[Lazarus] Strange problem compiling IDE

2017-03-26 Thread C Western via Lazarus
I am having a strange problem when compiling the IDE (current svn for 
both IDE and FPC). The compilation stops with

Verbose: PPU Source: Expr.pas not found
Verbose: PPU Source: utils.inc not available
Verbose: [lazarus] Error 1
Verbose: [idepkg] Error 2
Debug: make: *** [idepkg] Error 2
Warning: Recompiling Expr, checksum changed for spe {impl}
Expr.pas(78,12) Fatal: Can't find unit Expr used by FormGrid

It was triggered by adding spe from numlib in the fpc rtl to one of the 
units in a component that is in a package I added to the IDE (FormGrid). 
My application using the same set of component components compiles fine. 
If I remove the dependence on spe the IDE compiles fine. With spe in, 
both the Expr.pas and FormGrid.pas are compiled fine as part of the 
build process when the packages they are associated with are compiled.

Running the IDE compilation with -vt to try and diagnose the problem is 
not that helpful because of the volume of output, but I can see that 
spu.ppu is only looked for in a few places, not the standard place for 
all the fpc packages (which certainly do feature in many other searches.)

Any hints as to how to diagnose this? Why is it trying to re-compile 
stuff that has already been compiled earlier in the build process for 
the IDE?

Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] Writing >1000 TBufDataset records to file is extremely slow

2017-03-26 Thread Werner Pamler via Lazarus
Trying to extend the import/export example of fpspreadsheet from a dBase 
table to a TBufDataset I came across this issue with TBufDataset: While 
data are posted to the database as quickly as usual writing to file 
takes extremely long if there are more than a few thousand records.

Run the demo attached below. On my system, I measure these (non-linearly 
scaling) execution times for writing the TBufDataset table to file:

1000 records -- 0.9 seconds
2000 records -- 8.8 seconds
3000 records -- 31.1 seconds

Compared to that, writing of the same data to a dbf file is a wink of an 
eye. Is there anything which I am doing wrong? Or should I report a bug?

--- snip ---

program project1;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}

  SysUtils, classes, db, bufdataset;

  // Parameters for generating database file contents
  NUM_CITIES = 10;
  LAST_NAMES: array[0..NUM_LAST_NAMES-1] of string = (
'Chaplin', 'Washington', 'Dylan', 'Springsteen', 'Brando',
'Monroe', 'Dean', 'Lincoln');
  FIRST_NAMES: array[0..NUM_FIRST_NAMES-1] of string = (
'Charley', 'George', 'Bob', 'Bruce', 'Marlon',
'Marylin', 'James', 'Abraham');
  CITIES: array[0..NUM_CITIES-1] of string = (
'New York', 'Los Angeles', 'San Francisco', 'Chicago', 'Miami',
'New Orleans', 'Washington', 'Boston', 'Seattle', 'Las Vegas');

  TABLENAME = 'people'; //name for the database table, extension will 
be added

  DATADIR = 'data'; //subdirectory where database file is stored
  DB_EXT: array[0..1] of string = (
'.dbf', '.db');

  NUM_RECORDS = 1000;
  SECONDS_PER_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60;

  FExportDataset: TBufDataset;

procedure CreateDatabase;
  i: Integer;
  startDate: TDate;
  maxAge: Integer = 100 * 365;
  fn: String;
  stream: TMemoryStream;
  t: TDateTime;
  startDate := Date();

  fn := DATADIR + DirectorySeparator + TABLENAME + DB_EXT[1];

  FExportDataset := TBufDataset.Create(nil);
//  FExportDataset.Filename := fn;

  FExportDataset.FieldDefs.Add('Last name', ftString, 15);
  FExportDataset.FieldDefs.Add('First name', ftString, 10);
  FExportDataset.FieldDefs.Add('City', ftString, 15);
  FExportDataset.FieldDefs.Add('Birthday', ftDate);
  FExportDataset.FieldDefs.Add('Salary', ftCurrency);
  FExportDataset.FieldDefs.Add('Work begin', ftDateTime);
  FExportDataset.FieldDefs.Add('Work end', ftDateTime);
  FExportDataset.FieldDefs.Add('Size', ftFloat);


  // Random data
  for i:=1 to NUM_RECORDS do begin
if (i mod 100 = 0) then
  WriteLn(Format('Adding record %d...', [i]));
FExportDataset.FieldByName('Last name').AsString := 
FExportDataset.FieldByName('First name').AsString := 
FExportDataset.FieldByName('City').AsString := 
FExportDataset.FieldByName('Birthday').AsDateTime := startDate - 

FExportDataset.FieldByName('Salary').AsFloat := 1000+Random(9000);
FExportDataset.FieldByName('Size').AsFloat := (160 + Random(50)) / 100;
FExportDataSet.FieldByName('Work begin').AsDateTime := 
4+EncodeTime(6+Random(4), Random(60), Random(60), 0);
FExportDataSet.FieldByName('Work end').AsDateTime := 
EncodeTime(15+Random(4), Random(60), Random(60), 0);


  t := now;
  stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
stream.Position := 0;
WriteLn('Written to memory stream: ', FormatFloat('0.000 s', (now - 

  Writeln('Done. Total time needed for saving: ', FormatFloat('0.000 
s', (now - t) * SECONDS_PER_DAY));


  WriteLn(Format('Created file "%s" in folder "data".', [
ExtractFileName(fn), ExtractFileDir(fn)


  WriteLn('Press ENTER to close.');

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Strange problem compiling IDE

2017-03-26 Thread Mattias Gaertner via Lazarus
On Sun, 26 Mar 2017 22:11:11 +0100
C Western via Lazarus  wrote:

> Warning: Recompiling Expr, checksum changed for spe {impl}
> Expr.pas(78,12) Fatal: Can't find unit Expr used by FormGrid
> It was triggered by adding spe from numlib in the fpc rtl to one of the 
> units in a component that is in a package I added to the IDE (FormGrid). 
> My application using the same set of component components compiles fine. 
> If I remove the dependence on spe the IDE compiles fine. With spe in, 
> both the Expr.pas and FormGrid.pas are compiled fine as part of the 
> build process when the packages they are associated with are compiled.
> Running the IDE compilation with -vt to try and diagnose the problem is 
> not that helpful because of the volume of output, but I can see that 
> spu.ppu is only looked for in a few places, not the standard place for 
> all the fpc packages (which certainly do feature in many other searches.)
> Any hints as to how to diagnose this? Why is it trying to re-compile 
> stuff that has already been compiled earlier in the build process for 
> the IDE?

The first thing is indeed to check with -vt that the right files are
used. For example check for unit and include files with same names.

Second: To avoid the duplicate-include-file problem the fpc units must
be compiled with -Ur. Did you compile fpc on your own?

You could try adding -Ur to the Lazarus package. If this fixes your
problem you definitely have somewhere a duplicate include file.

And last you may found have a compiler bug, triggered by uses cycles
between units. This can often be remedied by compiling a package twice.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Strange problem compiling IDE

2017-03-26 Thread Martin Frb via Lazarus

On 26/03/2017 22:11, C Western via Lazarus wrote:
I am having a strange problem when compiling the IDE (current svn for 
both IDE and FPC). The compilation stops with

Warning: Recompiling Expr, checksum changed for spe {impl}

"changed for spe"
either spe got recompiled, or you have 2 different spe.ppu

This happens for example when you
- have 2 spe.pas
- when you have search path for units that overlap (one spe.pas, but 
visible in the search path of 2 packages)

Expr.pas(78,12) Fatal: Can't find unit Expr used by FormGrid

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Writing >1000 TBufDataset records to file is extremely slow

2017-03-26 Thread Howard Page-Clark via Lazarus

On 26/03/17 22:53, Werner Pamler via Lazarus wrote:
Trying to extend the import/export example of fpspreadsheet from a 
dBase table to a TBufDataset I came across this issue with 
TBufDataset: While data are posted to the database as quickly as usual 
writing to file takes extremely long if there are more than a few 
thousand records.

Run the demo attached below. On my system, I measure these 
(non-linearly scaling) execution times for writing the TBufDataset 
table to file:

1000 records -- 0.9 seconds
2000 records -- 8.8 seconds
3000 records -- 31.1 seconds

Compared to that, writing of the same data to a dbf file is a wink of 
an eye. Is there anything which I am doing wrong? Or should I report a 

I don't think you do anything wrong.
I can get small performance increases by
- avoiding FieldByName() calls and using AppendRecord
- using SaveToFile and avoiding an intermediate memory stream
- increasing the value of PacketRecords
but the speedups are insignificant.

Clearly either the insertion algorithm should be improved, or the 
buffering, or the way the buffered records are written to disk. Maybe 
all three areas of TBufDataset can be optimised for better performance.

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