme Court ordered
>           that the $540 million be transferred to an escrow
>           account in the Philippines. The court stipulated that
>           the Philippine government will get the money only if it
>           proves Mrs. Marcos obtained it illegally.
>           So far, Mrs. Marcos has been convicted only on unrelated
>           corruption charges. She was sentenced to nine to 12
>           years in prison but is free on bond pending an appeal.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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