[Lazarus] Setting TStringGrid row/col border styles

2014-03-22 Thread Gary Randall
I'm new to Lazarus/FPC but had a lot of Delphi experience over 20 years ago. 
I'm baffled finding help for customizing stringgrid to use different row/col
border styles, etc..  I understand that I need to use the OnPrepareCanvas
and OnDrawCell events and have made some minor progress setting custom row
heights and grid colors but I don't seem to be able to find help on the
various object properties that I need.  I do see the popups for object
properties in the source editor, but then I can't find anything on
parameters, etc..  Any suggestions about finding help and recommendations on
properties would be appreciated.  Specifically, I need to change the
penstyle and weight of row/col borders.

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Re: [Lazarus] Setting TStringGrid row/col border styles

2014-03-24 Thread Gary Randall
Thank you for your help Reinier and Howard.  Let me give you some background. 
I'm evaluating Lazarus/FPC to convert a large Excel engineering scheduling
VBA program (16K lines of code x 3 similar modules) to Pascal.  I developed
it in VBA for a friend because Excel's formatting and shape controls made it
easy to prototype the look and feel he wanted.  Unfortunately, we can't use
Excel to distribute it commercially because of it's lack of security and the
need to revise it to run under constantly changing MS Office.  The program
is stable in 32 bit and we'd like to have it run on other platforms. 
Besides that,  I really loved Delphi when I used it years ago and have
converted one engineering program with Lazarus already.  Our program does
not need spreadsheet calculation capability since almost all data is entered
directly, or pasted from form and shape controls.   From what I see so far,
Lazarus will let me do everything once I learn the finer details of existing
controls and relearn how to build components.

On the stringgrid, I should have said that I specifically need to change
SOME cell's attributes, such as cell borders, and I think it will need to
use DrawGrid.  I have read everything I can find find, such as the grid
reference you recommended, but this old brain has the remnants of too many
languages in it to sort it out quickly.  It's gotten too used to IDEs that
step you through object properties, events, etc..  From what I've read in
the archives, the standard procedure is to go to the Lazarus source code and
track down undocumented parameter and type requirements.  I hope I'm missing
some documentation.  I intend to pursue the Lazarus solution and would be
glad to do what engineers do - tabulate my findings.  

If someone can tell me how to post a .png image to the forum I can show you
the stringgrid format I need.  It's not complicated, but I need to duplicate
what we've created.  Any help is appreciated and I will reciprocate any way
I can.


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Re: [Lazarus] Setting TStringGrid row/col border styles

2014-03-24 Thread Gary Randall
Thanks Howard.  I did as you suggested.  I also did some more searching and
found the Lazarus Component Library help file (lcl.chm) which gives me the
component spec's I was looking for.


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Re: [Lazarus] learning advice for FPC/Lazarus noob

2015-08-03 Thread Gary Randall

Hi Gour,

I've been programming for 53 years, learning everything from machine and 
assembler languages to various OOPs.  When Delphi first came out I used 
it for four or five years and liked it. After retiring I was hired to 
write a program to run on multiple platforms.  I settled on FPC and 
elected to use the Lazarus GUI before trying anything else in order to 
learn Lazarus's limitations.  I purchased the "Lazarus, the Complete 
Guide" and "Learn to Program Using Pascal" package.  I refer to the 
guide when exploring methods, but find myself reaching most often for 
Howard Page-Smith's "Learn to Program Using Lazarus".  It has excellent 
examples and got me going in a hurry.  Like any language where you can 
get to the guts of things, the learning curve can be long, maybe even 
continuous.  The forum is also an excellent resource when you need a 
question answered.  I do Google searches starting with "Pascal Lazarus" 
and usually end up finding the answer in the forum.  I got "The Blaise 
Pascal Magazine" going back a bunch of issues as a bonus when I ordered 
the package and found many excellent articles in them.


On 8/3/2015 3:58 AM, Gour wrote:


after (too) much time exploring/evaluating different languages, I’ve
finally decided to use use FPC/Lazarus to write open-source
multi-platform desktop GUI app…

It would be kind of semi-hobby project and the reason why I took so long
to decide about Pascal is that I was using it long ago (>20yrs) while
studying software engineering on the University (we had to write some
compiler using TP, so I thought that some better language did
evolve. :-)

Of course, there are some interesting *languages*, but I simply do not
buy what web+JS is the only way to go to write app these days, and
that’s where FPC/Lazarus are shining very brightly!!

However, in the meantime, programming did not become my bread’n’butter,
so although programming is not strange/new thing to me, I need some
refreshment and looking for adequate literature/docs to equip myself to
use FPC/Lazarus for my GUI project…

I there is a ’bundle’
offering to buy Lazarus Complete Guide and get Learn to Program Using
Lazarus as downloadable PDF, so I wonder if it is good-enough for
learning FPC and start with Lazarus?

I’m aware there are lot of online docs available, but I am simply
accustomed to use/hold concrete books (if possible) and reduce my time
of starring at computer screens to save my eyes a bit.

Another option which I’ve found is: “Getting Started with Lazarus and
Free Pascal: A beginners and intermediate guide to Free Pascal using
Lazarus IDE” (http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1507632525/ref=rdr_ext_tmb) but
it seems it’s more into web development than writign desktop GUI apps?

Besides that, one Delphi/Lazarus user suggested to get some of the
“Marco Cantu's mastering.. series of older versions”, but not having
*any* experience with neither Delphi nor FPC/Lazarus, I’m looking for
some helpful hints which path to go?


p.s. I sent the same message from Gmane-subscribed group, but never
received its authorization message and it seems that the message went to
/dev/null, so, please, if anyone can check whether the information at
http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.ide.lazarus.general is correct since the
“requires subscription to mailing list to post” status usually means it
should be possible to post for subscribed users, while my experience is
more like “posting isn't allowed”?

Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] learning advice for FPC/Lazarus noob

2015-08-04 Thread Gary Randall

On 8/4/2015 12:14 PM, Gour wrote:

Is the magazine mostly about Delphi (my conclusion based on free issue)
or not?


Yes, the magazine has more Delphi than Lazarus, but the older issues in 
the bonus have some good Lazarus stuff.  Eventually, I want to convert 
some of my engineering software to smartphones so I enjoy those articles 
too.  And I can use the Delphi stuff.


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