Re: LI Women and Crime

1998-04-09 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Vi :)

I remember the case you brought up, I think what one should also
consider with that case is the background. Yes it is a sad custom in
Japan, if a women is shamed as she was that the women will sometimes
take extreme actions and kill her children than herself. The problem
with that lady trying to do it, is she did toss her kids off the bridge,
they died. She didn't, the biggest problem she had in her trial was, it
was shown she had been living in the U.S. and following our customs and
such, and had pretty much given up the customs of her home country. I do
think it was a rather good try on the defense's part, yet her own
actions worked against her.

I have yet to see children on death row, I find that is a argument based
on emotion and not fact, I do see killers on death row, and I also see
women who kill just like men on death row as they should be. I do not
assume automatically a female kills in self defense and men kill just
because they want to, in reality every person who does kill has a reason
why they did it, yet if we get down to the bare bones of the matter,
they did not have the right to kill another unless it was in the act of
self defense, to protect themselves or loved ones.

I find the DP laws very rigid also, but not as your saying, I see it's
very hard to get the DP, and if you do get it, you usually worked to get

I do understand your reasoning and stance yet I don't think this is
something you or I will ever come to an agreement on, but I did
appreciate the dialect we had :)

Viola Provenzano wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:
 Hi Kathy,
 Sorry I inadvertently changed the subject line.
 There are exceptions to all rules, and , no, I do not think women should
 receive lighter sentences for abusing or killing children than men.  Each
 case should be judged on its merits and the penalty "customized" to fit
 the situation and crime.  So often women's darker crimes are based on
 survival, burn out or trying to please men,  And there are some crimes
 the law is ill equipped to handle, such as the case of the young Asiatic
 wife betrayed by an adulterous and rejecting husband who in her torment
 and in compliance with her own customs, took their children into the
 ocean and drowned them.  (This tragedy happened a few years ago in LA).
 Death penalty laws are too rigid and all encompassing at present.
 I maintain the day we end up with death rows of women and children
 awaiting execution will be a sorry day indeed.
Kathy E
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LI Women and Crime

1998-04-02 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Kathy,

Sorry I inadvertently changed the subject line.

There are exceptions to all rules, and , no, I do not think women should
receive lighter sentences for abusing or killing children than men.  Each
case should be judged on its merits and the penalty "customized" to fit
the situation and crime.  So often women's darker crimes are based on 
survival, burn out or trying to please men,  And there are some crimes
the law is ill equipped to handle, such as the case of the young Asiatic
wife betrayed by an adulterous and rejecting husband who in her torment
and in compliance with her own customs, took their children into the
ocean and drowned them.  (This tragedy happened a few years ago in LA). 
Death penalty laws are too rigid and all encompassing at present. 

I maintain the day we end up with death rows of women and children
awaiting execution will be a sorry day indeed.


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