Re: [lazarus] Changes in TDateEdit

2006-11-28 Thread Aleksey Lagunov

What about the TEdit properties removed from for example TCalcEdit, 
most notably Text, but also Action?

In TCalcEdit publishe 2 property: AsInteger and AsFloat
whether it is necessary to publish Text?
Action I shall correct

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Re: [lazarus] path for graphics.diff

2006-10-08 Thread Aleksey Lagunov

Flávio Etrusco ?:

IIRC these are not Delphi standard colors, but additional color
defined by RxLib and then inherited by JVCL. There could be some

Delphi 7
unit Graphics
line 92
clMoneyGreen = TColor($C0DCC0);
clSkyBlue = TColor($F0CAA6);
clCream = TColor($F0FBFF);
clMedGray = TColor($A4A0A0);

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[lazarus] path for graphics.diff

2006-10-07 Thread Aleksey Lagunov

delphi compatible colors:
 clMoneyGreen, clSkyBlue and clMedGray 

--- graphics.pp (revision 10045)
+++ graphics.pp (working copy)
@@ -241,6 +241,10 @@
   clNone= TColor($1FFF);
   clDefault = TColor($2000);
+  clMoneyGreen = TColor($C0DCC0);
+  clSkyBlue= TColor($F0CAA6);
+  clMedGray= TColor($A4A0A0);
   //System colors
   clScrollBar   = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_SCROLLBAR);
   clBackground  = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_BACKGROUND);
@@ -1446,7 +1450,7 @@
 { Color mapping routines }
-  Colors: array[0..109] of TIdentMapEntry = (
+  Colors: array[0..112] of TIdentMapEntry = (
 // The following colors match the predefined Delphi Colors
 (Value: clBlack; Name: 'clBlack'),
 (Value: clMaroon; Name: 'clMaroon'),
@@ -1571,7 +1575,10 @@
 (Value: clActiveBackground; Name: 'clActiveBackground'),
 (Value: clActiveShadow; Name: 'clActiveShadow'),
 (Value: clActiveHighlight; Name: 'clActiveHighlight'),
-(Value: clActiveHighlightedText; Name: 'clActiveHighlightedText')
+(Value: clActiveHighlightedText; Name: 'clActiveHighlightedText'),
+(Value: clMoneyGreen; Name: 'clMoneyGreen'),
+(Value: clSkyBlue; Name: 'clSkyBlue'),
+(Value: clMedGray; Name: 'clMedGray')
 function IdentEntry(Entry: Longint; var MapEntry: TIdentMapEntry): boolean;

Re: [lazarus] Rx components not compiling

2006-10-05 Thread Aleksey Lagunov

Nataraj S Narayan ?:


When I try to compile Rx or RxNew compos on Lazarus latest svn and fpc 
2.1.1 svn , I get this:-

/root/lazarus/components/rx/apputils.pp(372,14) Error: identifier 
idents no member SetDesigning

Should I go for fpc 2.0.4 ?

i'm create path for fix

--- apputils.pp (revision 10021)
+++ apputils.pp (working copy)
@@ -360,18 +360,8 @@
   THackComponent = class(TComponent)
-  public
-class procedure SetOtherDesigning(AComponent: TComponent; Value: Boolean);
-{ THackComponent }
-class procedure THackComponent.SetOtherDesigning(AComponent: TComponent;
-  Value: Boolean);
-  AComponent.SetDesigning(Value);
 procedure ReadFormPlacement(Form: TForm; IniFile: TCustomIniFile;
   const Section: string; LoadState, LoadPosition: Boolean);
@@ -404,11 +394,11 @@
   if (Position in [poScreenCenter , poDesktopCenter ]) and
 not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
   Position := poDesigned;
-  THackComponent.SetOtherDesigning(Form,False);
+  THackComponent(Form).SetDesigning(False);

Re: [lazarus] Need components: TTimeEdit and TCurrencyEdit

2006-03-07 Thread Aleksey Lagunov

Mariano ?:

Hi! i'm developing an application... but i need some components that i
realized they aren't...

TTimeEdit(like TTimeEdit, but just only Time :) ) and TcurrencyEdit
(Different to TFloatSpinEdit; because it hasn't the property

where can i download it?

thanks! (yes... i don't speak English very well...)

20 años

TCurrencyEdit included in my port of RxLib

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