Re: [Lazarus] EpikTimer v1.0.1 released

2014-05-28 Thread Tom Lisjac
On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 3:38 AM, Michael Schnell wrote:

 I use EpikTimer in my (soon to be released) work on the ActiveNoGUI Widget

 Here I found, that it is a rather appropriate use for EpikTimer to handle
 it in a static way, not creating an instance of TEpikTimer with every use
 of same, but simply to use class properties, class procedures and class
 functions of TEpikTimer.

 The advantage of this is that the overhead when creating an EpikTimer is
 reduced to zero.

Hi Michael,

I'm having a little trouble understanding where new functionality is needed
for your use case. With the existing code, you don't need to create an
EpikTimer instance each time you need a new timer. A single instance
supports an unlimited number of timers using the TimerData record from the
EpikTimer unit:

TimerData = record
  Running:Boolean; // Timer is currently running
  TimebaseUsed:TimeBaseSelector; // keeps timer aligned with the source
that started it.
  StartTime:TickType; // Ticks sample when timer was started
  TotalTicks:TickType; // Total ticks... for snapshotting and pausing

You can declare any number these records to create as many timers as you
need. Here's an example for a single ET instance of EpikTimer:

Function TimedExecution: Extended;
  TickTick:Array[1..1000] of TimerData; // if you need a thousand timers
  ET.Clear(TimerB); // Declared timers must be cleared before use
  For i:=1 to 1000 do ET.Clear(TickTick[i]);


ET.Stop (TimerA);

ET.Stop (TimerB);


The mechanism is pretty efficient as the record for each timer is only a
few dozen bytes. One instance is necessary to do the initialization that
detects the available timebases and does a rough overhead calibration for
system calls. There's always going to be edge jitter with userland calls,
so calibrating each timer wouldn't add certainty to the overall measurement.

If I'm not understanding the problem you're trying to solve, could you
please explain it a little further?


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] How to program with time in milliseconds?

2014-05-19 Thread Tom Lisjac
On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 11:54 AM, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

 On 2014-05-19 11:03, Michael Schnell wrote:
  Obviously I can't _use_ EpricTimer there, as it uses (IMHO
  inappropriately) (graphics-) stuff that is not implemented in a non-GUI

 You are clearly using a very outdated version. That was fixed 2+ years
 ago. Get the latest code from SubVersion instead of the ZIP download.

There's no question that the component needs an update as the current zip
on the Lazarus-ccr was packaged in 2006. SVN is more current and Graeme and
I will get together and roll any additional improvements he's made into a
new release.

If we need to make improvements to the core measurement routines for better
cross platform support, some additional input would be helpful. For
hardware timing, I see the following support across processor types:

There is a Performance API (PAPI) standard for cross platform access to
those counters, but probably not a candidate as it requires OS support.
Regarding OS based timing, my experience is limited to Linux and Intel/AMD,
so if there's a more universal approach, I'd be very interested in learning
more about it.


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Re: [Lazarus] How to program with time in milliseconds?

2014-05-19 Thread Tom Lisjac
 Tom and I would welcome patches for EpikTimer.

 Maybe EpikTimer should move to the Git repo of Lazarus-CCR so others
 could easily clone and share their feature branches (say via Github).

Fully agree... great idea!


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Re: [Lazarus] How to program with time in milliseconds?

2014-05-18 Thread Tom Lisjac
On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 12:17 PM, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

 On 2014-05-18 00:49, Tom Lisjac wrote:
  I'm adding some clarification and context to your ongoing comments about
  EpikTimer in this and other threads.

 Tom, as I have mentioned in this thread, I have some improvements in my
 local copy of EpikTimer, which oddly I haven't shared with the
 community. I'll create a patch set and pass it on to whomever maintains
 EpikTimer (in Lazarus-CCR I believe?).

Hi Graeme,

I remember you mentioned making some improvements and it would be great to
include them in a new release. The demo program is compiling again thanks
to some much appreciated help from the list last week. Also installed
Lazarus on the Raspberry Pi to see if EpikTimer has any issues on ARM. If
so, I'd like to get them resolved before we post an updated zip on the


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] How to program with time in milliseconds?

2014-05-17 Thread Tom Lisjac
Dear Mr. Michael Van Canneyt,

I'm adding some clarification and context to your ongoing comments about
EpikTimer in this and other threads.

 Snip EpikTimer code

Why you would not use fpnanosleep on CPUX86_64 as well is a mystery to

There's no mystery here. I wrote EpikTimer in 2003 with a few months of
experience on a 32 bit version of Lazarus. The code still works, but a lot
has changed around it over the last 11 years.

 Epiktimer is probably the most overrated component on lazarus-ccr. No
idea why people still recommend it, unless I missed something :(

No mystery here either. You never miss an opportunity to criticize
EpikTimer for reasons I've never been able to understand.

If there's another component or technique that does this better, can you
please recommend it rather then relentlessly criticizing the one I

 Of course in the end I need something that works for any CPU and OS.
 There is nothing. EpikTimer pretends to fill this gap, but it does not.
 Don't get me wrong: I have nothing against the epiktimer, but it is
presented as some super cross-platform solution (or so I perceive it).

To clarify, EpikTimer was created in 2003 to help simplify the measurement
of elapsed time. It used the x86 TSC hardware, if available and reverted to
the system clock if it wasn't. I needed this capability and thought others
might as well. My original version was documented to only work on 32 bit
Linux and was never presented as a super cross-platform solution. Over
the years other contributors modified it for Windows and 64 bit operation.

Epiktimer was written during the early days of the Lazarus project when
cross platform capability was an evolving dream and the IDE was just
starting to be stable on Linux. The code is 11 years old, but despite it's
age, EpikTimer still works well, is downloaded many times per week and
actively used across a variety of projects. It could use an update and
re-release that I was starting to work on but at this point I've lost my
enthusiasm to complete it.


On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 7:57 AM, Michael Van Canneyt

 On Mon, 12 May 2014, Reinier Olislagers wrote:

  On 12/05/2014 13:32, Michael Schnell wrote:

 On 05/11/2014 09:44 AM, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

 Take a look at EpikTimer. It uses hardware timers where available, with
 an easy to use API for the developer.

 IO took a look.

 Seemingly this is only available for X86 and X86_64.

 How did you get that idea? The wiki page even explicitly mentions ARM.

 Yes, it WORKS on arm.

 But on all systems except i386, you can just as well use Now() and
 Sleep(), because that is what epiktimer uses:

 (sources quoted from the lazarus-ccr repository)

 function SystemTicks: TickType;
 {$IFDEF Windows}
 var t : timeval;
   Result := (TickType(t.tv_sec) * 100) + t.tv_usec;


 function TEpikTimer.SystemSleep(Milliseconds: Integer):Integer;
 {$IFDEF Windows}
   Result := 0;
   {$IFDEF CPUX86_64}
   Result := 0;
   timerequested, timeremaining: timespec;
   timerequested.tv_sec:=Milliseconds div 1000;
   timerequested.tv_nsec:=(Milliseconds mod 1000) * 100;
   Result := fpnanosleep(@timerequested, @timeremaining) // returns 0 if ok

 Why you would not use fpnanosleep on CPUX86_64 as well is a mystery to

 Epiktimer is probably the most overrated component on lazarus-ccr. No idea
 why people still recommend it, unless I missed something :(


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Re: [Lazarus] int64 assignment fails

2014-05-11 Thread Tom Lisjac
That was it... many thanks to you and Flavio!


On Sat, May 10, 2014 at 11:41 PM, leledumbo

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Free Pascal - Lazarus mailing list archive at

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[Lazarus] int64 assignment fails

2014-05-10 Thread Tom Lisjac
fpc-2.6.4-1.x86_64. says Argument can't be assigned to when trying to
compile the following:

  TickType = Int64;

  TimebaseData = record
TicksFrequency: TickType;

  TEpikTimer= class(TComponent)
  property HWTimebase: TimeBaseData read FHWTicks write FHWTicks;

  TForm1 = class(TForm);

  procedure TForm1.Button8CLICK(Sender: TObject);
  ET.HWTimebase.TicksFrequency:=10; // Fails

This used to compile and seems like a straightforward int64 assignment. Has
something changed where this is no longer allowed?


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Is Lazarus project in a downward spiral?

2010-03-09 Thread Tom Lisjac
On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 1:38 AM, Vincent Snijders wrote:
 Alexander Klenin schreef:

 On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 13:44, Hans-Peter Diettrich

 It's not so simple. Guess why it took me more than a year to implement
 usable docking - it's not a matter of implementation, but a matter of
 discussions what is *allowed* to change in a poor interface, and what
 additional LCL/Delphi incompatibilities already have been introduced and
 must be respected by all new code. It's almost impossible to replace an
 inappropriate implementation by a better model, because some existing
 *could* be broken by such an change - unless such a suggestion comes from
 core developer, who simply changes his existing code.

 I wholeheartedly agree with the above -- a purely theoretical
 backwards incompatibility
 issue already prevented me from contributing to at least one Lazarus

 I wonder how such wishes can be reconciled with wishes from Tom Lisjac for
 example to have more stable lazarus, not changing compatibility every
 release (if that is what actually happens).

I don't remember suggesting that compatibility should never change
between major releases. What we've been talking about in this thread
is for stability issues to *start* being considered and to *begin*
managing changes so version impacts on production developers and
existing code would be minimized or at least well documented. Borland
always did this with new version releases, so when they made changes,
the community understood and was fully prepared for them.

The stability issue occurs when arbitrary changes are tossed in
randomly and without regard for their impact existing code... and with
no documentation. This doesn't mean that there has to be total
compatibility between a version 1.0 and 2.0 if necessary changes and
their impact on existing code are clearly documented.

It also won't be an easy or straightforward process managing
codebreaking decisions because there will always be genuinely good
reasons to make changes... but starting the process of managing code
impacting changes is an essential next step if there's ever going to
be a credible 1.0, 2.0, 3.0... etc for this project.

This thread was simply intended to flag a real world problem that
developers are having when trying to create production code with this
tool. Many of us were hoping to see a civil discussion of that topic
that might have even lead to finding a mutually agreeable solution.
I'm sorry that didn't happen but I'm hoping it will at a later time...
and definitely before a serious effort is made to release a 1.0.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Is Lazarus project in a downward spiral?

2010-03-09 Thread Tom Lisjac
On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 2:30 AM, Florian Klaempfl wrote:
 Rigel Rig schrieb:
 Until then, do not be surprised why there are not many new programmers

 Luckily enough we heard the same for FPC and experience showed that 1.0
 didn't change anything regarding contributors. So this argument is
 simply nonsense.

When the 1.0 compiler came out, Delphi was cheap, worked well and
dominated the market. At the time, mainstream Pascal developers had no
reason to care about that other compiler or volunteer to support it.

... but how times have changed! :)

It's a totally different landscape now, Florian... and it's completely
flawed to compare the lack of motivation for volunteers with the 1.0
compiler to the current situation with Lazarus.


Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Is Lazarus project in a downward spiral?

2010-03-06 Thread Tom Lisjac
 It's a matter of the glass being
 half-empty or half-full. Graeme currently sees a half-empty glass.

I think the point of these threads is not how one views a partially
filled glass... but that it remains in a partial state year after year
with no clear goal to ever make it full.

A Lazarus 1.0 would go a long way toward filling the glass, but it's
only half of the equation. To provide a stable and production ready
platform, the compiler developers must also commit to respecting
developer codebases and not breaking them with frivolous language
changes... otherwise even with a Lazarus 1.0, the glass will remain
clouded and one that large scale and commercial developers will
continue to avoid drinking from.

Tools are judged by what they have built... not on their potential.
Frustration sometimes bubbles up on these threads because the
potential is there... and the potential is great! No other open source
tool of comparable power exists for generating light, fast, self
contained and cross-platform graphical apps with an equally fast and
full featured IDE. Given the bloated or proprietary alternatives,
Lazarus/FPC should be the tool of choice for creating world class apps
for all the major OS environments... but as Graeme accurately pointed
out, what we have today is still potential.

The only thing that is stopping Lazarus/FPC from become a stable,
mainstream production tool is attitudes... and I'm hoping threads like
these will cause a change of focus across the core teams from feature
development to stabilize what we have and to release 1.0 as Paul
Ishenin suggested yesterday.



Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Is Lazarus project in a downward spiral?

2010-03-05 Thread Tom Lisjac
On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 8:47 PM, Paul Ishenin wrote:

 My current goal is to stabilize what we have and to release 1.0.

For a project goal, it would be hard to top that one for conciseness
and clarity of purpose... well said, Paul!



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[Lazarus] ZVDateTimeControls Package available on Lazarus-ccr

2010-02-27 Thread Tom Lisjac
Zoran Vučenović has created a full featured, cross-platform time/date
picker component along with a data aware version. It's available on
the Lazarus-ccr under a new Time and Date folder or via this direct
download link:

Documentation for the component set can be found here:



Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Release 1.0, part 2

2009-11-29 Thread Tom Lisjac
On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 2:28 AM, Marco van de Voort wrote:
 On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 09:14:52PM -0700, Tom Lisjac wrote:
 The problem I see is credibility... or if we write a lot of code with
 Lazarus/FPC, will it be maintainable with the project in perpetual

 Personally I think this discussion is funny, weeks before 2.4.0 comes out
 and lazarus faces a transition to a new resources system.

Of course technology evolves and changes will need to be introduced
over time... the problem is that better version control needs to start
now so pure app coders won't have to be in the development loop on a
daily basis to keep up.

In the current beta model, changes are  added on the fly and anyone
developing code has to follow the development track on an almost daily
basis to keep their code working. This isn't realistic for a wider
audience that just wants to use the tool to write apps and have
confidence that they'll be able to compile them next year without
having to review all the development threads and changes that took
place in between.

Formalizing a 1.0 would establish a well defined baseline and make it
possible to provide release notes that describe exactly what aspects
of the 1.0 code would be impacted when moving to version 2, 3, 4, etc.
On the other hand, if the project keeps wandering around in a beta
state where changes continue to be introduced on the fly, all the
code that's currently out there will continue to become more and more
broken with each passing day without a clear path for getting it

 Anyway, if I have to choose between credibility for Delphi users searching
 for a quick fix, and the more deeply committed serious contributing users, I
 know which I choose.

 The serious users will consider the current restrained version policy as
 more serious and see through a cheap spin.

I would agree if I believed that Lazarus/FPC had any serious users.
Other then the core development team, their employers and people who
closely follow the development track, who is using this toolchain for
deploying serious public or commercial work?

That wasn't a frivolous question and if such a listing exists, I'd be
very interested in seeing it and noting its length. Here in the US,
doing a search on for Lazarus returns Sorry, we didn't
find any Lazarus jobs. A search for Delphi returns a total of 17
nationwide whereas Java returns 2,817, C# 1,159 and Linux 1,817.
Delphi is already a relic in the US, but with changes, I hope there's
still a future for Lazarus/FPC as a serious commercial tool.

In another part of this thread someone pointed out that more
developers are needed then users. I disagree. From my perspective, the
Linux kernel again provides a useful model for a successful project
that started with one guy. Once the kernel had achieved critical
mass on a technical level (meaning it basically worked), Linus was
able to sell a bunch of other people on trying it out... and some of
those people were developers. What happened next is part of history.

Lazarus has had critical mass for a long time. Even in 2002 I found
it to be a very capable and stable tool and I thoroughly enjoyed
working with it. In it's current state it is nothing short of awesome!
What is needed now is to get more people actually looking at it... and
if we can achieve that higher visibility and enthusiasm within the
larger community, some of those new users will be developers.

Where the days of Delphi are fading, the story of Lazarus is still
evolving. At this point I see it as a developer's project that has
been almost ready for wider use for far too many years. It's true
that 1.0 is just a number... but it is the one that will clearly
signal our critical mass and hopefully be the trigger that will
start moving this great tool into the programming mainstream... and
the job market.



Lazarus mailing list

Re: [Lazarus] Release 1.0, part 2

2009-11-29 Thread Tom Lisjac
Hi Florian,

On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 2:12 AM, Florian Klaempfl wrote:
 Tom Lisjac schrieb:
 To compare, Linux is now running corporate
 datacenters around the world... and Lazarus is still in beta with very
 few public applications deployed.

 The same might be applied to delphi too: it appears that there are few
 public applications deployed.

Given it's relatively brief life, there are actually quite a few well
known applications, including Skype, TOAD, Altium Designer, The
Bat!,...etc that were built with Delphi:

Sourceforge currently hosts 3,170 Delphi/Kylix related projects while
Torry's and DSP also list thousands of Delphi related applications and

In contrast, the lazarus-ccr has 56 packages at last count and
Sourceforge shows 124 Lazarus and 432 Pascal projects. These small
numbers provide an alarming perspective on the total Lazarus/FPC
mindshare as Sourceforge also hosts 20,313 projects for Java, 14,645
for php, 13,987 for C#/C++,  5,208 for Python and even 2,030 just for
the Eclipse ide.

 source level past the version 1.0 release
 that will hopefully be shared by the FPC team.

 When did FPC break source level stuff not being a bug fix?

During this time last year, I was working on a large project that I
intended to deploy to several thousand users within my company. The
compiler/ide was working great, but I was also tracking the compiler
svn to make sure I didn't get into creeping features trouble that
might break the project and cause maintenance issues downstream. Sure
enough, sometime during the Nov/Dec 2008 timeframe I got a compile
error with the new version. I don't remember the details but found a
small posting explaining that this was due to a permanent change in
the scoping of inherited class variables in this and future compiler
versions. I will have to un-archive the project to provide the
specifics, but I remember having to move some variables out of either
private or protected and exposing them more globally to get my
application to compile.

Regardless of the specifics, this was a change to the language within
2.x that broke my code at the source level. Changing the scope of a
variable in post production would have also triggered a QA review and
unwanted visibility for using beta software... so I decided to put
the idea on hold and wait another year to see if Lazarus and FPC would
come together at 1.0 and become a unified, non-experimental tool that
I could rely on for production coding. That year has passed and here
we are.

With all that I've said over the last few days, I sincerely hope that
you and the other developers have not interpreted any of my comments
as criticism. The accomplishments of the compiler and IDE teams have
been both inspiring and spectacular! But at this point, I think it's
time to revisit some prevailing attitudes and make a few adjustments.
In short, after over a decade of brilliant, creative work, it's time
to stop pushing back on the idea of a 1.0 for Lazarus/FPC and to rally
behind the goals of production stability for application builders and
promoting a wider utilization for this outstanding tool while the
window of opportunity for it still exists.



Lazarus mailing list

[Lazarus] Release 1.0, part 2

2009-11-28 Thread Tom Lisjac
 So what exactly is the Lazarus team afraid of in getting to v1.0?

 Since we think it's not ready for 1.0.


The above comment seems to have stopped the previous Version 1.0
thread so I'm starting a new one with the hopes of hearing some
additional comments and suggestions for achieving this goal. Of course
the core compiler and ide development teams have done an awesome job
over the many years that this project has been in process, but *many*
others have also contributed their time and energy along the way and
have an interest in seeing this project achieve a 1.0 release.
Personally, I'd like to see Lazarus and FPC start to move forward and
get the respect and larger following that they deserve... but with
it's history and stalled 1.0, I don't blame any noob, experienced
developer or business that makes an informed decision to avoid this

The problem I see is credibility... or if we write a lot of code with
Lazarus/FPC, will it be maintainable with the project in perpetual
beta?. Delphi was stable from release 2 and code I developed with it
in versions 2, 3, 4 and 5 continued to just work as I upgraded. Not
the case here. I've been writing new code with Lazarus since 2002 and
have learned that anything I write today is virtually guaranteed to be
broken and uncompilable tomorrow because somebody thought it would be
cool to change some aspect of the Object Pascal language or completely
revise a library interface or function. It's become a lot of work to
maintain the stuff I've already written and I'm reluctantly
considering not using Lazarus for any new projects.

Businesses laugh in our general direction over the code breakage issue
where a project investment using Lazarus/FPC may end up a QA and
maintenance nightmare. This view is shared by many of my colleagues
who can't understand why I'm still using a beta ide on a dinosaur
language from the 80's. How's that for an insult? I agree with
Graeme's posting that this has become a public relations issue... an
obvious one. I'm also starting to see it as a squandered opportunity
to displace the bloated languages on the Linux platform where fast,
compact and self contained Lazarus apps should be a dominant presence
right now... today.

Yes, Lazarus is an open source project, people work on it for fun and
there is no business entity that is promoting it. Lazarus has been
active for around 10 years and FPC even longer then that. The Linux OS
also started to emerge during this same timeframe with the same type
of development model. To compare, Linux is now running corporate
datacenters around the world... and Lazarus is still in beta with very
few public applications deployed.

I don't think a case can be made that the project isn't ready for
1.0... after 10 years of development and it's current, impressive
state, of course it is. The next steps are to actively discuss the
finer points of what ready is and to set a definite goal to achieve
it. As I see it, this will involve a feature set freeze, establishing
bug thresholds *and* making a reasonably sincere commitment to not
break compatibility at the source level past the version 1.0 release
that will hopefully be shared by the FPC team.

A version 1.0 milestone is crucial and much more then a given feature
set and minimized bug list. It also conveys the idea of stability and
confidence to anyone who may be interested in investing their time to
learn the language, use the tools and create something of lasting
value.  If we don't start building that confidence in the larger
community pretty soon, this project will continue to be viewed as a
toy and will eventually become a relic to a once great development



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[Lazarus] FileMenuHandler and bzip2lib packages available on the Lazarus-ccr

2009-11-07 Thread Tom Lisjac
Juha Manninen has converted a streaming library wrapper for bzip2 and
a FileMenuHandler component for use with Lazarus. Documentation pages
have been added to the Lazarus wiki and the packages are now available
for download:

The documentation for these packages can be found here:

Thanks Juha!

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