Re: [Lazarus] FPWeb/Weblaz New Exemples: Error

2009-06-03 Thread ABorka
The examples only work with FPC sources later than 4/30/2009 when the 
last patch ( of fcl-web was 

You need to get the latest FPC fcl-web source codes for them to work.

It is possible to just replace the files in your 
/packages/fcl-web/src/*.* and then recompile FPC and then Lazarus if 
that is easier for you.


Osvaldo Filho wrote:

urlsession.lpr(13,39) Error: Identifier not found "TFPWebModule1"
urlsession.lpr(13,53) Error: Identifier not found "FPWebModule1"
urlsession.lpr(17) Fatal: There were 2 errors compiling module, stopping

webmodule.pas(151,33) Error: Identifier not found "Request"
webmodule.pas(188,13) Error: identifier idents no member "CustomHeaders"

Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] jQuery interface for fcl-web

2009-06-08 Thread ABorka

Adding fcgi-support was only two hours work. Other systems can be added
as wel. Next on my list is a native web-server using lnet, so that
debugging is even easier. (I'm absolutely sure that posting all messages
about fcl-web not supportinf fcgi was more work then actually adding the

I thought the fcgi support is still a work in progress. The other day I 
was trying to create a "hello world" fcgi program just to see how it 
works but it did not compile.
Getting a "fastcgi.pp(1,1) Fatal: Can't find unit BaseUnix used by 
custfcgi" error.

(Latest Lazarus and FPC SVN, win32 /XP/)

If it works, I would make the examples submitted in
to work as FCGI also.

BTW, there should be some explanation in Lazarus -> File -> New for 
people about the differences between

Application - Program - Custom Program ;
Simple CGI Application - CGI Application - Custom CGI Application ;
FastCGI Application - Custom FastCGI Application ;

I am positive, it is very confusing for a newcomer to chose between 
these. In fact, I'm sure it is random chance at the moment that decides 
which they are clicking on within one group.
At least for apache modules there is only one choice (in my lazarus at 

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Error while debugging: "No symbol in current context"

2009-09-30 Thread ABorka

Hi Graeme,

The debugger is not usable as it does not have been in the focus to be 

Object property values cannot be seen either (dwarf or something 
external program used does not support properties).
There were questions about the debugger functions in the past 2 years, 
same as yours both on the Lazarus forums and the mailing lists.
If I remember correctly the answer was something like it is not priority 
until after 1.0 .
IMO it is one of the most important aspects of RAD development to have a 
fully working IDE debugger. Currently in Lazarus the debugger is not 
usable for serious development because some of the most basic 
requirements are missing. Not to mention a CPU window, etc.
It seems a new debugger should be developed that does not depend on non 
compatible external programs, but there were no resources to do it in 
the past years.


Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:


I just can't seem to debug anything inside the Lazarus IDE. Maybe my
computer just doesn't like me or something. :-(

See attached screenshot. "Slots" is a local variable which is a
"record" structure.  I can't seem to get any debug information about
the fields in that record, using Lazarus IDE.

Does anybody actually debug code inside the Lazarus IDE?  Or do you
all use external debugging tools or log files? I seem to get the
feeling that debugging is the single biggest feature missing from the
Lazarus IDE. Unfortunately debuging is a vital part of any IDE.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] Lazarus unresponsive if Show Compiler dialog ON and trying to debug

2010-03-08 Thread ABorka


If one checks the Show Compiler dialog in Lazarus and tries to debug to 
a line with f4, or place a breakpoint somewhere and execute with f9 
Lazarus becomes unresponsive when exiting the application.

This is due to 2 dialogs up at the same time, with the smaller one 
(Execution ended) being right behind the bigger one (Show compiler 
progress left there from the initial compilation).

Nothing should be done until the show compiler progress dialog is closed 
manually (would be nice to have the focus on it after compilation too, 
instead of on the messages window so an enter would close it).
No execution or debugging or source code editing or anything should 
happen until this dialog is closed.

This major show stopper bug was reported in 2008 in mantis 
( and the dozen related 
reports) and no fixes done since then.
I would think that these kinds of problems would have priority because 
people meet them in the first 10 minutes when starting to use Lazarus.
But one and half years with no fixes seems a little bit too long when 
everyone is so upbeat with open source software getting fixes so faster 
than proprietary ones.

If it cannot or will not be fixed, please remove the show compiler 
dialog check box from Lazarus so people will not get stumped on it every 
time they want to see compiler progress.

Thank you,


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Debugging under windows

2010-03-19 Thread ABorka

Properties with variable getters are shown.
Properties with getter functions are not shown.

The second one is greatly missed, making debugging tedious.
Log files and such are not RAD debugging for GUI applications.

Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] bug report 12594

2010-03-31 Thread ABorka

Sorry, it was posted in the wrong mailing list at first

It seems it got closed, but I'm not sure if it is really fixed (can't add
notes now).

In D5 the DFM files are something like this with bitbuttons:
object BitBtn1: TBitBtn
Left = 96
Top = 52
Width = 75
Height = 25
TabOrder = 1
Kind = bkOK
object BitBtn2: TBitBtn
Left = 176
Top = 52
Width = 75
Height = 25
TabOrder = 2
Kind = bkCancel
Because the "Caption" and "Modalresult" properties were not specified in
there, the converter did not add them automatically for FPC using the
"Kind" property (D5 did this automatically it seems).
bkOK -> Caption = "OK" and Modalresult = 1
blCancel -> Caption = "Cancel" and modalresult = 2

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Lazarus make me create better apps

2010-05-07 Thread ABorka

On 5/7/2010 06:31, Marcos Douglas wrote:

What do you use?
Have you made any real app using some of these technologies and FPC?
I would like to use FPC for my web apps, but I don't see many examples...

Does anyone uses FPC for real web applications?

Marcos Douglas

My company also uses Lazarus/FPC for the whole system we have (an 
internet affiliate network) that was originally written in Kylix.
It is Linux/Apache/MySQL server based. Most development and testing 
happens under Windows, then the web server part recompiled and retested 
under Linux before uploaded to the live server.
The external utility programs are only used on Windows clients (customer 
service, system maintenance, etc.) using secure SSH tunnels to the web 
servers via Putty (to access the data on the MySQL databases, etc.). 
These could be compiled for Linux also, it is just most people are 
familiar with Windows better.

All web pages are using the fpTemplate unit to generate the HTML 
responses. The web design layer this way is totally separated from the 
server programming side. The HTML people can beautify their pages as 
they like while using the available HTML tags provided on the server 
side to display live data from the databases.
You can find some basic examples on using the fpTemplate unit and 
template tags under the Lazarus directory


Works like a charm.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Lazarus make me create better apps

2010-05-07 Thread ABorka

On 5/7/2010 12:19, Marcos Douglas wrote:

All web pages are using the fpTemplate unit to generate the HTML responses.
The web design layer this way is totally separated from the server
programming side. The HTML people can beautify their pages as they like
while using the available HTML tags provided on the server side to display
live data from the databases.
You can find some basic examples on using the fpTemplate unit and template
tags under the Lazarus directory


Works like a charm.

Thanks for your example. I will see the fpTemplate unit.
What about the server app. Do you use CGI, FastCGI... some libs or
frameworks? Everyone talk about PWU.

Marcos Douglas

The server side was an Apache mod but now it is simply CGI. We did not 
see any speed increase/decrease for the visitor traffic volume we have 
in either case.

We might do it FCGI in the future, but it does not seem to be working on 
Windows (it was a few months ago so I do not exactly remember what was 
the problem, but I think it was something like many FCGI app instances 
got spawned and dragged the CPU like crazy all the time even between 
requests), so we probably need to move to Linux for the server 
development in case we try to do this again.

No frameworks or libs were used, it is a normal website with screens, 
reports, etc., people need to click on things to get new content.
The request goes to the web server and an HTML page is generated using a 
template, replacing the template-tags with content from files/databases, 


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] CGI using weblaz

2010-05-19 Thread ABorka

You can find demo programs for fpweb under your Lazarus directory in


the fptemplate ones are particularly useful for building websites with 


On 5/19/2010 05:45, Vannus wrote:

Has anybody got query's to work with weblaz TCustomCGIApplication?


and my.cgi then outputs whatever q is?

the AResponse.Fields don't get filled with the query and AResponse.URL
doesn't contain the URL for me to parse myself :(

Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] WebLaz Apache

2010-05-20 Thread ABorka
Did. But in the current economy the traffic is down, and because of CGI 
doesn't require an Apache restart when anything changes in the app, we 
are just using CGI at the moment (with HTML templates and template tags 
using fpTemplate). Did not see speed difference between the two.
However, any time the need arises, we can just recompile the app as an 
Apache module in minutes and us that.
The web module source code is exactly the same for CGI programs and 
Apache mods, so no changes needed for the recompile at all.


On 5/20/2010 05:49, Lee Jenkins wrote:

OK, since everyone's talking about the web technologies in Laz/FPC
lately, I have a question. Anyone currently running web site/app with
WebLaz Apache module flavor. Any high traffic?

I'm using a stand alone synapse based HTTP server now for testing, but I
want to deploy eventually to apache via WebLaz.

Warm Regards,


Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] WebLaz Apache

2010-05-22 Thread ABorka

On 5/22/2010 08:27, Marcos Douglas wrote:

However, any time the need arises, we can just recompile the app as an
Apache module in minutes and us that.
The web module source code is exactly the same for CGI programs and Apache
mods, so no changes needed for the recompile at all.

No changes to transform CGI code in Apache_mod?
Well, I never coded an Apache_mod, but I think it would be
multi-thread, right? Your code is like that?
Can you talk more about?

Marcos Douglas

We write all code as if it were an Apache module (or FCGI), even if we 
compile it as CGI at the moment.
You just need to take care of the fact that web modules already in the 
memory can be reused for following requests (in case of Apache mods and 
FCGI), so the global variables, web module variables (private and 
public), etc. can have values left over from previous requests.
Especially, need to take care of closing connections, files, free used 
memory, etc. after a request is finished and put back things to the 
initial state before leaving, so the next request that might get the 
same web module for action handling will find the same state as the 

This is the same for Apache modules and FCGI.

Only the .lpi and .lpr files (they are all very small and after creating 
them the first time no changes are needed at all) are different between 
Apache module, FCGI and CGI applications, the web module file is the 
same (example: under your Lazarus directory in 


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] fpWeb Apache2 Windows

2010-05-24 Thread ABorka

On 5/22/2010 13:38, Leonardo Rame wrote:

Hi, I'm trying to do some tests of fpWeb on Windows Seven 64bits using
Apache2 (32bits). The first test I did was compiling the HelloWorld
sample from c:\lazarus\components\fpweb \demo\helloworld\cgi and trying
to execute it, but it doesn't work (500 Internal server error).

This is what my Apache's logs in error.log file:

[Sat May 22 17:12:34 2010] [notice] Child 996: Child process is running
[Sat May 22 17:12:34 2010] [notice] Child 996: Acquired the start mutex.
[Sat May 22 17:12:34 2010] [notice] Child 996: Starting 64 worker threads.
[Sat May 22 17:12:34 2010] [notice] Child 996: Starting thread to listen
on port 8080.
[Sat May 22 17:21:37 2010] [error] [client] malformed header
from script. Bad header= $000100015385: helloworld.exe

Any hint?

Make sure you compile for the right Apache version. In your FPC 
directory under /units/... there are 3 subdirectories


Delete all but the version you have. For example, if you have Apache 2.2 
then only leave the httpd22 directory there and delete the other two.
This might not be the problem for CGI, but for Apache modules it was 
important when I played with it.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Lazarus CGI Sample

2010-05-27 Thread ABorka

On 5/27/2010 13:52, Leonardo M. Ramé wrote:

On the other hand, fpWeb has a more advanced templating engine, that
maybe (I don't tested it) allows one to create rows of an HTML table
right from the template, without creating it inside the program's code.

Yes, this is true. See the demo program under your Lazarus diretory 

You can use a tag in your template and complete eliminate html code in 
your pascal code. From the above demo program the template file contains:


   [- ONEROW =
.snip, and so on more parameters if needed
There are no entries found.

This is a single template tag with tag parameters to generate a full 
html table as you please. In the above example the pascal module only 
replaces the actual values in the table header and rows (marked by tilde 


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] fpWeb file download

2010-06-10 Thread ABorka

On 6/10/2010 13:30, Leonardo M. Ramé wrote:

El jue, 10-06-2010 a las 17:23 -0300, Leonardo M. Ramé escribió:

Hi, I'm trying to implement file downloading for an fpWeb CGI without
success, I'm doing this so far:

procedure TFPWebModule1.TFPWebActions0Request(Sender: TObject;
   ARequest: TRequest; AResponse: TResponse; var Handled: Boolean);
   lImage: string;
   lFileStream: TFileStream;
 lImage := '/home/leonardo/files/file1.dcm';
 lFileStream := TFileStream.Create(lImage, fmShareDenyNone);
   AResponse.ContentType := 'image/dicom3';
   AResponse.CustomHeaders.Values['Content-Disposition'] :=
 'attachment; filename=' + ExtractFileName(lImage);
   AResponse.LoadFromStream(lFileStream, True);
   AResponse.SendContent; // not sure if this is needed.
   Handled := True;

And the results of curl are this:

* About to connect() to localhost port 80 (#0)
*   Trying ::1... connected
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 80 (#0)

GET /cgi-bin/getstudy/StudyId?IdSeries=1 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7

OpenSSL/0.9.8k zlib/ libidn/1.15

Host: localhost
Accept: */*

<  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<  Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 20:17:52 GMT
<  Server: Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)
<  Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=MR_4c1139a4b76d62c2.dcm
<  Content-Length: 0
<  Content-Type: image/dicom3
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
* Closing connection #0

As you can see, the Content-Lenght is 0, and the image isn't downloaded.
What is the correct way of implementing this?.

Sorry, I found the solution (I just needed to create an instance of

AResponse.ContentStream :=  TFileStream.Create(lImage, fmShareDenyNone);
   AResponse.ContentType := 'image/dicom3';
   AResponse.CustomHeaders.Values['Content-Disposition'] := 'attachment;
filename=' + ExtractFileName(lImage);
   AResponse.ContentLength := AResponse.ContentStream.Size;

The filename might need to be between double quotes, like
AResponse.CustomHeaders.Add('Content-Disposition= attachment; 
filename="blah blah.csv"');

because there might be some spaces in the name for example.

Also, I am not sure but does the AResponse.ContentStream need to be 
freed after the SendContent or SendResponse? If I remember right, back 
it old delphi days with the proper way, the stream was not freed. Not 
sure how it works in FPC/Lazarus though.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] New website launched

2010-06-18 Thread ABorka

On 6/18/2010 08:29, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:

Joost van der Sluis schrieb:

Our company has launched the new website.

Please take a look and tell what you think about it.

Nice, but it deserves more careful(l) proofreading.

AFAIR the official name is "Free Pascal" and "Florian Klaempfl", not
sure about "usefull".

I also prefer "multi platform" over "cross platform", just to
distinguish between Delphi "X" (which only is a *Windows based*
cross-compiler) and the FPC/Lazarus tools, which run natively *on* a
multitude of platforms.


Also, on page
abailable -> available

usefull -> useful all across the site please :)
(true, there are 2 LLs when you say usefully, but useful is with only one)

develpment -> development

"After all, the Free Pascal and Lazarus projects itself are completely 
written in Freepascal"

itself -> themselves

"developers like to keep the control of the projects in the hands of the 
developers only"

sounds odd and maybe a little funny :)

on page
assitence -> assistance

on working hours -> during working hours (2 places)

"Included is also the maintenance support." -> Maintenance support is 
also included.

I think someone else also mentioned 0.9.29 appearing on this page.

on page
sometimes the links does not have the "Hand" mouse-over icon (I use 
Firefox), thought clicking on them works.

on page
"And at the same time we want to help the development of these open 
source projects moving forward by providing patches and help where we 
can." -> At the same time we want to help the development of these open 
source projects to move forward by providing patches and help where we can.

on page
"patches that are send by others" -> patches that are sent by others (or 

Unfortunately I ran out of time, so can not read more pages ATM. I will 
try to check some more...

Of course, I'm also not a native English speaker... so please double 
check. :)


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] problem opening html help pages with spaces in path

2010-09-14 Thread ABorka

On 9/14/2010 09:33, Mattias Gaertner wrote:

On Tue, 14 Sep 2010 19:28:19 +0300
Alberto Narduzzi  wrote:

Is there already a function for this that can be used in the LCL?

I may guess...

S := StringReplace(S, ' ', '%20', [rfReplaceAll]);

I meant for all special characters.


You can use the HTTPEncode function from 

and the HTTPDecode to convert things back if needed.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Lazarus and FPC versions for Ubuntu 10?

2010-09-26 Thread ABorka


I would do a build of FPC and Lazarus from SVN trunk.
It works for me superbly and I don't have to worry about updates or 
keeping up-to-date with FPC/Lazarus.
Nor waiting years for the latest packages to be updated and included in 
The 2.5.1 trunk of FPC has a ton of new features and fixes/updates which 
I need and use without a problem.

Building FPC and Lazarus from SVN can be a little bit tricky until one 
gets it right, but once you have it you will not look back.

I can list my step by step install if you need (the first PITA item on 
the list is to install the VMWare tools into your Ubuntu so you will 
have copy/paste for the build process commands. This requires some 
kernel sources, etc.).


On 9/26/2010 14:29, Bo Berglund wrote:

I have just installed Ubuntu 10.04.1 desktop in a VMWare virtual machine.
I also did a full update of everything after the install.

Now for Lazarus
In the Synaptic Package Manager I see versions:
FPC: 2.4.0-2

I don't know if these are current or if there is another
way to get the right versions.
Please suggest the best way to proceed.

Bo Berglund

Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Lazarus and FPC versions for Ubuntu 10?

2010-09-26 Thread ABorka

OK, here it is guys.
These steps are a little bit raw and some additional apt packages might 
be needed, but it works for me. Also I did not detail how to extract 
tar.gz files and such.

Linux install (about 5.6GB disk space is needed to finish, recommended 
at least 10-12GB disk for future Linux/FPC/Lazarus updates):

need VMWare tools for the network and copy/paste.
I use midnight commander (the "mc" apt package) to copy files, change 
owners, create symlinks, edit files, etc., I find it easier.

sudo aptitude install build-essential linux-kernel-headers 

get the ubuntu updates system/admin../update manager (or "apt-get 
update" , then  "apt-get upgrade" from a terminal window as root or sudo)

need VM reboot for VMWare tools copy paste to work in the terminal 
window.(did not detail how to install/compile VMWare tools)

fpc, lazarus START:

as user xx:
"sudo apt-get install gcc libgtk2.0-dev build-essential libgdk-pixbuf-dev"
"sudo apt-get install mc apache2 mysql-server php5 phpmyadmin 
libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql" etc. if needed

"sudo apt-get install subversion"
(some people might not need apache or mysql or php5, Im developing web 
apps, so I did)

cd /home/xx

as user xx: (this is a web page) binary 
downloads for latest stable(!) FPC release (needed to compile the latest 
SVN trunk the first time)
ex: wget

extract: binary.i386-linux.tar from it into /home/xx/ for example
then extract from it the "base" and "utils" tars into 

then extract these tar.gz files in there.
(owner and group needs to be xx:xx) //not nobody:nogroup
(for windows: 
or win32  and install it "custom" with utils, make, etc.)

as root (after sudo su -):
copied the bin and lib folders into /usr/local (the bin files will be 
overwritten after new recompile, and the rest are

in their own dir in /usr/local/lib/fpc/2.4.0)

symlink in /bin to the ppc386 in /usr/local/lib/fpc/2.4.0/
 so the "make" can find it (will be overwritten during "make install")

run "/usr/local/lib/fpc/2.4.0/samplecfg /usr/local/lib/fpc/2.4.0 /etc"
(creates a sample fpc.cfg in /etc)

cd /home/xx/
type "fpc" to see if it is working and starts FPC 2.4.0

as user xx (important!):
"svn checkout fpc_svn" (full fpc 
latest development source code into dir fpc_svn under user xx's home dir)
(to refresh later at any time: from /home/xx as user xx: "svn update 

as user xx:
cd /home/xx/fpc_svn
"make clean all"
if it complains about fpcmake -> ../fpc-2.4.0-bootstrap/bin/fpcmake and 
then "make clean all again"
"sudo make install" (everything goes to /usr/local/bin/  , 
/usr/local/lib/fpc/... and /usr/local/share/doc/fpc/.. etc.)

change the symlink in /bin/ppc386 or /bin/fpc to point to 

(where 2.5.1 is the latest SVN version checked out)
as root or sudo -> in /usr/local/lib/fpc/2.5.1/ run "./samplecfg 
/usr/local/lib/fpc/2.5.1/ /etc"

(FPC done, now Lazarus)

cd /home/xx
as user xx:
"sudo apt-get install libx11-dev" (..LX11 missing error during make if 
not installed)
"sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev" (...gdk_pixbuf error during make if 
not installed)

"svn checkout lazarus_svn"
(full lazarus latest development source code)
(for refreshing the sources in the future: from /home/xx as user xx: 
"svn update lazarus_svn")

cd /home/xx/lazarus_svn
as user xx: "make clean all"

"sudo make install" (everything goes to /usr/local/share/lazarus/)
"make clean" (if wanna free up some space, not really needed, next round 
of make compiling will do it again)

Getting Synapse:
in /home/xx
as user xx
svn checkout 

Getting ZEOS:
in /home/xx
as user xx

unzip ZEOS*.zip into a zeos directory there (docs, src, Examples, packages)

"cd ~"  //to get to your home dir
"startlazarus"  //to start lazarus , NOT with sudo or as user root !!!. 
Will complain about FPC sources, this is ok.

set up the fpc source dir in the environment options //ex: /home/xx/fpc_svn/
exit from Lazarus

"startlazarus" again
(complaining about FPC sources is gone)

ZEOS install in Lazarus:
package -> open .lpk file -> zeos/packages/lazarus/zcomponent.lpk -> 
install (rebuilds Lazarus)

package -> install/uninstall packages
add the needed packages (weblaz, lazwebextra, etc.) if there are any and 
do the rebuild from inside Lazarus
(if there is a problem with rebuilding saying that it can't 
find...blahblah then the timestamp is not ok for some files
due to the first svn checkout time delays b

Re: [Lazarus] Lazarus won't build on Ubuntu x64

2010-09-28 Thread ABorka
Check your paths in your fpc.cfg , it seems the fpc.cfg used by the 
compiler points to a different version of FPC, or something similar.


On 9/28/2010 17:47, Andrew Brunner wrote:

Free Pascal Compiler at revision 16060.
Lazarus from SVN at revision 27521.

Build gets as far as ...
Compiling masks.pas
PPU Loading /usr/lib/fpc/2.5.1/units/x86_64-linux/fcl-base/contnrs.ppu
Recompiling contnrs, checksum changed for Classes
Fatal: Can't find unit contnrs used by Masks
Fatal: Compilation aborted
make[1]: *** [alllclunits.ppu] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/Developer/Lazarus/lcl'
make: *** [lcl] Error 2

Anyone else with this problem?

Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Where to set project search paths in lazarus?

2010-09-30 Thread ABorka

On 9/30/2010 12:08, Juha Manninen (gmail) wrote:

On Thursday 30 September 2010 13:38:25 Bo Berglund wrote:

But Tortoise just initializes and transfers about 6 kb of data and then
nothing more happens. After some time of nothing happening I try to
Cancel, but that does not work so I have to close the dialog completely
using the X button.
Then in order to try again I have to delete the Lazarus folder with its
hidden .svn subfolder and create a new one because Tortoise does
not allow checkout any longer.
Tried it three times now, always the same end: nothing is retrieved.

Don't delete the folder but update it using TortoiseSVN. Then it will download
the rest. I remember having the same issue myself. I am not developing with
Windows so I can't give any better advice.

I had to install Tortiose because all other downloads I could find were
for installing an SVN *server*, which I don't want to do. So the only
client I found was TortoiseSVN...

Yes, with Linux everything is easier. :-)
I understood you got the Lazarus trunk version working on Linux.


I'm using TortoiseSVN on Windows (both WinXP 32 and Win7 64) and it 
works perfectly for both FPC and Lazarus.
Yes, on the older XP machine it takes a while and sometimes slows the 
computer down significantly - sometimes even as if the computer just 
stopped -, but it works.

I use ""; as the url for FPC,
""; for the Lazarus 
checkout/update. Then run a .bat file to run the compilation and update 
of FPC and Lazarus while having a drink.

I would not say that with Linux everything is easier - that is far not 
the case - , because both OS-es work and once you did it right, you will 
find it easy the following times on either platform...
On Linux I use manual commands because I am too lazy to even create a 
script for them :)


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Converting Pascal Client/Server application into Web Client?

2010-10-01 Thread ABorka

On 10/1/2010 08:11, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Fri, 1 Oct 2010, Michael Schnell wrote:

On 10/01/2010 02:22 PM, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

ExtJS has no such mechanism to my knowledge, but I'm not a reference.

last time I checked some months ago it was said to be a new feature,
but should work, even though I did not find anybody who has tested it.

This is necessary to overcome the asymmetry of the http protocol.

IMHO "Server-Events" are necessary to design a CGI program with some

Well, I create seriously complex applications. No such mechanism was
necessary till now.

Hmm, How to do notify the user that the server has finished complex
work in the background without blocking the interface and/or creating
excessive http polling traffic ?

Define excessive polling ?

An easy to do (non complex) example for a good application for such a
method is a server that allows tow client to chat.

Moreover "server-Internal-Events" like from Timers, serial or
"direct" TCP/IP communication, thread-notification, ... are very
desirable and should be able to fire "server-events" towards the

Why ? What could you possibly need to do that the server needs to
the client ? Everything you need can be programmed in the client, in my

Above trivial example ("chat server")

Real-world: Imagine an "embedded" program automatically working with
some hardware interfaces and/or serial and/or TCP/IP connections. Now
you want to provide it with a "web" interface that allows a "user" to
connect to it and do configuration and monitoring. For monitoring this
method is essential: many "states" in the program permanently change
due to the work of the program and the external situation. These state
changes need to be shown in the remote browser with low latency and
without excessive communication overhead.

In my experience: keeping a connection open IS excessive communication
overhead and very unreliable to boot.

I thought like you, 12 years ago. Till reality kicked in. Faulty switches,
company firewalls and whatnot. Not all servers/firewalls support HTTP 1.1
(for a persistent connection) etc. Too many problems.

So you end up with polling anyway. 10 polls per second is enough to fool
human eye and doesn't stress the server too much.


Aren't ExtJS Ajax calls asynchronous? The JavaScript code continues 
after firing a call to the server. There is a "callback" event that we 
can use when the server sent the reply back (and process success/failure 
events on the call).
At least I had to do some things to NOT give back the control to the 
user over the client side until the response arrives from the FPC server 
CGI/FCGI app (like disabling all controls for example).

IMO Exjs and FPC/Lazarus works superbly (you need FPC and Lazarus from 
the trunk SVN at the moment for it). You do not need ExtPascal at all.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Converting Pascal Client/Server application into Web Client?

2010-10-02 Thread ABorka

On 10/1/2010 23:33, duilio foschi wrote:

Some kind of tutorial for a start...

Leonardo Rame blog is full of precious gems

(and many other articles)



Since those articles, FPC's FCL-web and Lazarus' fpweb/lazwebextra has 
more native ExtJS support built in (SVN Trunk)

Only a fraction of Lazarus/FPC side coding is needed compared to it.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Converting Pascal Client/Server application into Web Client?

2010-10-02 Thread ABorka

On 10/2/2010 00:00, ABorka wrote:

On 10/1/2010 23:33, duilio foschi wrote:

Some kind of tutorial for a start...

Leonardo Rame blog is full of precious gems

(and many other articles)



Since those articles, FPC's FCL-web and Lazarus' fpweb/lazwebextra has
more native ExtJS support built in (SVN Trunk)
Only a fraction of Lazarus/FPC side coding is needed compared to it.


Forgot to mention that there are some basic demos created by Michael under

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] LazWebData package

2010-10-03 Thread ABorka

On 10/3/2010 14:05, Leonardo M. Ramé wrote:

Hi, I was trying to play with the new demos from
packages/fcl-web/examples and found that them require the package
lazwebdata, where can I find it?.

It is in Lazarus, called Lazwebextra

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] LazWebData package

2010-10-03 Thread ABorka

On 10/3/2010 14:31, Leonardo M. Ramé wrote:

On 2010-10-03 14:23:41 -0700, ABorka wrote:

On 10/3/2010 14:05, Leonardo M. Ramé wrote:

Hi, I was trying to play with the new demos from
packages/fcl-web/examples and found that them require the package
lazwebdata, where can I find it?.

It is in Lazarus, called Lazwebextra

Uh, ok. Then, I have to change the references to lazwebdata, in the
examples, to lazwebextra?

No, Lazwebextra is just the name of the package you have to install in 
Lazarus to have the additional components installed.
After installing the package, you can forgot the name lazwebextra you 
will never use it in your code.

Once you've installed the packages weblaz and lazwebextra and Lazarus is 
then recompiled, you can compile those example programs.

BTW, I've already raised this naming confusion issue with the 
developers, hopefully they will standardize the package names with the 
feature names and components. Some different icons for the toolbar 
components would be nice to have also :)

1. Currently we have package named WEBLAZ that provides us with the 
Lazarus FPWEB components.

2. We now have a LAZWEBEXTRA package too, that is also part of the 
Lazarus FPWEB components, this is just in a separate package for now 
until the next Lazarus release, theoretically.

3. We have the FCL-WEB that is part of the FPC's (Free Pascal Compiler) 
FCL (fere component library) that contains all the base and non-design 
time components for web development (fpweb, namely the 
weblaz/lazwebextra packages are based on this)

Confused enough yet? ;)


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] LazWebData package

2010-10-03 Thread ABorka

On 10/3/2010 15:05, Leonardo M. Ramé wrote:

On 2010-10-03 14:55:03 -0700, ABorka wrote:

On 10/3/2010 14:31, Leonardo M. Ramé wrote:

On 2010-10-03 14:23:41 -0700, ABorka wrote:

On 10/3/2010 14:05, Leonardo M. Ramé wrote:

Hi, I was trying to play with the new demos from
packages/fcl-web/examples and found that them require the package
lazwebdata, where can I find it?.

It is in Lazarus, called Lazwebextra

Uh, ok. Then, I have to change the references to lazwebdata, in the
examples, to lazwebextra?

No, Lazwebextra is just the name of the package you have to install
in Lazarus to have the additional components installed.
After installing the package, you can forgot the name lazwebextra
you will never use it in your code.

Once you've installed the packages weblaz and lazwebextra and
Lazarus is then recompiled, you can compile those example programs.

BTW, I've already raised this naming confusion issue with the
developers, hopefully they will standardize the package names with
the feature names and components. Some different icons for the
toolbar components would be nice to have also :)

1. Currently we have package named WEBLAZ that provides us with the
Lazarus FPWEB components.

2. We now have a LAZWEBEXTRA package too, that is also part of the
Lazarus FPWEB components, this is just in a separate package for now
until the next Lazarus release, theoretically.

3. We have the FCL-WEB that is part of the FPC's (Free Pascal
Compiler) FCL (fere component library) that contains all the base
and non-design time components for web development (fpweb, namely
the weblaz/lazwebextra packages are based on this)

Confused enough yet? ;)


You are right...but, I have installed LazWebExtra (I can see all the new
components), and when I try to open any of the examples on
fcl-web/examples the project is requiring lazwebdata, just take a look
at the lpi's:

grep -rH "\"lazwebdata\"" *


I've just updated from svn's trunk version.

Ahh yes, I remember now.  That is the old name of that package, I had 
the same problem, it seems it was not fixed in the SVN.

All you need to do is just remove that dependency from the project and 
it will compile. Just remove lazwebdata from everywhere it is mentioned, 
because that is just some leftover.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] fp-Web and FastCGI

2010-10-10 Thread ABorka

On 10/10/2010 11:51, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Sun, 10 Oct 2010, Leonardo M. Ramé wrote:

On 2010-10-10 13:34:30 -0300, Leonardo M. Ramé wrote:

exception at 00466EEA:
Failed to open input-handle passed from server. Socket Error: 88.

Now I'm stuck, somebody can help me with this?.

I figured out that I was configuring wrongly my apache2. Instead of
using FastCgiExternalServer I changed it for this:

FastCgiServer /var/www/fcgi-bin/myfastcgiapp.fcgi -idle-timeout 3

Also, I was using a symbolic link to
/var/www/fcgi-bin/myfastcgiapp.fcgi, and now I just copied my app to
that directory.

Then, I restarted apache2, and went to
http://localhost/fcgi-bin/myfastcgiapp.fcgi and, got a *more friendly*

I removed my TFPWebModule actions, and added just this global request

procedure TFPWebModule1.DataModuleRequest(Sender: TObject; ARequest:
AResponse: TResponse; var Handled: Boolean);
AResponse.Content := 'Hello World!';

You're missing


Handled is supposed to be set only after the response has been sent.

CGI additionally checks if content was sent, but fastcgi not.
Maybe we should add this check to FastCGI.


Yes, please :) it would be super.
We should not have that ".SendResponse" line at all in our event 
handlers, just like with CGI and Apache modules with fpweb.

Handled := true; should only be checked after the event handler 
finished, as an indicator that the request was handled and the response 
was generated and can be found in the ".Content" .
What is the purpose of the Handled parameter if not this with 


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] WebData

2010-10-15 Thread ABorka

On 10/15/2010 05:40, Leonardo M. Ramé wrote:

On 2010-10-15 14:24:48 +0200, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

After removing the TSqlQuery and TSQLTransaction components from my app,
a new question came to my mind, in the case of complex inserts/updates
that involves more than one database table, is it possible to use

Hm. Not if you use the TSQLDBWebDataProvider. To do that, you would
have to use TSQLSuery and a regular TWebDataProvider, and hook into
the Before/after post events of the TSQLQuery.

But I'm certainly open for suggestions for improvements.


Well, It's not an issue at all, I could create a stored procedure in
charge of receiveing the params from the dataprovider, then adapt them to
their respective tables. It's not an issue because I usually work with
Firebird and PostgreSql, and they have stored procedures.

I ask this because I'm thinking of adding a new layer of abstraction by
letting the TFPWebProviderDataModule load a configuration from, say, an
XML file with the list of Providers and its Select, Insert, Update, and
Delete statements, like this:

 select * from customers
   select * from customers where IdCustomer=:IdCustomer
   insert into customers(Name, Age)
   values(:Name, :Age)
   update customers set Name=:Name, Age=:Age
   where IdCustomer=:IdCustomer
   delete from customers where IdCustomer=:IdCustomer

With this data, the cgi/fcgi app could dynamically create the
TPWebProviderDataModule and everything else.

What do you think about this?

But you can do these things already, I believe.
I had multiple tables and some simple access rights to different people 
so my SQL statements had to be different for everyone to get different 
records from the tables.

What I did is, I started from the first demo example found in 

and created ONE action called "CRUD" that handles all the crud request 
from the extjs clients. However, I am passing some additional parameters 
that specifies which table is to be used and what needs to be done 
(Create, Read, Update, Delete). From the session I got who is the user, 
so I was able to prepare the proper SQL statements myself.

For example, the extjs data store proxy looks like this in the client 
side extjs:

  var myproxy = new ( {
api : {
//  create:  GetCGIURL('/CRUD?format=xml&t=0&d=0'),
//  read:GetCGIURL('/CRUD?format=xml&t=0&d=1'),
//  update:  GetCGIURL('/CRUD?format=xml&t=0&d=2'),
//  destroy: GetCGIURL('/CRUD?format=xml&t=0&d=3')
//end of XML
  create:  GetCGIURL('/CRUD?t=0&d=0'),
  update:  GetCGIURL('/CRUD?t=0&d=2'),
  destroy: GetCGIURL('/CRUD?t=0&d=3')
//end of JSON
You can see that I am passing the "t" and "d" additional parameters. "t" 
can be the table/database to use and "d" can be the action to be 
performed (create, read, update, delete), etc. In the web module "crud" 
action I just need a case statement for the different SQL statements 
based on these passed parameters.
Of course it is more complicated to build the actually executed SQL 
statements in my app, because I also process the sort order, the number 
of records to be returned, and have some record filtering coming form 
the extjs client, and as mentioned above, based on the user different 
records needs to be returned, etc.

Plus, I created some additional actions in the webmodule for other 
things like a "keepalive" call from the client so the session is not 
closed if the user uses the client for a long time but there are no 
server calls to refresh the session, and so on for other things and 
responses, web pages with templates, like login/logout, etc.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] WebData

2010-10-15 Thread ABorka

On 10/15/2010 12:23, Joshua Lim wrote:

Hi, fetching data from the database aside, how about web session
management for a multiple user website? Web scripts like php come with
session management built-in. What is the best way to do that using
pascal? Thanks.

Also built-in into fpweb (the cookie sessions management that is).

You can see examples under /lazarus/components/fpweb/demo/session


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] WebData

2010-10-16 Thread ABorka

On 10/16/2010 03:24, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Fri, 15 Oct 2010, ABorka wrote:

On 10/15/2010 05:40, Leonardo M. Ramé wrote:

On 2010-10-15 14:24:48 +0200, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

After removing the TSqlQuery and TSQLTransaction components from my
a new question came to my mind, in the case of complex inserts/updates
that involves more than one database table, is it possible to use

Hm. Not if you use the TSQLDBWebDataProvider. To do that, you would
have to use TSQLSuery and a regular TWebDataProvider, and hook into
the Before/after post events of the TSQLQuery.

But I'm certainly open for suggestions for improvements.


Well, It's not an issue at all, I could create a stored procedure in
What do you think about this?

But you can do these things already, I believe.
I had multiple tables and some simple access rights to different
people so my SQL statements had to be different for everyone to get
different records from the tables.

What I did is, I started from the first demo example found in

and created ONE action called "CRUD" that handles all the crud request
from the extjs clients. However, I am passing some additional
parameters that specifies which table is to be used and what needs to
be done (Create, Read, Update, Delete). From the session I got who is
the user, so I was able to prepare the proper SQL statements myself.

Is there any chance to put this in a kind of component that does most of
the boilerplate work ? I would imagine 2 events:

OnGetConnection = Procedure (Sender : TObject; Var AConnection :
TSQLConnection) of object;
OnGetQuery = Procedure (Sender : TObject; UpdateKind : TUpdateKind; SQL
: TStrings); of object;


Yes, theoretically it can be made a bit cleaner and easier by improving 
the webdata components, but there are a lot of additional parameters 
that can come in from Extjs.
For example, I am using Extjs grids and processing the following 
incoming parameters when creating my SQL statements:

table(s) to use /an id number what data is needed/
operation to perform /c, r, u, d/
start /starting record/
limit /number of records to return/
sort /sort by this field, this can be tricky for calculated fields/
dir /sort order if needed: ASC DESC/
fields /filter on these fields/
query /value(s) to look for in the filtered fields/

So creating the proper SQL statements definitely involves some work for 
the different Extjs client grids I use. The access rights for the users 
for the different database records also need to be taken into account.
Additionally, a separate SQL statement is needed to get the total number 
of records and properly replace it in the response that is returned to 
the Extjs client.
That is, because not all the records are returned, just the ones that 
fit into one grid page. With thousands plus records it is necessary, so 
the communication and response time is relatively fast.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] fpweb - SessionDir bug?

2010-10-21 Thread ABorka

It works here.
I am also using session cookies from fpweb and they are working here 
(windows and ubuntu in VMWare).
Even have some working projects on go daddy hosting where I even changed 
the session dir to be under the cgi program so I can check/delete the 
session cookie files.


PS: Just a thought... you are allowing cookies in your browser from that 
site you are testing with right?

On 10/21/2010 10:06, patspiper wrote:

The cookiesession demo project does not create any files in the /tmp
folder (Ubuntu 10.04). This could be a permissions issue. I uncommented
and set S.SessionDir in the cookiesession demo project to a folder which
is writable by all, with no results!

Is it a bug?


Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] fpweb - SessionDir bug?

2010-10-21 Thread ABorka

On 10/21/2010 10:06, patspiper wrote:

The cookiesession demo project does not create any files in the /tmp
folder (Ubuntu 10.04). This could be a permissions issue. I uncommented
and set S.SessionDir in the cookiesession demo project to a folder which
is writable by all, with no results!

Is it a bug?


What is your FPC and Lazarus version btw?

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] GUI development for web UI

2010-11-24 Thread ABorka

On 11/24/2010 03:11, wrote:

On Wed, 24 Nov 2010, ik wrote:

On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 12:46,  wrote:

I did some research on that some months ago. I found that this
best would be done using "ExtJS".

There are few problems with ExtJS. First it's not open source if you
use it in commercial apps (dual license is complicated).

What is the problem with buying a license if you make a commercial

There are a lot of issues with it. Let's take MySQL for example, If you
connect to it in a commercial app, then you require to buy a commercial
license, but if you release the connection code it's GPL, however if
you are
using Connector/J or ConnectorC, you do not have to, and so does with
Now If I use the FPC connection code (it's open source and available for
all), do I require to release my code that works with MySQL or not ? I
really do not know the answer here...

Now if I build a web app for my clients and they have the source code,
do I
require to buy a commercial license of ExtJS ?

Yes, because you make money on it, it is not open source.

If I use some sort of "binding" for the code of ExtJS, that is my own API
for the their code and release it in OpenSource, does a commercial web
that uses it, should buy a commercial license ?

Yes, because they use ExtJS.

It's not that simple as it sounds, and hence, it complicate everything,
there are many scenarios that are not that simple to understand what you
should do (in open source, and in commercial, so when it's dual license,
it's even harder).

I agree that dual-license is tricky, but that has never stopped me from
using a toolkit, if it is good.

MySQL I simply don't use because it is a bad database engine :-)

I think you guys are not exactly correct regarding the ExtJS license.,10125.msg52756.html#msg52756

"According to the linked ExtJS licensing FAQ, you have obligations to 
publish the ExtJS JavaScript code that YOU have modified AND(!) you are 
distributing it. So, in-house projects are excluded by default, as well 
as all extensions you have downloaded from the Internet - since those 
are already published back to the community. As I've noted, I never 
needed to extend ExtJS so far, always found that someone else did what I 
needed already.

Either case, it does not affect your FPC/Lazarus project parts."

In my opinion ExtJS is absolutely the best framework to use on the 
client side GUI within a browser, and Lazarus/FPC 100% supports it right 
now (0.9.29/2.51). You do not need ExtPascal or any other additional 
libraries to build superb systems with it.

You do not need to buy ExtJS licenses either.

As for MySQL usage...I do not have any problem with using that either in 
my web projects (Im using ZEOS library to access the DB). It is still by 
far the most used and available DB for web apps/web servers.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] GUI development for web UI

2010-11-25 Thread ABorka

On 11/25/2010 02:21, Michael Schnell wrote:

On 11/25/2010 10:29 AM, ik wrote:

I don't see how the Open source (GPL) license should affect the Pascal
code of an application that uses ExtJS (the pascal code same is
obviously not "based on / derivative work of" the GPLed Java script
code.) and the Java script code effectively used by the application is
obviously distributed as source code. And the application is not a
"development library" or "Tool Kit".

If a future Lazarus (which supposedly could be considered a "toolkit")
would contain an "ExtJS Widget Type" it would need to be distributed
without any part of ExtJS itself, and thus the Application developer
would need to fetch ExtJS from their Website himself.


IMO the FreePascal CGI/FCGI/Apache_module is not affected by the ExtJS 

If you, yourself, make changes to ExtJS and modify/extend it for your 
project, then that is a different matter. In that case you need to 
publish your ExtJS modifications (not your FreePascal 
However, in my experience this is very very rare, because most 
modifications needed (custom classes, object modifications, etc.) in 
ExtJS are already done by someone somewhere and are published. All you 
need to do is download and use them in your JavaScript code. I always 
found the needed ExtJS extensions online, never needed to develop them 
myself (A custom GridView for example, a double click sorting 
functionality on the GridView header fields, etc.).

Your end user/client can do the same (download and extract ExtJS and the 
needed extensions) during the installation process, so you are not 
distributing ExtJS with your application (modified or not).

Of course, a "Powered by ExtJS" link on the bottom of your web pages is 
a nice-to-have.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] GUI development for web UI

2010-11-25 Thread ABorka

On 11/25/2010 02:21, Michael Schnell wrote:
> On 11/25/2010 10:29 AM, ik wrote:
> I don't see how the Open source (GPL) license should affect the Pascal
> code of an application that uses ExtJS (the pascal code same is
> obviously not "based on / derivative work of" the GPLed Java script
> code.) and the Java script code effectively used by the application is
> obviously distributed as source code. And the application is not a
> "development library" or "Tool Kit".
> If a future Lazarus (which supposedly could be considered a "toolkit")
> would contain an "ExtJS Widget Type" it would need to be distributed
> without any part of ExtJS itself, and thus the Application developer
> would need to fetch ExtJS from their Website himself.
> -Michael

IMO the FreePascal CGI/FCGI/Apache_module is not affected by the ExtJS 

If you, yourself, make changes to ExtJS and modify/extend it for your 
project, then that is a different matter. In that case you need to 
publish your ExtJS modifications (not your FreePascal 
However, in my experience this is very very rare, because most 
modifications needed (custom classes, object modifications, etc.) in 
ExtJS are already done by someone somewhere and are published. All you 
need to do is download and use them in your JavaScript code. I always 
found the needed ExtJS extensions online, never needed to develop them 
myself (A custom GridView for example, a double click sorting 
functionality on the GridView header fields, etc.).

Your end user/client can do the same (download and extract ExtJS and the 
needed extensions) during the installation process, so you are not 
distributing ExtJS with your application (modified or not).

Of course, a "Powered by ExtJS" link on the bottom of your web pages is 
a nice-to-have.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] fpWeb and templates

2010-12-17 Thread ABorka

On 12/17/2010 05:34, ik wrote:

Can I load sub template inside the main template ?


LINESIP - Opening the source for communication

On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 15:30, Michael Van Canneyt>> wrote:

On Fri, 17 Dec 2010, ik wrote:


I'm trying to Create a template that only the content changes
inside, like I do with Sinatra
and Rails, using fpWeb.

In Sinatra for example you have a file called layout.erb that
contains the layout, and inside
there is a yield for the content.
How can I do the same using fpWeb ?

In much the same way, I expect ?
In an action, configure the template property:
- Set filename
- In the OnReplaceTag event, set the content.


There are examples for using templates in

also, there is a discussion that contains info about how to do nested 
templates at,10814.0.html


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Next FPC official release

2011-03-04 Thread ABorka

On 3/4/2011 09:54, Vincent Snijders wrote:

2011/3/4 Vincent Snijders:

If you use lazarus trunk svn head,with fpc trunk, you must use fpc
trunk *svn head* too. You did not, so your fpc 2.5.1 was too old.

So, if you update lazarus and compilation fails with fpc 2.5.1, you
must update fpc too.


Just as a note, sometimes there can be additional problems with 
compiling FPC/Lazarus from SVN.
In both the case of FPC and Lazarus, sometimes a file or two gets moved 
between directories in the SVN directory tree and when someone does a 
"make clean..." after an "svn update..." the clean will not remove the 
older one from the install "units" directory and that can cause problems 
with future compiles, rebuilds.
Sometimes I got "checksum changed" error in a file at rebuild, sometimes 
packages did not compile, sometimes the rebuild did not find things, etc.

I just had this problem a few days ago when after 2-3 months I updated 
my FPC and Lazarus SVN from the trunk and tried to recompile both.

1. First of all I had to delete the target directories of the installed 
versions of FPC and Lazarus ("make clean" should do this but since the 
moved file is now in a new directory, it tries to delete it from the new 
place instead of from the old place therefore leaving the old one there)

2. Then I deleted all SVN checkouts for both FPC and Lazarus and checked 
them out again into a clean directory

3. I used the last stable FPC version to compile the new FPC trunk first 
(sometimes you can not successfully compile the latest FPC 2.5.1 with a 
one or two months old FPC 2.5.1)

4. Then I could compile the latest SVN FPC again with itself (compiled a 
2.5.1 with a 2.5.1 made by a 2.4.xconfused enough yet?)

5. Checked out Lazarus from SVN into a clean dir and built it, installed it

6. Removed the Lazarus settings directory before 1st start and then 
tested a rebuild from within Lazarus after setting the FPC dir in the 
environment menu. If this works without a problem, you can start adding 
the packages you use.

7. I had a problem with the latest stable Zeos 6.6.6 because it did not 
compile. After looking it up on the net, I found the necessary changes 
needed for Zeos to compile (changes were needed in one of the source 
files, ZClasses.pas) under FPC 2.5.1.

After a few hours I had a newly working FPC/Lazarus installation.
This all is not for the faint heart... but can be done.


Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] Lazarus missing sqlite.dll after recompile, when sqlite was never used before

2011-04-08 Thread ABorka

I refreshed Lazarus and FPC from the SVN trunk and recompiled them.
Now, suddenly, rebuilding Lazarus does not work, because upon restart it 
is saying

"This application has failed to start because sqlite.dll was not found. ..."

Of course it does not find it, I never used sqlite in my life, it is not 
in the system. Why is this suddenly happening?

And most importantly, how can this be fixed?

Thanks for any help,


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Lazarus missing sqlite.dll after recompile, when sqlite was never used before

2011-04-08 Thread ABorka
Well, I was able to start lazarus.old.exe and remove the sqlite package 
that was there (for what reason I have no idea).

Also, it would be great if all the packages would have some package info 
text so we actually know what to remove and add before rebuilding.

printers4lazide 0.0
weblaz 0.0
lazcontrols 0.0
fpcunitide 0.1

and a dozen others have zero information about them, not to mention 
their names are sometimes very cryptic.
One example from the many packages: What "exploreidemenu 0.0" package 
does or good for if someone installs it?

Is there a list somewhere about what are the basic packages one needs to 
have the vanilla Lazarus?


On 4/8/2011 23:15, ABorka wrote:

I refreshed Lazarus and FPC from the SVN trunk and recompiled them.
Now, suddenly, rebuilding Lazarus does not work, because upon restart it
is saying

"This application has failed to start because sqlite.dll was not found.

Of course it does not find it, I never used sqlite in my life, it is not
in the system. Why is this suddenly happening?

And most importantly, how can this be fixed?

Thanks for any help,


Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] FCL-web and bandwidth usage

2012-03-27 Thread ABorka schrieb:

Javascript is not something you can avoid. People have come to expect a
certain functionality from a website, which can only be delivered with
Javasvript. If you don't provide it, your product will not sell. It's as

simple as that.

I doubt that. Just the opposite: A web page which uses scripting will
not be displayed when NoScript is on. So you don't reach all possible

Believe me, I will reach far less customers by not using Javascript,
namely: zero.

I make a distinction between websites and webapps.

We do not make general purpose websites, but web applications for a
specific audience. There is a huge difference.

These applications must behave and act as a desktop application, this is
a requirement. This is not possible without Javascript.

Then you may ask, why not simply program a desktop application ?

Simple: people do not want an installer or updater.

If it was not for that small detail, I would not touch web programming
with a long stick. No set standards, different and ever-changing
browsers, a language that sucks big time. But alas...


...And it does not matter what platform they are using, it will work 
without problems. No drivers needed, no libraries needed, no version issues.

Javascript will not go away, it will become more popular over time.
This is the trend the last ten years and it just gets more popular as 
more and more Java apps are ported over.

It saves huge bandwidth (not to mention responsiveness and client side 
speed)to use javascript apps client side with modern browsers. You 
download the data and until it changes you do not need to talk to the 
server other than some update checks on the data if it is multi-user.

I can not emphasize enough how much time it saved for me to do my 
projects as javascript (ExtJS based) web apps (using fpweb server side 
back-end). No matter if the client is Mac, PC or mobile device, it works.

As for NoScript addon usage, I am using it too. If the web app I need to 
use needs Javascript, I enable that one website (but not letting google, 
and the other crap ad companies to run scripts). You can not get around 
this. But you need to be pretty aware of this and manage it manually 
which is not for 99% of web users.
A few million NoScript users does not hold a candle to the hundreds of 
millions without it who does not even know what Java or Javascript is.
This is the way the internet works, and it will not change people as the 
past 30 years show.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Package: Adding httpd.pas link error in linux

2012-07-07 Thread ABorka
I did not check this, but is it possible that - due to fpc.cfg or 
directory ordering, etc. - on Linux it pulls httpd from the wrong directory?

There are multiple httpd directories in FPC packages for different 
Apache versions. You should delete all but the one you actually need so 
the compiler finds that one for sure (httpd13, httpd20, httpd22).

Also, if you have your own httpd.pas unit there can be conflict because 
all above dirs have httpd.ppu


On 7/6/2012 16:48, Mattias Gaertner wrote:

On Sat, 7 Jul 2012 02:34:16 +0300
Zaher Dirkey  wrote:

On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 1:03 AM, Mattias Gaertner

Have you installed the libapr on your system?
Have you installed the development package of libapr?


It is already installed
The problem not happned if i used httpd.pas in the project directly, but in
package it give me that error when linking Lazarus.

Are you aware that fpc has a httpd.ppu?


Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] Lazarus assembler debug window format

2012-08-24 Thread ABorka
Is there a way to see the assembler debug window in Intel format instead 
of AT&T?

It seems the code is always displayed in AT&T syntax.

Tried in Win32/Win64, latest SVN Lazarus and FPC build.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Lazarus assembler debug window format

2012-08-24 Thread ABorka

Thanks, this helped.

Using this "disassembly-flavor" variable I found this old thread on the 

and from there I was able to figure it out and set this in
Lazarus -> Tools -> Options -> Debugger -> General
The "Debugger_Startup_Options" value to

 -eval-command="set disassembly-flavor intel"

and voila, it works.


On 8/24/2012 21:50, leledumbo wrote:

I don't see any way to interact with the debugger, so it's not possible ATM.
GDB can be set to display disassembly in intel syntax through "set
disassembly-flavor intel" but we need a way to feed it to GDB. Please file a
feature request.

View this message in context:
Sent from the Free Pascal - Lazarus mailing list archive at

Lazarus mailing list

Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] SVN compile of Lazarus has a problem with "make install" on Windows

2012-11-30 Thread ABorka

Windows 8 64bit
Latest Lazarus SVN

1. make all (works OK)
2. make install
gives error when the copying of startlazarus.exe, lazbuild.exe, 
lazarus.exe comes, because it tries to copy these files without 
extension and that does not exist.
Renaming them to do not have extension fixes the issue (obviously) but 
after the install finishes we need to name them back in the destination 
directory to .exe .


Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] Lazweb / fpWeb apache module initial project does not compile

2011-04-15 Thread ABorka
Lazarus can not compile the initial project after 
File->New->Project->Apache Module, because it gives

mod_apache1.lpr(35,15) Error: identifier idents no member "SetModuleRecord"

Created a bug report about it:

Also, is the word "idents" correct in the error message? The spell 
checker here does not seem to know it.


Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] Lazarus SVN 30328 is not compiling

2011-04-16 Thread ABorka
C:/pp/bin/i386-win32/ppc386.exe -MObjFPC -Scghi -O1 -gl -vew -l -dLCL 
-dLCLwin32 -Fu../lcl/units/i386-win32/win32 -Fu../lcl/units/i386-win32 
-Fu../packager/units/i386-win32 -Fu. -FE. -FUunits/i386-win32 -di386 

Free Pascal Compiler version 2.5.1 [2011/04/16] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2011 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: Win32 for i386
Compiling ideintf.pas
Compiling actionseditor.pas
Compiling objinspstrconsts.pas
Writing Resource String Table file: objinspstrconsts.rst
Compiling componenteditors.pas
Compiling lazstringgridedit.pas
Compiling checklistboxeditordlg.pas
Compiling ideimagesintf.pas
Compiling checkgroupeditordlg.pas
Compiling propedits.pp
Compiling texttools.pas
Compiling frmselectprops.pas
Compiling idewindowintf.pas
Compiling stringspropeditdlg.pas
Compiling columndlg.pp
Compiling collectionpropeditform.pas
Compiling propedits.pp
Compiling propeditutils.pp
propedits.pp(1781,5) Error: Expected another 1 array elements
propedits.pp(6673) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Lazarus SVN 30328 is not compiling

2011-04-17 Thread ABorka

On 4/17/2011 00:14, Juha (gmail) wrote:

Paul Ishenin kirjoitti sunnuntai, 17. huhtikuuta 2011 08:00:04:

17.04.2011 7:13, ABorka wrote:

propedits.pp(1781,5) Error: Expected another 1 array elements
propedits.pp(6673) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted

Fixed in r30332.

Ok, it wasn't caused by my commit (r30328) then, it was a new FPC trunk


It is OK now, it compiles.

There is one little issue I noticed, and it is that Norton AV says that 
there is a Mad.5011 virus in "syngutterchanges.ppu"  :) and it always 
removes it. So if anyone gets this, just suspend the AV until Lazarus is 
fully compiled and installed.

Not sure how can this be fixed...


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] fpWeb & fcgi

2011-05-08 Thread ABorka

On 5/8/2011 20:41, Lee Jenkins wrote:

I have a web type project coming up and decided to poke around in the
fpWeb stuff. My, you guys have been busy, I never took a good look
around the fpweb/laz web sources till today. I was thinking of using php
with symfony or one of the smaller frameworks, but its a bit overkill
for my project. I'm considering using fpweb/lazarus so I'm writing a
small test application.

I thought I saw mention of a embedded web server available? I currently
have a pretty simple embedded server using synapse that is a modified
version of the demo that comes with the sources. I was thinking of
writing a TCustomWebApplication to use that. But I did remember
somewhere in a recent thread, there was mention of an existing embedded

Also, if its not too much trouble, a sample of someone's  declaration, etc for httpd.conf, I'd appreciate it. I'm
looking at samples on the web now for setting up apache for fcgi, but
most of its for php fcgi setup and I'm trying to get my head around
setting apache to look for fpweb fcgi apps to handle requests.

What I'd like to do is work through the process of writing a small
sample app (easy peasy) and then setting up the environment to start
testing right away so if I ask a lot elementary questions...

I'll be documenting the creation of a small web app that will be using
some of the basic stuff in fpweb like templates, sending xml/json, using
content producers, etc including setting up for the different host
environments like apache vs fcgi, etc. I'll put it on the wiki or submit
it over the tracker when I'm finished.


Warm Regards,


has some info on the apache FCGI config.
Use FPC and Lazarus from the latest SVN sources to get the latest 
updates and fixes.
(note, that currently Apache modules are not compiling properly /no 
errors, only the modules does not work/, so only use CGI or FCGI).


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] fpWeb - Redirects

2011-05-18 Thread ABorka

Is it enough to change AResponse.Code := 3xx and AResponse.Location :=
'http://..."; from within a handler to cause a redirect?


Warm Regards,



takes care of everything.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] fpWeb FCGI Setup

2011-05-22 Thread ABorka

Hi all,

I'm trying to get fcgi setup and running on my windows box so I can test
some of modules and I'm still try to figure out what I need to do.

A sample fcgi project produces an exception when run "Failed to open
input handle passed from server. Socket error 10038.".

I had thought that the fcgi server just started and waited for
connections from the webserver but it looks like it is trying to connect
to an assume socket as soon as it starts. Sorry, I can't tell exactly,
the ide won't let me debug down passed Application.Run line in the .lpr.

Not sure how I would debug like without it being started already...

Windows Vista, Lazarus snapshot a week or so old.


Warm Regards,


You need to specify the port your FCGI application will be listening on 
in your project main file (.lpr):

  Application.Title:='My FCGI Application';
  Application.Port:=2015;//Port the FCGI application is listening on


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] fpWeb FCGI Setup

2011-05-22 Thread ABorka

Hi all,

I'm trying to get fcgi setup and running on my windows box so I can test
some of modules and I'm still try to figure out what I need to do.

A sample fcgi project produces an exception when run "Failed to open
input handle passed from server. Socket error 10038.".

I had thought that the fcgi server just started and waited for
connections from the webserver but it looks like it is trying to connect
to an assume socket as soon as it starts. Sorry, I can't tell exactly,
the ide won't let me debug down passed Application.Run line in the .lpr.

Not sure how I would debug like without it being started already...

Windows Vista, Lazarus snapshot a week or so old.


Warm Regards,


You need to specify the port your FCGI application will be listening
on in your
project main file (.lpr):

Application.Title:='My FCGI Application';
Application.Port:=2015;//Port the FCGI application is listening on

I know its a bit off topic, but I've been trying to get fastcgi
configured with apache off and on for a week now and I have yet to
figure out the specific combination. My httpd.conf looks like this for

LoadModule fcgid_module modules/

SetHandler fcgid-script
Options execCGI
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi .fcg
Alias /fastcgi-bin "M:\LazProjs\test_projects\test_fpweb\www\pos.fcgi"
"M:\LazProjs\test_projects\test_fpweb\www\pos.fcgi" -host

I've downloaded the fcgid .so and put it in the modules folder.

I've tried all manner of combination of directories, changing
directories vs. settings in httpd.conf, etc. Just can't seem to get
apache configured correctly. Most of what I've been able to find is
scattered around in terms of any real examples of setting up fastcgi on
apache. The apache server never hits the fcgi server for requests.

I convinced the client to let me put a prototype together and I'm about
5 days of trying at this point so any suggestion anyone might have about
getting fastcgi with apache connecting to the lazarus fcgi server would
be really appareciated. :-)

Warm Regards,


It seems you are trying to use the fcgid module that comes with Apache 
and Linux distributions.
That will not work most probably. You need the original fastcgi from the 
official website .

I did list steps for both Windows and Linux (you have to compile from 
sources on Linux) in this forums thread somewhere:,12817.0.html


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] TFPWebModule.ActionVar

2011-05-23 Thread ABorka

What is it used for?

Warm Regards,


There can be many uses for it, but not always necessary of course.
It is basically a way to pass the action name to fpweb as a parameter.

From the simplest query parameter passing the action name, to the more 
difficult way of handling encrypted action names and parameters, etc.

I have a project using the latter for example. In that project all the 
URLs are looking something like:

No cookies used for anything at all for example, for security reasons. 
Everything is encoded in the action parameters. Both the action name and 
action parameters are encrypted, and encrypted differently every time.
To pre-process this kind of URL (basically decrypt) the action var is 
used (not directly from the URL) on the fly at runtime after decryption, 
to pass the called action name to fpweb.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] fpWeb and static content

2011-05-23 Thread ABorka

What is the typical strategy to server up static content with fpWeb? JS,
css files, given that its handler centric.

Create a default handler that checks for file extension in the .PathInfo?

Warm Regards,


Why would you need fpweb to serve static content? Your web server does that.
CGI/FCGI and apache modules (fpweb) are to generate dynamic content.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] fpWeb FCGI Setup

2011-05-26 Thread ABorka

On 5/26/2011 09:30, silvioprog wrote:


I could never run a FastCGI module. :(

My steps (without success):

1. Download and install lasted XAMPP;
2. Download "";
em copy to "C:\xampp\apache\modules\mod_fastcgi-2.4.6-AP22.dll";
3. Edit the "C:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf" to:
   LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
   LoadModule fastcgi_module modules/mod_fastcgi-2.4.6-AP22.dll
 FastCGIConfig -autoUpdate -idle-timeout 120 -killInterval 3600
-maxClassProcesses 3 -maxProcesses 15 -startDelay 30
 AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi
4. Restart Apache;
5. Create, compile and copy the my demo (in attached) to
6. Open in Firefox the link "http://localhost/cgi-bin/test.fcgi";;

And not works. When I open the link, Firefox freezes, as if the module
was on infinity loop.

How do I fix it?


Do not pull (all) your hair yet :)

I was testing FCGI with fpweb the past day or so on Windows, and it 
seems to be broken and only the FastCgiExternalServer way is working.
In fact, you are correct that there is an infinite loop, and that is 
Apache trying to start up the FCGI application continuously at startup, 
but it keeps exiting. You can see it in the apache error logs.

On Linux, everything works OK for both mod_fastcgi (sources from and mod_fcgid that the Apache project develops.

For now, I suggest you use the FastCgiExternalServer way on Windows and 
specify a port in your FCGI app/Apache conf. You need to start the FCGI 
application before sending the requests to it though because this way 
Apache does not do it for you.
In any case, this is the best way to develop and debug an FCGI 
application anyway because you can just use breakpoints and the debug 
facilities from within Lazarus.

It will be fixed on Windows as soon as the problem is found, I am sure.
We are still trying to find the issue.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] fpWeb FCGI Setup

2011-05-26 Thread ABorka

On 5/26/2011 10:28, silvioprog wrote:

2011/5/26 ABorka:

For now, I suggest you use the FastCgiExternalServer way on Windows and
specify a port in your FCGI app/Apache conf. You need to start the FCGI
application before sending the requests to it though because this way Apache
does not do it for you.

Hm..., and how I do it? (is there any article?) :/

Thx AB.

1. Specify a port number in your project main file (.lpr)
  Application.Title:='My FCGI Application';
  Application.Port:=2015;//Port the FCGI application is listening on

2. In your apache config file (ex: httpd.conf) put something like
LoadModule fastcgi_module "C:/path to the dll/mod_fastcgi-2.4.6-AP22.dll"

  ScriptAlias /myfcgi "C:/path to your fcgi application/yourfcgi.exe"
SetHandler fastcgi-script
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
  FastCgiExternalServer "C:/path to your fcgi application/yourfcgi.exe" 
-host -idle-timeout 30 -flush

Note, the port number in the .conf file and in your app must match

3. Restart your Apache
4. Start up your FCGI application in a command prompt window or from 
Lazarus if you want to run in debug mode

5. Open your web browser and go try to call your FCGI application
(ex: )


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] fpWeb FCGI Setup

2011-05-26 Thread ABorka

On 5/26/2011 11:44, silvioprog wrote:

2011/5/26 ABorka:

1. Specify a port number in your project main file (.lpr)
  Application.Title:='My FCGI Application';
  Application.Port:=2015;//Port the FCGI application is listening on

2. In your apache config file (ex: httpd.conf) put something like
LoadModule fastcgi_module "C:/path to the dll/mod_fastcgi-2.4.6-AP22.dll"

  ScriptAlias /myfcgi "C:/path to your fcgi application/yourfcgi.exe"
SetHandler fastcgi-script
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
  FastCgiExternalServer "C:/path to your fcgi application/yourfcgi.exe" -host -idle-timeout 30 -flush

Note, the port number in the .conf file and in your app must match

3. Restart your Apache
4. Start up your FCGI application in a command prompt window or from Lazarus
if you want to run in debug mode
5. Open your web browser and go try to call your FCGI application
(ex: )


Yes, I followed all these steps, but error again.

My steps:

1. Stop Apache;
2. Download the "mod_fastcgi-2.4.6-AP22.dll" and copy to
3. Adds in the "C:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf":
   LoadModule fastcgi_module 
ScriptAlias /myfcgi "C:/xampp/htdocs/fcgi/test.fcgi"

  SetHandler fastcgi-script
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

FastCgiExternalServer "C:/xampp/htdocs/fcgi/test.fcgi" -host -idle-timeout 30 -flush
4. Start Apache;
5. Open CMD, and run command "C:\xampp\htdocs\fcgi\test.fcgi";
6. Open the link ""; (tested
""; too, without success);

The result of steps above:
"Not found
The requested URL /fcgi/test.fcgi was not found on this server".

I send my new demo (source and .fcgi) here:

My Apache is:

Apache Version  Apache/2.2.17 (Win32) mod_ssl/2.2.17 OpenSSL/0.9.8o
mod_fastcgi/2.4.6 PHP/5.3.4 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.1
Apache API Version  20051115
Hostname:Port   localhost:80
Max RequestsPer Child: 0 - Keep Alive: on - Max Per Connection: 100
TimeoutsConnection: 300 - Keep-Alive: 5
Virtual Server  No
Server Root C:/xampp/apache
Loaded Modules  core mod_win32 mpm_winnt http_core mod_so mod_actions
mod_alias mod_asis mod_auth_basic mod_auth_digest mod_authn_default
mod_authn_file mod_authz_default mod_authz_groupfile mod_authz_host
mod_authz_user mod_autoindex mod_cgi mod_dav_lock mod_dir mod_env
mod_headers mod_include mod_info mod_isapi mod_log_config mod_mime
mod_negotiation mod_proxy mod_proxy_ajp mod_rewrite mod_setenvif
mod_ssl mod_status mod_fastcgi mod_php5 mod_perl

AB, thanks for your step by step. :)


instead, because that is why we did the ScriptAlias, so the calling URL 
is simpler.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] fpWeb FCGI Setup

2011-05-26 Thread ABorka

On 5/26/2011 12:35, silvioprog wrote:

2011/5/26 ABorka:


instead, because that is why we did the ScriptAlias, so the calling URL is

Same error. x(

Please, see:

OK, here is what I did to make your downloaded project work (was not 

1. Unzipped it and moved everything to the same directories
2. Edited the project main .lpr file and changed it to
  fpFCGI, Unit1, iniwebsession {for the error message}, custfcgi {for 
the poStripContentLength};

  Application.Port := 2015; //Port the FCGI application is listening on
  Application.ProtocolOptions := Application.ProtocolOptions + 
[poStripContentLength];//on windows, without this the response can be 
cut short


Note, without the iniwebsession we just get an exception complaining 
about it (this requirement should be removed from fpweb).
Also, custfcgi is needed so we can add the protocolotions line, so on 
Windows the reply is not cut short by Apache (like error messages about 
the iniwebsession, for example).

3. in the httpd.conf
LoadModule fastcgi_module 

  ScriptAlias /myfcgi "C:/xampp/htdocs/fcgi/test.exe"
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
  FastCgiExternalServer "C:/xampp/htdocs/fcgi/test.exe" -host -idle-timeout 30 -flush

4. Start apache
5. Start the test.exe application from a cmd window
6. Navigate to from my browser to see:

Note, your response generation only sends back the text "Test" instead 
of a proper web page. It should be at least something like

  Handled := True;
  AResponse.Content := 'Test';


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Simple embweb project hangs

2011-05-29 Thread ABorka

It will not fix your crash, but you are missing


from your action handler.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] New application type: HTTP standalone server

2011-06-03 Thread ABorka

On 6/2/2011 10:46, Leonardo M. Ramé wrote:

Michael, I added a webmodule to testhttp and got two problems.

1 - Could not determine HTTP module for request "". Even if I call it
the same way as I use with fpCGI and fpEmbWeb.

This error usually happens when the project main program does not have 
the webmodule unit in it's uses statement.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] New application type: HTTP standalone server

2011-06-03 Thread ABorka

On 6/2/2011 10:46, Leonardo M. Ramé wrote:

Michael, I added a webmodule to testhttp and got two problems.

1 - Could not determine HTTP module for request "". Even if I call it
the same way as I use with fpCGI and fpEmbWeb.

This error usually happens when the project main program does not have
the webmodule unit in it's uses statement.

I managed to reproduce the error; The error is only apparent if there are
multiple modules registered. I committed a fix in 17647.

This raises the question again of the FPWeb behaviour for


Now, 'Path' is interpreted as the name of the action for the default

For an embedded server, this is not logical. This should be the module
name, not the action name.


I disagree. The vast majority of web applications do not need multiple 
web modules (usually the default module is used), but they use multiple 
Therefore, action names should have priority over module names if only 
one of them is passed.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] New application type: HTTP standalone server

2011-06-03 Thread ABorka
> On Fri, 3 Jun 2011, ABorka wrote:
>>>> On 6/2/2011 10:46, Leonardo M. Ramé wrote:
>>>>> Michael, I added a webmodule to testhttp and got two problems.
>>>>> 1 - Could not determine HTTP module for request "". Even if I call it
>>>>> the same way as I use with fpCGI and fpEmbWeb.
>>>> This error usually happens when the project main program does not have
>>>> the webmodule unit in it's uses statement.
>>> I managed to reproduce the error; The error is only apparent if there
>>> are
>>> multiple modules registered. I committed a fix in 17647.
>>> This raises the question again of the FPWeb behaviour for
>>> http://somehost/path
>>> Now, 'Path' is interpreted as the name of the action for the default
>>> module.
>>> For an embedded server, this is not logical. This should be the module
>>> name, not the action name.
>>> Michael.
>> I disagree. The vast majority of web applications do not need multiple
>> web
>> modules (usually the default module is used), but they use multiple
>> actions.
>> Therefore, action names should have priority over module names if only
>> one of
>> them is passed.
> Hm. My experience is very different:
> I didn't make a web application yet that had a single module.
> All had at least 3 or 4... And they're all in production.
> Except some demo applications for FPC, they usually have 1  :-)
> Maybe we should introduce 'TWebHandler.PreferModuleName : Boolean', which
> is
> False by default.

And you do not specify the actions in the URLs when multiple web modules
are in your application? I think actions are always specified when web
modules are in the calling URL. But it is not true the other way around.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] New application type: HTTP standalone server

2011-06-03 Thread ABorka

On 6/2/2011 10:46, Leonardo M. Ramé wrote:

Michael, I added a webmodule to testhttp and got two problems.

1 - Could not determine HTTP module for request "". Even if I
call it
the same way as I use with fpCGI and fpEmbWeb.

This error usually happens when the project main program does not
the webmodule unit in it's uses statement.

I managed to reproduce the error; The error is only apparent if there
multiple modules registered. I committed a fix in 17647.

This raises the question again of the FPWeb behaviour for


Now, 'Path' is interpreted as the name of the action for the default

For an embedded server, this is not logical. This should be the module
name, not the action name.


I disagree. The vast majority of web applications do not need multiple
modules (usually the default module is used), but they use multiple
Therefore, action names should have priority over module names if only
one of
them is passed.

Hm. My experience is very different:
I didn't make a web application yet that had a single module.
All had at least 3 or 4... And they're all in production.

Except some demo applications for FPC, they usually have 1 :-)

Maybe we should introduce 'TWebHandler.PreferModuleName : Boolean',
False by default.

And you do not specify the actions in the URLs when multiple web modules
are in your application? I think actions are always specified when web
modules are in the calling URL. But it is not true the other way around.

Well, I never use actions. I always use the OnRequest handler of the module


Heh, then we use fpweb differently (as I am sure other people prefer 
doing it in many additional ways).  :)
I use one single web module with dozens of actions compared to multiple 
web modules with a single request handler that sorts out things. Much 
simpler and shorter calling URLs needed this way (an important thing 
when encrypting the action name and request Query parameters), and for 
me this way gives a nice organized source code in the web module, as all 
functions are nicely separated into action event handlers.
I am sure there are many perfectly good ways - other that the two of us 
are using - to use fpweb.

In my humble opinion, if someone uses Web Actions (and they are there 
and highly visible in the object inspector - not like web modules -, as 
well as Delphi-converts most probably know about them already) then 
Actions have higher priority than web modules in the calling URLs. 
Logically, - as a design paradigm - a web application has more actions 
than web modules (not that I can really put a definition on why and when 
multiple web modules would be needed...).
However, if someone is not using Web Actions at all, then this is not 
true in the case they use multiple web modules.

But, since your suggestion to add a TWebHandler.PreferModuleName 
(Default is False) - or similar - would not break any current projects, 
it would be an easy addition for the above cases.

I also have a question: Could you please list the function of the 
multiple web modules in your web applications? I never really saw a good 
use for multiple web modules, but they were implemented more than 10 
years ago in Delphi already too, so there must be a reason for that.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Uses Clause in LPR

2011-06-10 Thread ABorka

I found the same bug in the LazSolutions, and i reported to the
who has answered me.

He said, that bug is a IDE bug.

It is not a bug. It is correct behaviour.

The LazSolutionsRT should have the 'add to uses clause' flag not set: in
package dialog, choose options. then

'Package options' - 'Usage'

and then

uncheck the 'Add package unit to uses section' (no check mark should be

For Zeos, the same is probably true, but I do not know how the zeos package

It can be that after this, the same error occurs. If so, it means that
somewhere in the zeos code, the lazarus 'interfaces' unit is used, or a
that depends on the LCL. This unit must be rewritten if you want to use
in a CGI or any webserver project.


I am not sure what is the problem in this case, but I am using Zeos for 
CGI applications since years without any issues.
Even gave the 7.0.0 Alpha version a try, though it does not handle the 
strings properly with FPC/Lazarus unlike the stable 6.6.6 release. With 
7.0.0 alpha, sometimes just ?? comes back for string fields due to 
fpc/lazarus requiring UTF8 strings.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] EmbWeb: Moving between webapp type caveats

2011-06-13 Thread ABorka

Back to the problem, using relative URL is not a solution as well. When I do
http://localhost/proj/proj.cgi/module/action then if somewhere I put
public/style/style.css then the link becomes:
http://localhost/proj/proj.cgi/module/public/style/style.css, regardless of
the webapp type (at least on Chrome, don't know about other browsers). Isn't
there really a way somehow?

Because you need
indicating that it is a static file from the virtual path starting from 
document root.

is relative from the current virtual path, which can be anything 
physically in the file system, depending on the OS or weather you use 
CGI or Apache module, etc.
Also, if your CGI program opens files, it will need full physical paths, 
we can not use relative paths with it either, because it can be the main 
root dir on Linux or the Apache main dir (not the document root) on 
Windows. Usually not the physical path the CGI program resides in.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] EmbWeb: Moving between webapp type caveats

2011-06-13 Thread ABorka

Set it in some constant? When the webmodule still wasn't working good
enough, I used defines with a constant.

I use an .ini file, but the same idea. There can be a lot of things that 
a web app needs as a constant.
static paths, email server settings, template paths, url generation 
parameters (https or http, ports for development computer, etc.), db 
connection settings, etc.
This way it is the easiest to move from a development environment to a 
live system. All you need is to remove the .ini file (or constants by 
defines), or change its values.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Little problem with FPWeb

2011-06-14 Thread ABorka

I found a problem that i think it's a bug in FPWeb FW.

Steps to reproduce

1 - Create a new CGI Aplication;
2 - Create an action in the FPWebModule;
3 - Click on the OnRequest event button (to procedure create), dont
write any thing in procedure.
4 - Click on the save all button in IDE (in my Lazarus options, i set
true, the remove empty methods)
5 - Compile and test on apache.

It's generate an AV, because in object inspector, the call to method
doesn't cleared when the method is removed.

ps: Sorry my google english (hehehe)

best regards

Rafael Tuim Elias

Please, create a bug report on this.

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Little problem with FPWeb

2011-06-14 Thread ABorka


It is removed here.
Linux x86_64/qt, fpc 2.5.1, lazarus 31233.

ps: Sorry my google english (hehehe)


Win32 has the problem here with latest SVN FPC and Lazarus.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] GetTempDir return impartial path

2011-06-15 Thread ABorka

On 6/15/2011 12:09, silvioprog wrote:

Oops, the correct title is:

"GetTempDir return a partial path".

2011/6/15 silvioprog:


I trying to use the GetTempDir, but I get only partial result, e.g.:


Was to be:


How to I get the complete path of temp dir of server (Apache)?


ps. Sorry for my english. ^^'

It might be that your TEMP or TMP environment variable does not have the 
drive letter.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] GetTempDir return impartial path

2011-06-15 Thread ABorka


I trying to use the GetTempDir, but I get only partial result, e.g.:


Was to be:


How to I get the complete path of temp dir of server (Apache)?

GetTempDir returns the contents of the TEMP or TMP environment variable.
If you get one without drive, it is what Apache passes to your CGI program.



One note on that:
Apache does not pass the TEMP environment variable to CGI programs 
automatically, you need to tell it to do that in the Apache 
configuration file with a

PassEnv TEMP

(passes the TEMP environment variable as it is defined) or

SetEnv TEMP "c:/path/to/tmp/dir"

(sets the TEMP variable with the given value for the CGI program)


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] webmodule.pas(133, 11) Error: Identifier not found "Template"

2011-07-25 Thread ABorka

On 7/25/2011 16:57, silvioprog wrote:


I'm trying to compile the "fileupload" demo of package fpweb, but I
have the following error:

webmodule.pas(133,11) Error: Identifier not found "Template"

My environment:

Lazarus 0.9.31 r31782 FPC 2.5.1 i386-win32-win32/win64

TTemplate no more published?


The examples for fpweb under the Lazarus directory are all obsolete (and 
should be removed from the repository).

The updated ones are found with FPC now, under .../packages/fcl-web/


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] webmodule.pas(133, 11) Error: Identifier not found "Template"

2011-07-25 Thread ABorka

On 7/25/2011 18:21, silvioprog wrote:

2011/7/25 ABorka:

On 7/25/2011 16:57, silvioprog wrote:


I'm trying to compile the "fileupload" demo of package fpweb, but I
have the following error:

webmodule.pas(133,11) Error: Identifier not found "Template"

My environment:

Lazarus 0.9.31 r31782 FPC 2.5.1 i386-win32-win32/win64

TTemplate no more published?


The examples for fpweb under the Lazarus directory are all obsolete (and
should be removed from the repository).
The updated ones are found with FPC now, under .../packages/fcl-web/


Thx AB. ^^

Forgot to mention that the change was done, so people do not get 
confused between the Web Actions' template property with the Web Module 
global template property which both were named the same: "Template".
Now the Web Actions all have a "Template" property (no change here), 
while the Web Module has a global "ModuleTemplate" property (Template 
was renamed to ModuleTemplate).


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] getting started with ExtPascal

2011-08-11 Thread ABorka

On 8/11/2011 13:38, Marc Santhoff wrote:

Am Donnerstag, den 11.08.2011, 21:04 +0200 schrieb Marc Santhoff:

I know from memory there are some rich
client support techniques, but I forgot the names.

Found it it is ExtJS / ExtPascal.

Since I'm planning a program being some sort of feasibility study in the
first stage and only eventually will go into production use, I'd like to
keep the amount of work small.

Can someone comment on the efford of getting started using the two?


You do not need extpascal to use extjs with FPC.
There are working examples on using ExtJS directly with FPC in the 
/packages/fcl-web/examples/ directory of FPC (might be the latest SVN only)

The /examples/combined as well as all the /examples/webdata/ contains 
multiple demos.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] debug hints in lazarus [Re: [fpc-devel] Status and ideas about debug info (stabs, dwarf / dwar3)]

2011-09-13 Thread ABorka


Because I use the watch window. I display:
And the output looks quite good as well

The "Watch List" window is rather broken as far as I'm concerned.


Or as far back in time as

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Developing with fcl-web

2014-07-26 Thread ABorka

There is some information on what Michael mentions below here:,13312.15.html

It might help a little. The linked post has some explanation on the 
different (3 ways) FCGI solutions with apache and fpc/lazarus.


On 7/26/2014 05:47, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Sat, 26 Jul 2014, Reimar Grabowski wrote:


first of all, sorry if the information is out there, but I did not
find anything usefull to help me along.

I need to build a server-side application (fcgi is my choice) that
gets send some json, processes it and communicates with a mysql
database, simple enough.
Looks like all this is perfectly doable without any problems with
Lazarus and fcl-web, at least the 'gets send some json and processes
it'-part I have already done for another project.
But it was a pain to develop.
For such kind of projects I am used to Java and development in Eclipse.
My major problem with Lazarus is where is my server?

That depends.

In Eclipse I just configure my Tomcat or whatever other container I
want to use, press 'run on server' and voila, eclipse starts Tomcat
and my application with full logging working inside the IDE to be
found at 'http://localhost:8080/myapp'.
If I need breakpoints or single stepping, I just start the server in
debug mode and all is well.
So how do I configure Lazarus to do about the same?

It depends on how you set it up.

I found some mentioning of fpembweb or lazaruswebdesign packages but
nothing concrete about where to find or how to use them.
Surely some of you guys do such kind of development with Lazarus and I
cannot believe that everybody runs a local apache and copies his
executable around after every compile (my apache is on a VM which made
it even more work to copy the files around and there was no debugging
capability to speak of).
So it boils down to let Lazarus run the fcgi app (can be another app
type if it is easy to switch it to fcgi for deployment) on an
(embedded) server, with logging output shown in the IDE and the option
to use a debugger with breakpoints and single stepping.

There are 2 options:

1. Use embedded server to do the debugging; that part is easy, it's like
running a normal executable.
You don't need apache for this.

2. You can run the fastcgi server if you use, but then
you must use the ExternalFastCGIServer option, and configure the fastcgi
application to listen on this port:

In Apache, configure
FastCgiExternalServer /home/michael/public_html/testht -host -idle-timeout 3 -flush
Here 10020 is the port to listen on, and
/home/michael/public_html/testht is the URL that will be the 'base' url
for your fastcgi app.

In that case, your fastcgi application must be configured to listen on
the same port:
in the project source file.

Restart apache, run your executable, and do a request through the
browser. That's it.

Note that you cannot do this with the mod_fcgid module. I do believe
that in Apache 2.4, mod_proxy can handle this situation, but I haven't
tried yet.


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